How to measure spice samples with the MetaVue VS3200

Evaluating spice color presents unique challenges due to variations in texture, grinding methods, and color intensity. Traditional contact-based devices risk contamination and inaccurate readings, especially with powdery or pasty spices. The MetaVue VS3200 spectrophotometer offers a non-contact solution, providing precise color measurements despite pigment variance in spice samples, without compromising sample integrity or risking equipment damage.


Spices pose difficulties for traditional spectrophotometers to accurately read compared to other color sources. Fortunately, the MetaVue VS3200 is designed to meet the challenges posed by these vibrant powders and deliver sound color evaluations.


The MetaVue VS3200’s Smart Spot feature enhances precise color measurement by evaluating all pixels and eliminating shadows and irrelevant areas, ensuring accurate readings despite texture and color variations. Unlike other spectrophotometers that provide average results, it reduces inaccuracies and production delays.

The non-contact evaluation feature is ideal for assessing delicate materials, minimizing the risk of contamination and equipment damage. Designed for spice color evaluation, the MetaVue offers proprietary software compatibility, an adjustable stand, and customizable trays, ensuring accurate readings across spice types and processing stages, optimizing efficiency and precision.


When used for non-contact color evaluations on spices, the MetaVue VS3200:

How It Works

  1. Position the sample under the MetaVue VS3200 or use an accessory to present the sample.
  2. Using MetaVue's on-screen targeting through Color iQC software, adjust the measurement size between 2mm and 12mm.
  3. Choose to average all visible colors like a standard spectrophotometer or enable the Smart Spot feature to choose the exact spot to measure. This will evaluate all pixels and eliminate the shadows and areas that are not part of the color.
  4. Take the measurement and evaluate the on-screen preview, measurement data, and graphs to determine whether the sample is in tolerance.
  5. Use Color iQC to create portable jobs that embed the measurement data so anyone who opens the job can review where and how the measurement was taken.
  6. Capture an image of the actual measurement to store along with measurement settings for an automatic audit trail.

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MetaVue VS3200

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Color iQC

Color iQC

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Color iMatch Software | Screenshot from Software by X-Rite

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MetaVue VS3200 Adjustable Stand | X-Rite

MetaVue VS3200 Adjustable Stand

Allows the MetaVue™ VS3200 to be raised or lowered to a desired height for use in environments that measure a wide variety of sample types.


Achieve Spice Color Excellence

With the MetaVue VS3200 spectrophotometer and specialized software like Color iMatch and Color iQC, precise spice color measurements are attainable. From assessing raw spice maturity to monitoring color consistency during processing, the MetaVue VS3200 facilitates quality control and ensures product integrity. By adhering to industry standards, spice manufacturers can maintain quality, enhance product appeal, and meet consumer expectations effectively.