5 Things That Could Go Wrong Without an Automotive Spectrophotometer An automotive spectrophotometer is a critical tool in the automotive industry, especially when it comes to automotive color control. These advanced devices ensure that paint colors are precisely matched, consistently applied, and meet the required standards for automotive finishes. Without an automotive spectrophotometer, several issues can arise that impact the quality, efficiency, and overall satisfaction of vehicle paint jo...

Posted January 07, 2025 by X-Rite Color

Assim como vocês, a digitalização e a sustentabilidade estão em primeiro lugar. No entanto, a cor é muitas vezes negligenciada quando se trata de desenvolvimento de produtos têxteis. A digitalização da cadeia de fornecimento têxtil e a aplicação do gerenciamento de cores em cada etapa acabará valendo a pena com cores mais precisas, produção mais rápida e menos desperdício. Com mais de 60...

Posted March 13, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Nesta época do ano, a internet está cheia de contagens Top 10. É uma tradição que adotamos desde 1940, quando a Billboard publicou sua primeira tabela classificando as músicas gravadas mais vendidas. Desde então, outros entraram na onda para destacar as tendências mais populares do ano anterior.   Publicamos nossos blogs mais lidos desde 2016 e estamos felizes em ver que alguns tópicos educacionais, como percepção d...

Posted December 28, 2022 by X-Rite Color

A cor desempenha um papel importante em nossas escolhas alimentares. Muitos alimentos, como queijo suíço, morangos, brócolis e purê de batatas sempre têm a mesma aparência. Sabemos o que esperar quando damos a primeira mordida. Mas e se o purê de batatas fosse verde? Ele teria um sabor diferente? Você chegaria a experimentar? Por que a análise de cores é importante para a indústria alimentícia    Muitas pes...

Posted November 18, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Você diz que a cor é importante, mas você sabe por que é tão importante? Na realidade, a cor é um elemento crítico no processo de fabricação. Infelizmente, muitas empresas e pessoas fabricantes estão percebendo que acertar a cor é muito mais difícil do que costumava ser, e as marcas que apoiam estão pedindo que atendam a tolerâncias mais rigorosas. E estes são os motivos. Embora os avanç...

Posted November 01, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

O controle de qualidade é um aspecto importante de qualquer fluxo de trabalho de cores. Embora muitos de nossos clientes usem um espectrofotômetro portátil para controle de qualidade, há momentos em que um espectrofotômetro de bancada é uma escolha mais apropriada. Hoje vamos explorar alguns dos motivos pelos quais você pode querer escolher uma bancada para controle de qualidade e oferecer dicas para garantir que seu fluxo de trabalho de controle de ...

Posted March 25, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Ao escolher uma bebida na prateleira da loja, consumidores exigem não apenas um sabor excelente, mas também consistência na aparência da bebida ao olho humano. Cor e transparência são marcadores essenciais de qualidade - qualquer imperfeição pode indicar contaminação, impurezas nas matérias-primas ou variações de processo causadas por aquecimento e oxidação. No entanto, bebidas como sucos de fr...

Posted January 21, 2022 by X-Rite Color

.upcoming-webinar-block { width: 100%; display: table; margin-bottom: 20px; } .upcoming-webinar-left { width: 120px; padding-right: 20px; display: table-cell; } .upcoming-webinar-left img { margin-top: 10px; } .upcoming-webinar-right { vertical-align: top; display: table-cell; } Descubra a Fascinante Evolução dos Dispositivos de Medição de Cores: uma História desde 1870 Os dispositivos de med...

Posted January 19, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Em um mundo perfeito, você deveria ser capaz de colocar tinta na impressora e simplesmente executar um trabalho. Infelizmente, todos os anos as operações de impressão flexográfica e de rotogravura desperdiçam tinta, substrato e tempo de impressão tentando obter a cor certa. Embora os avanços na tecnologia tenham facilitado a precisão das cores, as variáveis que afetam as cores ainda existem. Nesta série de três pa...

