For wet sample retail paint color measurement
MetaVue™ 非接触式分光測色計は、小型・変形・マルチカラーのサンプルに優れた精度を発揮。斬新なペイントマッチングを発揮します。
非接触イメージング分光測色計 MetaVue™ VS3200 は、測定が困難なカラーサンプルや変形サンプルの測定に画期的な測定速度、万能性、精度を発揮します。
Do you have the right tools to measure texture and multi-colored samples? Learn how MetaVue can help you achieve a precise color match on the first try.
If you’re measuring wet and dry paints, plastics, cosmetics, or small and odd-shaped samples, you’ll want to take a look at our new MetaVue VS3200.
Learn about the various types of spectrophotometers available in the market, and why non-contact spectrophotometry ensures consistent color in a wide range of industrial applications.