In the fashion and apparel industry, color is often an afterthought when it comes to product development.

As a result, significant rework can be introduced, leading to production delays. Download this free whitepaper to learn how digital color solutions can help textile manufacturers and supply chains streamline their color processes, allowing for improved production times and reduced environmental impacts.

You Will Learn:

  • Why color often slows speed to market and contributes to waste in textile workflows.
  • How to introduce digital color solutions into areas that impact color across the global production supply chain of dyers, finishers, and assembly partners.
  • The steps to digitizing the textile supply chain during inspiration and conception, design, color palette development, pre-production, formulation, production, and quality control.

Digitizing the textile supply chain and applying color management at each stage will ultimately pay for itself through more accurate color, faster production, and less waste. Download your free copy to learn more.

Ci7860 Benchtop Spectrophotometer; Meet Tightest Color Tolerances

Ci7860 Sphere Benchtop Spectrophotometer

For the Most Accurate and Precise Measurement

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software color iqc.

Color iQC Software

For Quality Control and Quality Assurance

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