Posted October 19, 2021 by Scott Harig

Em um mundo perfeito, você deve ser capaz de colocar tinta na impressora, executar um trabalho e alcançar consistência de cor. Infelizmente, todos os anos, as operações de impressão flexográfica e de gravura desperdiçam tinta, substrato e tempo de impressão tentando obter a cor correta. Embora os avanços na tecnologia tenham facilitado a precisão da cor, as variáveis que afetam a cor ainda existem. Nesta série de três partes, compartilharemos mais de duas dúzias de razões pelas quais sua cor ...

Posted October 18, 2021 by Scott Harig

A aparência da superfície pode alterar sua percepção de cor. Pense em uma revista brilhosa. Se a luz estiver brilhando diretamente na página, pode ser necessário inclinar a revista e alterar o ângulo de reflexão para ver claramente as cores. Da mesma forma, uma superfície texturizada pode parecer ser uma cor diferente de uma superfície lisa do mesmo objeto. Como os espectrofotômetros determinam os valores espectrais de uma cor, iluminando a superfície e medindo a refletância, é crucial escolh...

Posted March 30, 2021 by Tim Mouw

Black Friday. Não é apenas o tão esperado início das compras de fim de ano, é também um dia para o qual qualquer fabricante está se preparando durante todo o ano.  Quer se trate de cartões de festas de produção em massa, bengalas de doces, brinquedos de plástico ou roupas festivas, a cor precisa é uma obrigação. Fabricantes não podem enviar dois dos mesmos brinquedos se não combin...

Posted November 25, 2020 by X-Rite Color

A cor dos líquidos é uma das mais difíceis de controlar durante a produção. Mas isso é crucial. Você escolheria um suco ou limpador que é mais claro do que os outros frascos na prateleira? E quanto ao xarope para tosse?     Líquidos são difíceis de medir devido à sua transparência que varia de translúcido a opaco. Além disso, é difícil segurá-los, e o dispositiv...

Posted October 27, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Seja na produção de têxteis, peças automotivas ou peças plásticas, a cor precisa permanecer consistente ou o produto final será rejeitado. Infelizmente, há muitas maneiras de erros de cor ocorrerem durante a fabricação. Criar e usar padrões digitais de cor precisos é uma maneira de combater esses erros. Os padrões digitais de cor podem ser usados em software para especificar e comunicar a cor, formular cor...

Posted August 03, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Whether you work with plastics, coatings or textiles, you must consistently achieve in-tolerance color or your product could be rejected before it even makes it to the shelf or showroom.     This is especially true for brands that rely on off-site suppliers and manufacturers for raw materials and parts that come together at assembly, such as the plastic dashboard, fabric seats, and coated interior panels of a car. Even if each site produces in-tolerance color, it must be monitored an...

Posted June 12, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Reflective surfaces and metallic inks are very popular for printing and packaging applications. Consumers love the look; but for printers, these substrates and inks are expensive and make color control a challenge. Today we’re taking a look at the measurement options available for controlling these very marketable print and packaging applications to help printers and converters meet brand owner expectations and maintain the highest possible quality output. Sphere vs. 45°:0° - ...

Posted May 07, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

Appearance is more than just color. It’s an all-inclusive look at everything inherent to an object, including texture, gloss, transparency, translucency, and special effects like sparkle and shimmer. When viewed from different angles or under different lighting conditions, appearance effects can change our perception of color. That's why it’s important to control both color and appearance throughout design and development.  Durable goods brands use appearance effects to captur...

Posted February 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Gerenciar cores durante toda a produção é sempre um desafio, mas os avanços na tecnologia de cores, como os efeitos metálicos, cintilantes e perolados projetados para capturar a atenção do consumidor, estão levando a frustração a um nível totalmente novo para gestores de controle de qualidade. Isso é uma realidade na produção de peças que devem coincidir em montagem, como os painéis de...

