In this 4-part webinar series, we will explore the life of a color and explain how to expedite accurate color from inspiration through final production.


Life of a Color Session 4: Production & Quality Control

A dependable quality control program streamlines approval processes and reduces color inconsistencies. In this fourth session, we will explain how having the right tools is critical to communicate, control, and evaluate color coming in from multiple suppliers and manufacturing facilities. You will see how the life of a color comes to life on the final product.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Accelerate speed to market with real-time measurement and achievable standards
  • Reduce set-up time and in-production approvals
  • Ensure consistent, accurate color from run-to-run
  • Reduce customer rejections with comprehensive monitoring
  • Assess color consistency at all phases of production
  • Identify and correct variances early-on to minimize waste and rework

Join all four sessions in this series to learn how to keep color on target as it moves through a lifecycle.

Produkty wymienione w tym webinarze

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software color iqc.

Oprogramowanie Color iQC

Oprogramowanie do kontroli i zapewnienia jakości

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Spektrofotometr ręczny Ci64

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