If ensuring color consistency is part of your job description, you’ll want to learn more about PantoneLIVE. Our customers report that it helps them get products to market an average of four times faster! PantoneLIVE is an end-to-end, digital color communication ecosystem that helps everyone involved in a packaging workflow visualize and communicate color. It shows which colors are achievable, and which are not, across everything from flexible packaging to corrugated board. And, since the digital...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

When all of final production packaging comes together on the store shelf, it’s a brand’s moment of truth. Do the stand-up pouches, overwraps, and corrugated POP displays match? How close is the color to its standard? We know you spend so much time and money designing, proofing, sampling, printing, and shipping… so where does the color go wrong? Is it an issue with accuracy, consistency, or both? Package designs come together on the shelf. Here you see pouches, labels, cartons, and corrugated wit...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Co się stanie, gdy masz ponad 2000 barw marki do zarządzania w złożonym globalnym łańcuchu dostaw opakowań? Jest to niewątpliwie trudne zadanie! Mogłoby się wydawać, że łatwiej jest utworzyć nową barwę niż przekopać się przez bazy danych lub segregatory próbek kolorystyczny, aby znaleźć najbardziej zbliżoną barwę. Jednakże problem pojawia się później, gdy masz do czynienia z ogromną, niemożliwą do zarządzania biblioteką. Jeden z naszych klientów, znana firma zajmująca się s...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

L&E International, Ltd jest globalnym dostawcą zrównoważonych, innowacyjnych rozwiązań opakowaniowych. Jako certyfikowany dostawca opakowań dla adidas, Verizon, Amazon (dostawca APASS w Azji), Target oraz wielu innych marek i sprzedawców detalicznych, L&E utrzymuje surowe standardy kolorystyczne marki w wielu krajach i lokalizacjach produkcji. W ubiegłym roku firma L&E wybrała rozwiązania X-Rite do cyfrowego przepływu zleceń kolorowych, aby utrzymać ich wysokie oczekiw...

Posted June 06, 2022 by X-Rite Color

As the range of substrates, inks, and printing technologies has expanded, so has the challenge of maintaining color quality for brands and printers. A workflow based on digital standards is the easiest way to achieve accuracy and consistency across shifts and sites, regardless of production requirements. Adding a quality control solution like ColorCert® to your workflow can boost your bottom line even more. What is ColorCert? ColorCert is a modular, job-based solution that streamlines color ...

Posted April 26, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Last week Pantone announced the Pantone Color of the Year 2020 - Very Peri (PANTONE 17-3938). The Pantone Color of the Year announcement isn’t just important for designers. Since this color will set the stage for upcoming trends, brand owners should also take notice to capitalize on this trending color. Bring Very Peri to Market, Fast. Is Virtual Design the Answer? The fashion and apparel industry began embracing virtual design years ago. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Burberry, ...

Posted December 14, 2021 by X-Rite Color

  Extended Gamut Printing Increased product variation and lean manufacturing demands are forcing converters to work quicker and more cost-efficiently. Implementing extended gamut printing, also called fixed color palette printing, is a great way for brand owners and designers to specify achievable color, and for converters to reduce press setup time, produce smaller lot sizes, and increase press efficiency. In this video, X-Rite Pantone Color Expert Mark Gundlach explains extended color g...

Posted October 16, 2021 by Mark Gundlach

The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating as the Pantone Color of the Year 2021. According to the Pantone Color Institute, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating, a marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting. Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray is emblematic of...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Na wysoce konkurencyjnym rynku marki i projektanci opakowań szukają sposobów na wyróżnienie swoich produktów na półce. Coraz częściej wykracza to poza barwę obejmując ozdobienia, takie jak folie, specjalne lakiery i inne. Projektanci używają również bardziej intensywnych barw jednolitych, fluorescencyjnych i opalizujących, nie tylko przy konwencjonalnym druku. Rozwiązania cyfrowe pozwalają na większą zmienność w opakowaniach oraz na krótsze serie i kr&oa...

Posted June 04, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur
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