ColorCert Desktop 24.07 (Current Release)

名前: ColorCert Desktop

バージョン: 24.07 (Current Release)

旧バージョン: 24.06

リリース日: 8月 7, 2024

ファイルタイプ: PC - MSI Installer, MAC - Disk Image File

ファイルをダウンロード: Mac バージョン PC バージョン


The ColorCert Desktop download link provides an installer for licenses of ColorCert Manager, ColorCert Pressroom, ColorCert Inkroom, and ColorCert QA.

QA Tools Perpetual Licenses prior to 5.x require an upgrade in order to use 5.x (PN# CCR-CCQAP2S).  Please contact X-Rite Sales if you have any questions or need assistance in obtaining the upgrade.

Mac OS USB Dongle Users should not upgrade past 3.6.9.  The dongle driver is not compatible with the latest Apple application notarization requirements.  We strongly encourage all users to upgrade to software dongle licensing.  Please contact X-Rite ColorCert Licensing at if you have any questions or need assistance.

Windows 7, 8, and Windows 8.1 are no longer supported.

Changes/Fixes since 2024.01:

Pressroom Tools (New UI)


  • Added ‘Act as’ option to License dialog for Manager licenses to emulate other license types. The License dialog can be accessed by selecting License in the Window menu.
  • Added hover-over scores to job tree.
  • Added icons and scores to job tree.
  • Moved substrate into a subitem in the job tree.
  • Added opacity as a subitem of substrate in the job tree so that the opacity score is shown separately.
  • Added mid-tone spread as a subitem of dot gain in the job tree so that the mid-tone spread score is shown separately.
  • Added score sub-categories for ‘critical colors’ and ‘build colors’ to the scorecard panels (accessed via an info icon where relevant).
  • Added a Best Match curve to the Lab Plot Widget.


  • Added a new Mediastrip Settings dialog to the Strip Type menu.
  • Added the ability to specify different default file locations for loading jobs versus saving jobs.
  • Changed the UI spacing of the Press Setup meta data.
  • Changed the “New Job” menu item so it is no longer available while a job is open. The user must close the current job first.
  • Changed the Profile Editor Color Classification menu selection for Gray Balance Solid from GBK to GBS.
  • Changed the Profile Editor “Load From” menu order to better match other “Load From” menus.
  • Changed the Profile Editor UI to improve clarity and alignment with new Rule Editor.
  • Changed the Opacity measurement dialogs to match the new UI.
  • Fixed the Rule Editor’s Dynamic Target Adjustment defaults.
  • Fixed an issue with the Profile Editor that could allow it to save incomplete profiles.
  • Fixed an issue refreshing the Job Tree after replacing the Profile or Rules in a job. 


  • Improved error messaging when saving a job fails due to a read-only file under Windows.
  • Improved operation of mediastrip measurement and navigation.
  • Added ISO Opacity metric and workflow.
  • Fixed issue with loading SPIN/SPEX data from MIF file format.
  • Prevent unsaved rolls being saved (user is prompted to save or delete them).
  • Fixed an issue when displaying visual check dialog in jobs with no primaries.
  • Fixed the display of jobs from Repo Server so that columns are displayed consistently.
  • Improved fit of translated roll navigation and job status texts.
  • Fixed the update of ‘Printer Name’ when uploading jobs to Repo Server. 


  • Changed the behavior when closing a job with unsaved measurements. The user is now prompted to save the roll or discard the measurements before the job can be closed.
  • Improved error messages when there is a problem importing from PQX.
  • Improved device behavior to wake the eXact 2 from sleep when a measure task is started. 


  • Fixed a problem where removing an incomplete make-ready or proof roll also removed the press rolls.
  • Fixed a problem where label printing got stuck on the first printer selected.
  • Adjusted the behavior of the mediastrip settings widget to make its operation completely predictable.
  • Added a new rule setting to prevent jobs with non-compliant NetProfiler measurements from being uploaded to scorecard server.
  • Improved messages displayed on using instruments with non-compliant NetProfiler settings. 


  • Fixed crashes when generating reports on MacOS Sonoma.
  • Added a manual import menu option for automation processing. 

Pressroom Tools (Old UI)


  • Fixed the display of primaries screen when all primaries have ‘spot’ classification. 

QA Tools (New UI)


  • Added last-used customer and project options to dropdown menu.
  • Added CSV import options to the customer and project editors.
  • Added option to allow lab or spectral entries to be pasted into the manual entry dialog when creating a new standard. 


  • Changed the Standard Search dialog so it cannot be closed while the Standard Editor is open.
  • Changed the spacing in the Performance Report to prevent the right edge from being cut off when using A4 paper size.
  • Added alerts on Density calculations indicating the density is estimated when a Standard containing only L*a*b* data is in use.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when first connecting to MS SQL Server caused by an incorrect duplicate column error.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using MS SQL Server and importing a new Standard that already exists under a different name. 


  • Fixed CxF export so that tags are not duplicated.
  • Added option to CxF export so the user can choose between a single or multiple CxF files when exporting multiple standards. 


