Many modern printing and proofing papers contain Optical Brightening Agents (OBAs). These agents are added to enhance the brightness of the papers and improve the appearance of the printed product. The presence of these agents in contemporary papers creates challenges for successful color management, so new standards – called the M-Standards – have been defined to help manage and communicate color for papers containing these brightening agents. Here’s a brief overview of the current state of the M-Standards. Watch for a detailed white paper, coming soon.
As part of ISO 13655-2009: Spectral Measurement and Colorimetric Computation for Graphic Arts Images, a new measurement standard “M” series of measurement illumination conditions has been defined by the International Organization Standards (ISO) to standardize illumination conditions appropriate for different applications when substrates contain brightening agents. The new M series allows color management of OBA-enhanced substrates to be further refined.
The application of the measurement illumination conditions is more straightforward now than in past years, now that new standards and specifications clearly stipulate that M1 is to be used as the first choice.
Need more info? Talk to an X-Rite Color Expert today.