Per the 90/90 Rule of Color, consumers make snap judgments about products when they first interact with them at the shelf or in the showroom. Color sends a brand message and helps differentiate products from competitors. It also sends a message about freshness – faded colors make products and packaging look old and may discourage a buying decision.
That’s why maintaining accurate color throughout the manufacturing process is so critical. It makes life in production and quality control easier and makes customers happier. It leads to reduced waste and rework as well as consumer rejection.
The first step in assuring accurate color is understanding how good your color vision is. Use the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test to find out. It is easy to administer and a highly effective method for measuring an individual’s color vision.
The next step is visual evaluation. Read the 5 tips the best color companies use in evaluating color visually.
Talk to one of our Color Experts today to learn how you can ensure perfect color throughout the manufacturing process and make your life easier.