Color iQC-iMatch v10.8.7.17
名前: Color iQC-iMatch
バージョン: v10.8.7.17
旧バージョン: v10.8.2.9
リリース日: 0001年1月1日
ファイルタイプ: PC - Self-extracting Installer
ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン
Version v10.8.7 is a maintenance release that addresses the following issues:
- Spectral Set on Filter Bar is not syncing Sphere measurements properly.
- iControl displays wrong spectral data on spectral graph view and spectral list view when using the Filter Bar.
- Default settings are sometimes corrupted.
- iMatch crashes when trying to create a Transparent Reflectance collection without a white or black.
- Formula Search issue.
- Spectral Curve Plot is not showing 20nm data properly.
- iControl reporting 0 for SWL %R.
- Scaling is bad on Trend plot for items with very high DE values.
- Averaging OL/OD using a Ci6x device is not working correctly.
- TVI in multi-trial-view is not populated and shows N/A.
- User could create duplicated Colorants.
- During correction of a standard formulated using CIELab Offset values, the CIELab Offset “b*” values are cut off.
- Group Names display N/V for additional illuminants.
- Color iQC v10.7+ issue with fixed resin percent corrections.
- iControl crashes if trying to include more than 10 items in the Std/Mult-Trial View and then print.
- Switching from “Can” to “Batch” and back again changes the “Output Mode” from Weight to Volume.
- Fixed an issue related to M1 as the primary measurement condition. It was always getting set to OL/OD.
- Resin in waste colorants was NULL, causing formulations to crash iMatch.
- Import of some larger Datacolor XML files strips off the Standard name
Improvements and New features:
- Transforms can now be defined as part of a Calibration Mode.
- Add the ability to switch a device transform at the e-Job level. Now included with Cal Mode.
- Include SRR GLOSS and %STR in Statistic Summary View. New “Display” option under User Settings.
- Added support for the Paint 2-Constant method to the CxF export.
Backward compatibility warnings:
- Any e-Job with formulation-related information saved in v10.8 will not be backward compatible with older versions.
- From v10.8.3 with the introduction of the fourth Illuminate/Observer, the Pass/Fail column will now be SC-LCh in the Std/Mult-Trial View.