Brand and cosmetic color must be consistent on all packaging types to portray product value and instill brand trust. While innovation is introducing unique packaging types to help cosmetic brands differentiate themselves, it is also making it more difficult to maintain color accuracy. To stay competitive, ensure brand integrity, and eliminate expensive waste, packaging printers must be able to achieve accurate color across a variety of cosmetic packaging materials.
A color control program can help establish achievable color print specifications and remove subjectivity in packaging, even across different inks and packaging materials. X-Rite Pantone’s end-to-end color measurement, management, and control solutions remove subjectivity throughout file preparation, proofing, and production for faster time to market and fewer quality control issues.
Customizable tools from X-Rite enable health and beauty package printers to:
Formulating color can be a lengthy and tedious process, especially if done manually. X-Rite’s color formulation solutions help manage inks, recipes, and assortments, formulate recipes quickly, and work off waste.
A reliable quality program can ensure consistent color throughout the packaging supply chain. X-Rite’s color measurement and quality control solutions ensure the color of each health and beauty package design is accurate and consistent across substrates.
Przeczytaj ten obszerny przewodnik, aby dowiedzieć się, jak udoskonalić swój program jakości druku i kolorów, aby uzyskać bardziej spójne kolory na markowych opakowaniach przy mniejszym nakładzie pracy i przeróbek.
Firma Perfetti Van Melle zwróciła się do X-Rite o pomoc w opracowaniu programu jakości druku cyfrowego, aby osiągnąć spójność barw produktów marki na półkach sklepowych na całym świecie.
Investments in current color management instrumentation, processes and procedures are critical to the future success of printing businesses. This whitepaper explains why.