As shipped from the factory (or following a reset), the following is true of all 500 series Spectrodensitometers:
Default Factory Settings | Possible Options | |
Density Color | = Auto | All, Auto, V, C, M, Y |
Density Mode | = Absolute | Absolute or - Paper |
Reference | = Auto | Auto, 1..16 |
Status | = T | T, A, E, G, Ax, Tx', Ex, I, HIFI |
Precision (X10) | = Normal | Normal or High |
Serial Port
Default Factory Settings | Possible Options | |
Baud Rate | = 9600 | 300..57600 baud |
Hardware Handshake | = Off | Off, Xon, CTS, Busy, |
Auto XMT | = Off | On-With Status, On-No Status, Spreadsheet, Off |
Field Separator | = Comma | Space, Comma, Tab, 'CR', 'CRLF','LF' |
Field Delimiter | = CRLF | 'CR', 'CRLF', 'LF' |
Protocol | = RCI | RCI or ICP |
Emulation | = Normal | Normal or 400 Series |
Default Factory Settings | Possible Options | |
Color Space | = L*a*b* | L*a*b*, L*C*h, L*u*v*, Y u*v*, Reflectance (530 only) |
Delta E Method | = Lab | CMC, Lab, or CIE94 |
Observer Angle | = 2 | 2 or 10 |
Reference | = Auto | Auto, 1..16 |
Illuminate | = D50 | D50, D55, D65, D75, F2, F7, F11, F12, A, C |
Lab Method | = CIE | CIE or Hunter |
LCh Method | = LCh (ab) | LCh (ab) or LCh (uv) |
CMC Tolerancing | = 2:1 | Lightness: 0.01 to 9.99 Chromaticity: 0.01 to 9.99 |
CIE94 Tolerancing | = 2:1 | Lightness: 0.01 to 9.99 Chromaticity: 0.01 to 9.99 |
Precision (X10) | = Normal | Normal or High |