Posted January 14, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Selecionar os dispositivos de medição de cores certos para seu fluxo de trabalho é crucial, e compreender o acordo inter-instrumentos é uma peça fundamental desse quebra-cabeça. No entanto, esse tópico técnico muitas vezes gera confusão sobre seu significado e importância. Neste artigo, vamos esclarecer tudo de maneira simples e direta, ajudando você a entender a relevância do acordo inter-instrumentos e como ele s...

Posted October 03, 2019 by Mike Huda

Embora profissionais de plásticos gerenciem problemas de cor no fluxo de trabalho de produção há muitos anos, a dinâmica está mudando novamente. De eletrônicos de consumo a peças automotivas e embalagens flexíveis, um número crescente de marcas está incorporando acabamentos de efeitos especiais em seus produtos. Enquanto os acabamentos metálicos, perolizados e outros acabamentos complexos são bonitos e ajudam as marcas a se destacarem na prateleira, eles também introduzem novos desafios de gere...

Posted October 03, 2019 by Thomas Meeker

Espectrofotômetros são excelentes para medir amostras em relação aos seus padrões de cor e comparar diferenças, mas pode ser difícil alcançar precisão de cor para produtos com formas irregulares, como líquidos, plásticos, latas e pós. Projetamos uma variedade de peças e acessórios - também chamados de "plataformas e gabaritos" - para muitos de nossos instrumentos, facilitando a mediç&at...

Posted October 02, 2019 by Mike Huda

Spectrophotometers are color measurement devices that measure color to ensure it remains consistent from the time it’s specified until final quality check. They can be used to measure everything from liquids and plastics to paper, metal, and fabrics for just about every industry.   Here Are Our Top Spectrophotometer Picks for 2019.   Best Spectrophotometer to Create Digital Standards Using a digital standard is the most accurate way to specify and communicate color, des...

Posted August 16, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Ao escolher um produto alimentício, as pessoas consumidoras exigem consistência tanto no sabor quanto na aparência. Embora um lote mais leve de laranjas ainda possa produzir uma deliciosa mistura de suco, uma cor pálida pode comprometer a aprovação do USDA e deixar quem está consumindo, questionando a qualidade. Infelizmente para quem é fabricante de alimentos e bebidas, a cor dos alimentos – especialmente bebidas como suco de frutas ...

Posted August 15, 2019 by X-Rite Color

There’s been a lot of research around the role color plays in how we expect food to taste. The fact is, we judge flavor by the color of the food or drink, even before the first taste. We expect red foods to taste sweet like strawberries or cherries. White should taste like vanilla, and green is probably limey and tart or minty. Color cues can even determine whether we take that first bite. Most of us won’t even consider trying a food like mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie if it is ...

Posted August 12, 2019 by Tim Mouw

With so many requests for innovative bases, transparency, and special effects, formulating color for paint, coating, and plastic applications can be a challenge. To keep up, formulation software needs to be innovative, too. We recently launched version 10 of our Color iMatch formulation software, and it is our smartest version yet. It allows you to select cost-reducing parameters, such as lowest cost or fewest colorants, and will determine the best formula for your application. It work...

Posted July 10, 2019 by Rich Knapp

Custa caro enviar a cor errada. Para corrigir isso, é necessário levá-la de volta ao laboratório para reformulação, enviar alguém para pintar novamente na unidade do cliente ou descartá-la e começar de novo. Além da despesa com desperdício de tempo e materiais, como quantificar a perda de um cliente insatisfeito? Cinco etapas para uma formulação eficiente   Com as ferramentas e processos certos, voc&...

Posted May 29, 2019 by Rich Knapp

Alcançar os alvos de cor litográfica offset nem sempre é rápido ou fácil. O processo manual de medir barras de cor e fazer ajustes nas chaves de tinta leva tempo e abre a porta para erros de quem opera. Enquanto isso, a impressora está funcionando (e desperdiçando) papel e tinta. Para alcançar cores precisas e repetíveis, as impressoras precisam converter sua operação de impressão em um processo de fabricaç...

