Model #: SP62-41-04-KIT

Small Target Window Replacement Kit (SP62-41-04-KIT)


Target window replacement kit for various X-Rite handheld spectrophotometers

The small target window replacement kit (SP62-41-04-KIT) has been designed for those X-Rite handheld instruments listed in the compatibility section. This kit serves as a substitute when the original target window is no longer available or has been damaged.

This kit is for small spot instruments only (4mm measurement area; 6.5mm target hole diameter). Be sure to confirm window size prior to ordering.  



Type Small Spot (4mm) Target Window Replacement Kit
Target Window Hole 6.5mm (0.256”)

o 4mm Target Window (P/N: SP62-41-04)
o Target Ring (P/N: SP62-26)
o 4mm Target Window Alignment Plug (P/N: SP62-151-004)
o Replacement Instruction Sheet (P/N: SP62-515)

Target Window Outer Diameter 53mm (2.09”)

The following X-Rite devices are compatible with the small target window replacement kit (SP62-41-04-KIT):

Portable Spectrophotometers:

  • Ci51 / Ci52 Series (only small spot Ci51Sxxx and Ci52Sxxx instruments)
  • Ci6x Series (only small spot Ci62-xxSxxx and dual aperture Ci64-xxDxxx instruments)
  • SP6X Series (SP60 / SP62 / SP64) (only small spot SP62Sxx and dual aperture SP64xx instruments)

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