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Transfering a PANTONE Color Manager (PCM) license

I need to move my PANTONE Color Manager (PCM) license to another computerIn order to transfer PANTONE Color Manager to a new computer, you need to deactivate your current installation. 

PANTONE Color Manager 2.1 and later allows you to perform license transfers on your own. The steps to do this are as follows: 

1. Launch PANTONE Color Manager on the current machine. You must be running version 2.1 or later in order to perform these steps*. 
2. Go to PANTONE Color Manager/Activation (Mac) or Help/Activation (Windows). The Activation window launches. 
3. Click the 'Deactivate' button on the Activation window to disable the current installation. PANTONE Color Manager will no longer function after deactivation. 
4. Install the software on the new machine. 
5. Launch the software, and enter the serial number and click 'Activate' when prompted. 
6. Your license transfer is completed. 

* To update to the latest release of PANTONE Color Manager simply select PANTONE Color Manager/Check for Updates (Mac) or Help/Check for Updates (Windows). Alternately, log into your myPANTONE account and go to helpCENTER./software downloads to download the latest installer. Run the installer over your current installation to update the software. 

If you no longer have access to your PANTONE Color Manager software, we can deactivate the serial number for you. Simply send us the serial number that you are trying to use and we will deactivate it for you.

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