LCD and CRT Profiles Behave Differently - Why?

Q:  Installed MonacoEZcolor on a desktop computer and also on a laptop. Using XP Pro on the desktop and XP Home on the laptop. Profiles the desktop just fine but when working with laptop there is no change.

A:  Call suggests that laptop screen is not changing when profiled. This of course would be expected if the selected option was "profile only" rather than "calibrate and profile". Calibration is what will change the screen no matter the program. Other things that may affect the degree of screen change will be the white point and gamma setting; choosing monitor native, or 9300 will result in little change in the monitor. Additionally there is a question whether the monitor profile is being set as the default. This can be verified by right clicking on the desktop and going to Properties>setttings>advanced>color management and verifying that your new profile is the system default.

Differences in CRT's and LCD's and even desktop vs. laptop LCD's can be quite extreme depending on make, model and video subsystem. The good news is using MonacoEZcolor you should be able to make any of these have a closer match than the default settings, though the laptop with the inherent design limitations of a 1/4 inch screen will be the most challenging.

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