Color Measurement and Management Products


Autura™ Ink Software

For Ink Formulation and Quality Control

Accelerate your ink development with Autura Ink, a comprehensive ink formulation and quality control solution for ink suppliers, printers, and converters.

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PantoneLIVE Private Library Manager

For Storing and Sharing Custom Colors

Extend the power of PantoneLIVE with Private Library Manager! Digitize, upload, store, and share precise spectral data for custom and brand colors and enjoy centralized access and control.

PantoneLIVE Production

PantoneLIVE Production

For Print & Packaging

With PantoneLIVE Production, leverage pure spectral values for spot colors throughout the production process to ensure accurate and repeatable color regardless of substrate, printing technology or ink types used.

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PantoneLIVE Production

For Plastic, Coatings, & Textile

PantoneLIVE Production – Plastic, Coatings and Textile libraries gives color specifiers and manufacturers’ instant access to the most up to date Pantone colors for Plastic, Coatings and Textile applications in a digital format to ensure design intent is achieved, and color is produced quickly and accurately.

PantoneLIVE Design

PantoneLIVE Design

PantoneLIVE Design gives designers and prepress teams access to Pantone digital color libraries and to private brand libraries for use during the inspiration, creation and prepress phases. This license enables Adobe Illustrator to work with PantoneLIVE. Requires free PantoneLIVE Adobe Illustrator plugin.

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