Posted April 03, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Espectrofotômetros de bancada medem em modo de transmissão ou refletância para capturar e quantificar cores em várias amostras opacas, transparentes e translúcidas, incluindo vidro, líquido, tecido e plástico. Hoje explicaremos a diferença entre medições de transmissão e refletância para que você possa determinar qual bancada atenderá às suas necessidades de medição de cor. Medi&cc...

Posted February 26, 2019 by Mike Huda

The two most common spectrophotometers are the 0:45 and the sphere (aka diffuse/8°). We get a lot of questions about which is the best choice. Here’s the difference in how these two devices measure color, and guidelines for when to use each. 0:45 In a “fixed geometry” or “single angle” device, the first number is the starting point of the light, and the second number is where the light ends up after the reflection off the surface of the sample. In a 0:45 ...

Posted January 18, 2018 by Mike Huda

If you work behind a paint counter, you know customers can surprise you with interesting and unique objects to color match. Many samples are relatively easy to measure, but when a customer shows up with a curved baseboard panel, a square of shag carpet, or a plush toy, things can get a little tricky. A few years ago, we learned just how challenging it was for our retail paint customers to color match unique samples. We took in a bag with textured and multi-colored items and asked the person behi...

Posted December 04, 2017 by Tim O'Rourke

A World Series começa na próxima semana. Enquanto jogadores e fãs se preparam para o grande evento, os zeladores dos estádios também estão se preparando. Você certamente já viu aqueles padrões meticulosos na grama – cruzado, espiral, xadrez – mas sabe como os zeladores os criam? Graças a um fenômeno chamado metameria geométrica (também conhecida como gonio-aparência), a grama realmente par...

Posted October 17, 2017 by Mike Huda

Color is our perception of reflected light across the visible spectrum. When light hits an object, it absorbs some rays and reflect others. The color of light that reflects back into our eyes is the color we perceive. The more light an object absorbs, the darker it appears. With black, very little light is reflected. Pure black in the presence of light wasn’t achieved until 2014 when Surrey NanoSystems announced the invention of Vantablack. This high-tech artificial substance absorbs 99....

Posted October 13, 2017 by Mike Huda

Frequentemente recebemos ligações de clientes que não conseguem entender por que suas medidas variam, mesmo quando estão usando dispositivos de manutenção. Por que uma amostra leria de uma maneira um dia e depois ligeiramente diferente de outra? Muitas vezes o culpado é a termocromaticidade, e isso se torna um problema ainda maior à medida que as estações mudam.    Todo tipo de material muda de cor com a temperatur...

Posted September 19, 2017 by Mike Huda

Have you ever sent out a job that passed your inspection, only to have the customer reject it for out-of-tolerance color? You recheck the data and the instrument says the color passed the agreed tolerance… why is the customer saying it doesn’t? We get a LOT of these conflicting measurement calls in technical support. The solution is simple – document a color control program that clearly defines how to assess color, then make sure everyone (including your customer) follow...

Posted September 08, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you recently invested in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter, you know there’s a lot more to learn about color measurement than just how to use your new device. To help you begin exploring the exciting world of color, we’ve compiled seven blogs that explain how to set up your color measurement device, care for it, and use it to its maximum potential. 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Spectrophotometer Using a spectrophotometer (“spectro” for short) to measure color doesn...

Posted July 25, 2017 by Mike Huda

Spectrophotometers are color measurement devices used to specify and communicate color and monitor accuracy throughout production. There are spectrophotometers to measure just about anything, from liquids and plastics to paper, metal and fabrics. Brand owners, designers, lab techs and quality control professionals rely on them to ensure color remains consistent, from the time it’s specified until final quality check, in just about every industry. This Ci7800 benchtop spectrophotometer is measuri...

