The world of design and manufacturing relies heavily on achieving the desired color in materials. Whether for fashion, home goods, bags, or running shoes, color plays a pivotal role in product aesthetics and customer satisfaction.

Color Control Best Practices for Apparel, Footwear, and Soft Good Brands

The journey from concept to production involves several color critical stages—design, prototyping, specification, formulation, production, quality control, and final product approval with brand owners—and each stage can introduce challenges for color accuracy, consistency, and efficiency. Meeting these challenges is key for brands, since wholesalers will not accept garments that don’t meet their standards.

Digitalizing color has transformed the often-subjective task of color accuracy into a precise, reliable, and sustainable process.

You Will Learn

  • The challenges of traditional color design
  • 10 tips to start your transition to digital color
  • Best practices to establish a strong quality control program
  • Actionable ways to reduce waste and support sustainability goals

Download your free copy today to start your journey to brand color compliance, control, and consistency.

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