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EIZO Displays - Which Models Support ADC?

Customer does not know if their EIZO display will be able to use ADC

The following is the list of EIZO displays that i1Profiler can support for Display Data Channel (DDC) at the time of this posting (3/1/2012).  This means that the Automatic Display Calibration (ADC) feature in i1Profiler will work with the following models if the user elects to use ADC instead of manually adjust contrast, brightness, and/or RGB channels.  EIZO's DDC functionality requires the display's USB to be connected to the computer.  Reboot the computer after connecting the display's USB to the computer.
ADC supported EIZO displays (as of 3/1/2012):  

ADC is able to support only these displays because the Software Development Kit (SDK) that EIZO supplied to X-Rite only supports these displays.  When EIZO releases newer display models, X-Rite will need to update the capabilities within i1Profiler to support newer displays.

Please remember that if there is no support for ADC on a particular model, i1Profiler is still able to provide an accurate profile.  The user will simply need to make the necessary manual adjustments thru their monitor's menu when prompted by the software.

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