Metal substrates are a primary method for brands to convey identity and brand values. However, two-piece metal packaging is expensive to produce, and the high-speed production environment makes print color control a challenge.

Color Measurement for Metal Packaging Manufacturers Whitepaper

Color measurement is the fastest, most accurate and cost-effective way to produce consistent color across processing plants and achieve sustainability initiatives. The only secure way to ensure accurate color across multiple sites is with digital specification and evaluation.

In this whitepaper, you will learn:

  • Why visual evaluation is not sufficient to evaluate color on metal cans.
  • How a digital color workflow solves these problems.
  • Which color measurement tools can help you capture spectral data on metal cans.
  • Which solutions can help you specify and evaluate digital color data on metal cans.
  • How to use digital color values in conjunction with physical references.

Once you shift the emphasis of color evaluation from a physical reference to a known digital value, everyone can do a better job of achieving the original design intent color and staying consistent with other manufacturing sites.

Fill out the form for a free copy of the whitepaper.

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Ci64 Handheld Spectrophotometer

For the Most Accurate and Precise Measurement

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software color iqc.

Color iQC Software

For Quality Control and Quality Assurance

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