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M-Read and the 390

Application :M-Read
Vendor :Dave Norby & Associates
Platform :PC
Version :Unknown
Cabling :SE108-92 (cable), SE108-99 (coaxial to phone jack - power supply adapter) and SE30-61 (power supply)
Notes :

ACR type database storage and reporting for mammography processor control. Setup is fully described in the M-Read operation manual. In brief, Per Dave's book pgs 9..10; first load Epson I/O preset*. Next return to the configuration menu and set the following:


baud= 2400
dec. pt. =OFF

Later in Dave's manual is a full description of the PC I/O setup. Again briefly, Dave instructs 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, NO parity. Finally... the cable listed above is a "Y" type having two separate tails. The common end goes to the X-Rite instrument. The "A" tail to a printer or PC and the "B" tail to a modem (391 only).


* Note: Versions v6313 and higher have an I/O preset designed to quickly pre-configure the instrument. The notes above will work in any case... but if you have the X-Read preset you can save a few keystrokes: Use X-Read rather than Epson where possible.

The support number for Dave Norby & Associates is... 608-846-9811

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