Każda barwa ma swój własny wygląd oparty na trzech kluczowych atrybutach – hue (odcień), chroma (nasycenie) i wartości (jasność). Podczas opisywania barwy ważne jest, aby użyć wszystkich trzech atrybutów, aby dokładnie zidentyfikować barwę i odróżnić ją od innych Czym jest odcień? Odcień definiuje się jako sposób, w jaki większość z nas postrzega i nazywa barwę - używając barw tęczy (czerwony, pomarańczowy, zielony, niebieski itp.). Zapoznaj się z poniższym kołe...

Posted August 15, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Are you wasting too much time and money on incorrect color? Even if you use the best color measurement tools available, your color will still fail without quality control. Quality control (QC) means verifying the color you specify is the same color you manufacture, throughout production. Setting up a QC program can help you accurately communicate color with clients and suppliers, inspect raw materials before you begin working, and verify your color is correct before you ship.   Five Impor...

Posted June 27, 2019 by Tim Mouw

To control color, you need to be able to compare very small differences, determine their impact, and understand how to address that impact. But words alone can’t give us enough information to precisely describe colors, or the difference between them. In this three-part series we will look at the color science behind tolerancing – the color analysis that paved the way, the role of light, and the difference between a color space and a color model – so you can make ...

Posted February 21, 2018 by Tim Mouw

Consistent color is a journey. A few weeks ago I blogged about the most common pitfalls people run into when starting a color program… Wrong lighting Less-than-perfect color vision Inaccurate physical standards Inconsistent device color measurement …And introduced some inexpensive color tools to help overcome them.   But the journey doesn’t stop there. Even if you’ve been successfully managing color for years, advances in inks, dyes, and substrates are introducing new challen...

Posted March 13, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

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