Posted June 27, 2017 by Greg Stehn

With today’s complex cross-media campaigns, accurate profiling is even more important for managing customer expectations across the color supply chain. Our i1Pro 2 solutions help photographers, videographers, prepress and digital printers create profiles for the best color on monitors, scanners, projectors, printers, and online web-to-print submission tools. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which is the right tool for your color workflow? Whether you’re looking to add a new comp...

Posted April 11, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

Consistent color is a journey. A few weeks ago I blogged about the most common pitfalls people run into when starting a color program… Wrong lighting Less-than-perfect color vision Inaccurate physical standards Inconsistent device color measurement …And introduced some inexpensive color tools to help overcome them.   But the journey doesn’t stop there. Even if you’ve been successfully managing color for years, advances in inks, dyes, and substrates are introducing new challen...

Posted March 13, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

At X-Rite Pantone, we pride ourselves on our ability to help customers specify, communicate, formulate, and produce consistent color. You’re probably familiar with our major markets, like plastics, industrial coatings, and print & packaging. You may also be aware of the more “common” things we measure, like paint, printed surfaces, and textiles. But, as you look for the emergency exit on a plane, watch a butterfly float by, or choose the freshest package of cheese from the ...

Posted February 23, 2017 by Mike Huda

Our color measurement devices are used by designers, brand owners, formulators, printers, and manufacturers around the world. Ranging from portable handheld devices, to large benchtop instruments, to spectrophotometers mounted inline, they can measure just about anything to help formulate and maintain a perfect color match. Many of our customers, especially those in the paint industry, are asked to color match some pretty interesting things, and we love to hear about them. We recently asked 40 p...

Posted December 28, 2016 by Tim Mouw

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time to reminisce… to celebrate our successes, and to explore areas that may need a little more attention in 2017. If color accuracy is on your list of things to improve, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of the blogs our readers found most helpful and interesting in 2016, so you can start working toward your goal of more accurate color in the New Year. Did your favorite blog make the list? Top 10 X-Rite Blogs of 2016 ...

Posted December 13, 2016 by Tim Mouw

When you walk into a salon for a manicure or visit your favorite beauty products store, are you overwhelmed by the number of nail polish colors to choose from, but can’t actually find the color you want? This is a problem Ashley Morgan set out to solve. Morgan, who has a fine arts degree, has spent the last 15 years designing video games. She’s both creative and tech savvy. “I’m a nail polish advocate, and I don’t mind spending the time choosing a nail polish color,” she says. “But the availabl...

Posted December 06, 2016 by Tim O'Rourke

K 2016 begins today in Düsseldorf and runs through October 26th. As the #1 trade fair for the plastics and rubber industries, it’s a huge event featuring industry news, product demos, and networking. We’ll be in Hall 8b / Stand H65 showcasing our end-to-end X-Rite Pantone workflow solutions to help rubber manufacturers, compounders, masterbatchers, and converters get consistent color in a plastics workflow. Don’t miss your chance to speak with our color experts! (Here...

Posted October 18, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Whether it’s using Munsell Color Standards or one of our many color measurement devices, X-Rite helps manufacturers around the world achieve accurate color. We talked to our support team to learn about some of the most interesting ways people have used our equipment to measure and control color. From archeologists to fur traders and gastroenterologists, here are a few of our favorites. In 2014, the city of Los Angeles used one of our handheld spectrophotometers to help remove more than 37 millio...

Posted July 05, 2016 by X-Rite Color

For many of us, fun in the sun can lead to a summertime tan. The science behind this sun + skin interaction is melanin, a skin pigment our body releases to block the UV rays found in sunlight. The more time we spend in the sun, the more melanin is released, and the darker (or more freckled) our skin becomes. This shift in skin tone doesn’t matter for most people, but for prosthetic wearers even a slight change can be a big deal. Here’s how Royal Preston hospital in the United Kingdom is using co...

