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Device Not Connected to i1Profiler on Macintosh

Customer is unable to get their measurement device to connect to i1Profiler on MacThere are a couple of things that might be a factor in the connection issue of the i1 device on a Mac. First, make sure that the Mac operating system sees the device. This can be done by opening Apple > About this Mac > System Report. In this window, select USB under the Hardware contents. Make sure the i1 measurement device shows under the USB Device Tree. If not, the USB device isn't recognized by the Mac. In this case, make sure that you are plugged directly into the computer and avoid USB extensions or plugging into keyboards, monitors, or docking stations.  You may want to try another USB port or a powered USB hub that has its own power supply. 

If the Mac is in fact showing the instrument plugged in, the first thing recommended is to leave it plugged into the USB port and select "Reset Device" at the bottom of i1Profiler's home page. If that fails to resolve it, restart the computer. with the i1 measurement device connected.  This will restart the X-Rite Device Services (XRD) that are used to allow the i1Profiler software and the instrument to communicate. 

Lastly, make sure that the X-Rite Device Services (XRD) are in fact running. Open i1Proifiler software with the device connected to the Mac and go to Finder and choose Go > Utilities > Activity monitor. Do you see XRDD running? If not we will need to reinstall i1Profiler 3.3.0 from the following link:

If the device still fails to connect to the i1Profiler software application, try the following:
  1. Connect the i1 measurement device.
  2. Navigate to: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Frameworks/XRiteDevice.framework/Versions/B/Resources
  3. Double-click on the "xrdd" Unix executable and it will open a Terminal window
  4. Keep the Terminal window open and now open i1Profiler to test.
  5. If this allows connection, right-click on "xrdd" and choose "Make alias".  Drag the new alias to a location on your computer (i.e., i1Profiler application folder) to double-click on before using i1Profiler in the future. 
  6. Close Terminal after profiling

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