Nieniejszy poradnik ocenia zgodność między modelami ręcznego spektrofotometru eXact 2 45:0 i eXact pierwszej generacji. Poznaj korelację między tymi dwoma modelami w przypadku różnych podłoży drukarskich.
eXact 2 jest wytrzymały, solidny oraz niezawodny w różnych warunkach środowiskach. Dowiedz się więcej o symulacjach i procesach testowania w warunkach rzeczywistych, w tym o odporności na kurz i uszkodzenia mechaniczne.
Przeczytaj ten dokument, aby dowiedzieć się, jak poprawić dokładność odwzorowania barwy nawet o 78% i spójność kolorystyczną na opakowaniach nawet o 86%.
Opracowany przez Sun Chemical i X-Rite Pantone Color Experts poradnik wyjaśnia właściwe procedury i techniki pomiaru barwy w celu pozyskiwania i oceny danych kolorystycznych na puszkach po napojach.
This study by Sun Chemical and X-Rite determines if digital data can help beverage can manufacturers communicate, design, and produce color faster and with more consistency.
To meet customer expectations at the paint counter, it is important to get color right every time. Measure & Match creates a formula to produce an exact paint color match to inspiration items
This whitepaper explains how an inline color measurement and control system helps paper mills keep color and brightness in harmony without cutting samples to measure in the lab.
This whitepaper outlines an ideal digital workflow to help ink rooms formulate in fewer steps with less waste for a sustainable and cost-effective process.
There are many different sources of light. Why should you use daylight in a light booth? Read this white paper to learn everything you need to know about this important light source.
Over the past five years, the printing industry has evolved faster than at any time since Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type. Download this free white paper to learn how to keep up with these changes.
ISO, G7, PSO, and the Pantone Certified Printer Program... with so many options, which certification program is right for your business? Find out in our free whitepaper.
Investments in current color management instrumentation, processes and procedures are critical to the future success of printing businesses. This whitepaper explains why.
Many different types of errors occur in spectrophotometric measurements, in this whitepaper learn how NetProfiler, a system of software and color standards, can correct these errors.
Download this white paper to learn more about G7 Compliance as well as other tools that brands and their suppliers can use to make compliance easier and more consistent.
Complete the Value Stream Mapping process, identify gaps, and learn about tools, techniques and technologies that can help you fill those gaps and achieve a leaner manufacturing process.
The ISO CxF standard is a core component of managing brand colors for consistent production across complex global supply chains. What is the difference between CxF/X-4 and other ISO CxF/X parts?
Learn how the Ci7000 Series of benchtop spectrophotometers has set the new standard for color control for even the most complex plastics, textiles, paints and coatings.
W tym poradniku omówiono wyzwania związane z tradycyjnym zarządzaniem barwą i rozwiązania cyfrowe, które pomogą Ci uzyskać dokładną barwę materiału, spełniając cele w zakresie jakości i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
By now, most people in the creative space have adopted the use of different physical references, color standards and proofs in an effort to get the color they are expecting. Despite best efforts, there is still a gap between expected and delivered color results.
Sphere vs. 45°: Which is Best? As reflective surfaces and metallic inks become more popular for both packaging and printing applications, consistent color measurement can be problematic.
Aby zachować rentowność i sprostać wymaganiom klientów, producenci i dostawcy tworzyw sztucznych muszą być innowacyjni i wydajni. Dowiedz się, jak pomocne mogą być narzędzia cyfrowe i narzędzia do pomiaru barw.
The need for a more efficient production of packaging makes the time right for packaging converters and their brand owner clients to implement a fixed color palette printing process.
Learn how to avoid the chaos and manage your tolerances as best as possible.
W tym dokumencie poznasz nowe narzędzia i techniki wdrażania cyfrowego obiegu pracy, w tym 4 klucze, których nie będziesz chciał przegapić.