Model #: ci4200

Ci4200 Compact Benchtop Spectrophotometer

Do pomiaru współczynnika odbicia

The Ci4200 is an easy-to-use compact benchtop sphere spectrophotometer that, combined with Color QC and Formulation software, supports an evolving color management program.

Setting a new standard for color performance

In a competitive marketplace, there is increasing pressure to improve color quality in the lab and in manufacturing to reduce rework due to errors and to deliver a faster time to market. The Ci4200 is an affordable benchtop spectrophotometer for small to medium-sized manufacturers across a variety of industries who are aspiring to implement a higher degree of color formulation and color quality control in their product development and production processes. When combined with a tiered offering of Color QC and Formulation software applications, it scales to support an evolving color program.

The advanced Ci4200UV adds the capability of self-calibrating UV illumination to accommodate evaluation of the effect of optical brightening and fluorescing agents that cause color to shift under different lighting conditions.


  • Using standard measurement methods, immediately identify variances in color and gloss to ensure accurate color readings or to verify visual inspection (SPIN/SPEX).
  • Produces correlated 60⁰ gloss value for more accurate assessment of sample gloss in compliance with ASTM D523 and ISO 2813.
  • With its embedded NetProfiler, manage performance and enable consistency across the supply chain regardless of where instruments are being used.
  • Features data compatibility with X-Rite handheld spectrophotometers such as the Ci64 for ease of data exchange across the operation.
  • LED membrane provides status and operation feedback with remote trigger and samples can be viewed and targeted with a sample arm for overall ease of use.

The Ci4200 is a reliable and accurate compact benchtop spectrophotometer that serves as the foundation for operations seeking to establish a color control program or those looking to improve an existing program that currently relies on non-spectral devices or visual inspection pass/fail methods. The result is a streamlined color workflow that delivers more accurate color performance.

Need More Information?


Short Term Repeatability - White .05 ΔE*ab on white ceramic 
Measurement Geometry d/8°
Inter-Instrument Agreement 0.20 ΔE*ab avg.
Illumination Spot Size 14mm
Lamp Life Approx. 500,000 measurements 
Light Source
Gas-filled tungsten lamp 
+ UV LEDs*
Measurement Cycle Time ≈ 2 seconds
Measurement Spot 8mm
Measurement Time ≈ 2 seconds
Photometric Range 0 to 200%
Photometric Resolution 0.01%
Spectral Analyzer Blue-enhanced silicon photodiodes
Spectral Interval 10nm
Spectral Range 400nm-700nm
Spectral Reporting 10nm
Reflectance Aperture(s) 1
Humidity 5% to 85%, non-condensing
Operating Temperature Range 50° to 104°F (10° to 40°C)
Storage Temperature Range '-4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C)
Dimensions (length, width, height)  26.4cm, 19.0cm, 22.0cm
Weight '5.2kg
Package Dimensions (length, width, height)  48cm, 33cm, 36cm
Shipped Weight '10kg
Communication Interface USB 2.0
Software Development Kit XDS4
100-240VAC 50/60Hz, 
12VDC @ 2.5A
Warm Up Time None
Calibration White, Zero, UV*
Embedded NetProfiler Support Yes
NetProfiler Support Embedded
Sample Preview Targeting window
Service Indicator Status panel
Transform Support Embedded
Warranty 12 months
What's Included? Instrument with white calibration standard, black trap, green standard, manual(CD), AC adapter, USB cable, UV cal standard*
Windows N/A
Security N/A

Może ci się spodobać również

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software color iqc.

Oprogramowanie Color iQC

Oprogramowanie do kontroli i zapewnienia jakości

Oprogramowanie Color iQC umożliwia specyfikatorom i dostawcom uzyskanie spójnego koloru w całym łańcuchu dostaw w różnych procesach przemysłowych, drukarskich i opakowaniowych.

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software Color imatch.

Oprogramowanie Color iMatch Formulation

Do recepturowania tworzyw sztucznych, powłok i tekstyliów

Dzięki oprogramowaniu do recepturowania i kontroli jakości Color iMatch, specjaliści od dopasowywania kolorów mogą przyspieszyć opracowywanie kolorów dzięki lepszej wydajności pierwszego dopasowania i mniejszej liczbie kroków korekcyjnych.

NetProfiler Software for Device Optimization

Oprogramowanie NetProfiler Device Performance

Do optymalizacji urządzeń

Sprawdź, czy Twoje urządzenie mierzy prawidłowo. NetProfiler to jedyne dostępne na rynku rozwiązanie, które pozwala użytkownikowi zarówno na weryfikację urządzenia, jak i jego optymalizację w przypadku wykrycia rozbieżności pomiarowych.

Quick Comparison

Short Term Repeatability - White .05 ΔE*ab on white ceramic .05 ΔE*ab on white ceramic  .05 ΔE*ab on white ceramic 
Short Term Repeatability - Blue
Measurement Geometry d/8° d/8° d/8°
Measurement Time ≈ 2 seconds ≈ 2 seconds ≈ 2 seconds
Photometric Resolution 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Spectral Interval 10nm 10nm 10nm
Spectral Range 400nm-700nm 400nm-700nm 400nm-700nm
Spectral Reporting 10nm 10nm 10nm
Reflectance Aperture(s) 1 1 1
Industry Standards



Bharat Tex 2025 | Global Textile Expo

Visit X-Rite Pantone at Bharat Tex 2025 to learn how our textile colour solutions can improve colour quality and consistency across a global supply chain and help reduce waste and pollution.

ChromaTexChem Exhibition 2024

Visit X-Rite’s booth at Hall 1 D6 to learn how our dyes and chemical colour measurement solutions can improve colour quality and consistency across a global supply chain and help reduce waste and pollution.

Manufacturing Indonesia 2024

Visit X-Rite’s booth at Hall D2 9130 to learn about digital color management solutions for the textile industry at the Textile Machinery Exhibition 2024, where you will witness smart technologies to improve efficiency and greener production, with a vision to reduce energy consumption and achieve sustainable development goals.

Need a Quote? Contact Sales(888) 800-9580

Technical Questions? Contact Support(888) 826-3042