Posted June 24, 2016 by Matthew Adby

drupa 2016 was such a success! It’s not often we get to spend so much time talking one-on-one with our customers from around the world, and we enjoyed every minute! We met so many wonderful people and learned so many things. Although it’s hard to pick, here are a few of our favorite experiences from drupa 2016. 1 – THE SYNERGY! This time at drupa, we decided to join forces with Esko, Enfocus and Pantone to showcase our end-to–end color management solutions. Although the drupa orga...

Posted June 17, 2016 by X-Rite Color

No matter what you’re manufacturing, taking spectral measurements will help ensure your color remains accurate and consistent throughout your production run. When choosing the best spectro for your needs, your first consideration should be the type of surface you’ll be measuring. Measuring reflective surfaces poses a challenge because the effect of gloss can actually change the color appearance of a sample. The surface reflection of light is what causes the gloss effec...

Posted April 27, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Which of these swatches would you call bright red? PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS Color Specifier pages Speaking the language of color isn’t like giving someone your phone number and expecting they’ll remember it. Our minds just don’t process color like that. While vague color descriptions are sufficient for many people – “Turn left at the blue house” or “choose the reddest strawberries” – if you work in an industry where color is important, you need to know how to speak a much more spe...

Posted March 24, 2016 by Mike Huda

In the world of retail paint, getting to the best color match quickly is key to keeping your customers happy and coming back for more. Today we’ll review ways to get the most from your color measurement tools and how to match paint so your associates can be color experts, and you can enjoy fewer corrections and improved profitability. Do any of these swatches match the customer’s quilt? Not really. Gain customer’s trust by creating a perfectly matched paint color. Color...

Posted March 21, 2016 by Tim Mouw

In a perfect world, you should be able to put ink in the press and run a job.  Unfortunately, there are so many variables that affect color that printing operations often waste thousands of pounds of substrate, and thousands of dollars in press time, making adjustments. Advancements in technology have made it easier to measure color, but the variables still exist. To help you over come them, we’ll be featuring a series that points out many of the reasons your color could go wrong at press side....

Posted February 01, 2016 by Scott Harig

Pantone®, an X-Rite company, recently announced a pair of complementary shades as its 2016 Color of the Year:  PANTONE 15-3919 Serenity and PANTONE 13-1520 Rose Quartz. The PANTONE Color of the Year announcement is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends. The Color of the Year selection process is very thoughtful and a lot of consideration is given to the color choices. To arrive at the selection each year, Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institut...

Posted December 11, 2015 by X-Rite Color

Using a spectrophotometer to measure color doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to capture accurate data. The most common reason for incorrect measurements and inconsistent readings among instruments is using the wrong device settings. Today we’ll look at five things you must consider when setting up your device and taking measurements. Illuminant and Observer angle The illuminant describes the color of the light under which you’re judging colors. To accurately determine how the color will...

Posted December 03, 2015 by Scott Harig

If accurate color is a must in your world, then you know the importance of color measurement instrumentation. Spectrophotometers are used in many industries to identify, formulate, measure and communicate color. They can compare samples and standards to identify even the smallest differences. From concept through formulation and production, spectrophotometers are an invaluable part of any color-managed workflow. But have you ever stopped to think how these devices were developed? Today we’ll tak...

Posted November 16, 2015 by X-Rite Color

The X-Rite eXactTM is a portable spectrophotometer designed for pressroom use. Two big reasons for its success are it’s cordless operation and innovative color touch screen, which it make it very easy for printers and packaging converters to understand, control, manage, and communicate color from anywhere on the pressroom floor. Today we’ll take a look at the top five features that make the eXact an invaluable tool for offset litho, flexo, and digital printers. Wireless operation, plus unteth...

Posted August 24, 2015 by Scott Harig

A curva de refletância espectral fornecida por um espectrofotômetro é comumente conhecida como a “impressão digital” da cor.  O que é um espectrofotômetro?    Os espectrofotômetros são instrumentos de medição de cor usados para capturar e avaliar a cor.   Como parte do programa de controle da cor, quem possuí uma marca e designers da marca os usam para especificar e comunicar a c...

Posted August 17, 2015 by Mike Huda

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