Physical standards and subjective comparisons lead to slower turnarounds, customer rejections, and wasted time and materials. Learn how you can remove subjectivity, improve color accuracy, and reduce waste through color quality measurement and process control.

Take Control of Your Color

Join Mark Gundlach, Solution Architect at X-Rite, as he discusses an ecosystem of color management solutions to digitize your workflow to achieve a more cost effective and sustainable print production.

During this free 60-minute webinar you will learn:

  1. The importance of color maturity to drive out wasted time and materials in your workflow
  2. How to identify where in the color maturity continuum your operation falls
  3. Connected tools and best practices to help you digitize and connect your workflow
  4. How to reduce costs and minimize substrate waste through color control
  5. And more!

This webinar is offered in English.

Produkty wymienione w tym webinarze

With Award

Spektrofotometr przenośny eXact™ 2

Dla papieru, tektury i tektury falistej

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software ColorCert QA.

Oprogramowanie ColorCert QA

Kontrola Jakości Druku i Opakowań

The second version of IntelliTrax2 color scanner, a long grey and black product with the desktop computer behind it showing a software.

IntelliTrax2 Pro

Najlepsze rozwiązanie skanujące przy maszynie drukującej

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