To stay competitive, paper mills must operate efficiently. A non-contact, inline color measurement and control system helps paper mills keep color and brightness in harmony at critical points on a moving paper production line.

How Do Inline Systems Monitor Paper Color and Brightness Without Stopping Production?

Color and brightness are typically the last parameters to be brought into specification at machine startup. Rather than cutting a sample to take to the lab, an inline color measurement and control system measures color and brightness while the production line is moving and notifies the operator of any shifts. Using closed loop control, color and OBAs can be adjusted in parallel with the press of a button to move back into tolerance without waste or production delays.  

Download This Whitepaper to Learn:

  • What an inline color measurement and control system is and how it differs from traditional color measurement tools.
  • The advantages an inline system offers over other color measurement tools. 
  • The three primary places an inline system is typically installed on various types of paper production lines.
  • How quickly you can expect ROI.

Fill out the form to download your free copy.

A large desktop computer showing X-Rite color analysis software ESWIN CLCC.

ESWIN CLCC(イーエスウィン・シーエルシーシー)

インライン クローズドループのカラー品質管理


ColorXRA 45(カラーエックスアールエー 45)



ColorXRA 45 Lab