  • Fixed an occasional problem where newly created standards would not show a color preview patch in the search list.
  • Fixed ability to batch import multiple standards from CxF.
  • Fixed auto insertion of tags on new trials.
  • Fixed bug that cleared the measured substrate when the standard changed.
  • Fixed bug that swapped standard and substrate values when importing from CxF.
  • Fixed Lab Plot L graph to update correctly when the trial selection changed. 


  • Fixed a problem with the byte order mark on CSV files used for importing projects and customers. 


  • Fixed a bug which caused standards to be created with only one measurement condition.
  • Added job deletion and rename functionality.
  • Fixed bug which caused the search to crash when measuring using an eXact 1 connected to Bluetooth on a Mac. 

Ink Room Tools


  • Fixed a bug when loading inks where the substrate information was not being imported. 


  • Added Ink Room Tools to New UI. 

Profile Editor (New UI)


  • Added visibility of adapted lab values in profile editor inspector. 

Rules Editor


  • Fixed a bug which caused substrate whiteness and opacity metrics to be duplicated. 

Color Asset Creator


  • Fixed CGATS import so that files with a “.cgats” file extension are processed correctly.
  • Fixed CGATS import to allow Lab-only profiles to create all asset types except for inks.
  • Fixed CGATS import to prompt for filter mode when it cannot be determined from the CGATS file contents. 



  • Added cache maintenance abilities to the PantoneLIVE menu.
  • Changed the ColorCert and PantoneLIVE expiration alerts to match the new UI.
  • Fixed an issue in Windows that prevented a Ci62 from being properly detected. 


  • Fixed some potential crashes using an MSSQL database for auditing.
  • Fixed bug which prevented a license key from being entered in the license dialog.
  • Fixed Inkroom Tools report so that the lab graph is auto-zoomed and target and sample patches are labelled.
  • Improved CGATS importing to cope with more variants from other applications. 


  • Improved operational parity between Profile Editor Build Finder, QA Tools Build Finder, and Ink Room Tools Build Finder. 


  • Added new Color Asset Creator tool to new UI. 


  • Added logo customization to new UI status overview.
  • Standardized the build finder so that the export functions are always available.
  • Enhanced CGATS import to cope with non UTF-8 or ASCII encoded files.
  • Converted various UI elements to new UI.
  • Removed “cc: “ prefix from color names exported to the Adobe .ASE file format.
  • Changed warning score processing so that it is independent of the “Scores below require approval” setting.
  • Standardized export menu wording.
  • Removed “[B]” addition to build color names.
  • Standardized operation of user authorization settings on applications, profiles and rules.
  • Standardized the names of dot gain method names so they are no longer translated into local languages.

Fixed the validation of email addresses so that newer domain suffixes (longer than 4 characters) are permitted. 

Known Issues:

  • Mediastrip PDFs with a combined total of more than 15 inks and/or spot colors appear to contain only black patches in the OSX PDF viewer.  This is a bug with the macOS Preview tool.  The PDF is correct.
  • Ci6x Bluetooth connections are not supported on macOS.
  • eXact Bluetooth connections should be limited to the eXact if the scanning function is being used to avoid possible interference from other Bluetooth devices.
  • Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server version 18 is only compatible if Microsoft SQL Server is configured to use SSL Encryption. Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server version 17 must be used if SSL encryption is not configured on the SQL Server. 

Supported Languages:

English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Czech, Japanese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Vietnamese, and Korean


Open Source / 3rd Party Software Credits and Disclosures:

Windows: ColorCert Application Folder/Credits

Mac: ColorCert Application Package/Contents/Resources/Credits 


For detailed steps, refer to the video guides at the following link:

Note that administrative user rights are required to install or uninstall the software! 

Software & IT Requirements: 

Macintosh System Requirements:

  • macOS 11 (Big Sur), macOS 12 (Monterey), macOS 13 (Ventura), macOS 14 (Sonoma) (Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • All Current System Updates
  • Free Memory: 4 GB or Greater
  • Processor: 1 GHz or Greater
  • Display (old UI): 1400 x 900 Pixels or Greater
  • Display (new UI): 1280 x 675 Pixels or Greater
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB or Greater
  • Read/Write Access: /Library/Preferences for ColorCert Preferences
  • Read/Write Access: /Users/Shared for ColorCert Data 

Windows System Requirements:

  • Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 11 (Intel 32 Bit or 64 Bit)
  • All Current System Updates and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
  • Free Memory: 4 GB or Greater
  • Processor: 1 GHz or Greater
  • Display (old UI): 1400 x 900 Pixels or Greater
  • Display (new UI): 1280 x 675 Pixels or Greater
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB or Greater
  • Read/Write Access: /ProgramData for ColorCert Preferences
  • Read/Write Access: /Users/Public for ColorCert Data 

Network Requirements:

  • Internet connection recommended for activation, online services, and databases
  • Allow Port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTP/S)
  • Proxy configuration is available within the software application preferences
  • Firewall Trusted Domains (Whitelist/Allow Access):
    • ColorCert: *, *
    • ColorCert Scorecard Servers: *
    • ColorCert Repository Servers: *, *
    • PantoneLIVE: *
    • NOTE: Access should be granted by domain name and not IP address as IP addresses can change leading to access issues.  Be aware that we do not issue notice of IP changes and reserve to change them as needed as part of service delivery. 

Other Notes:

  • All current operating system updates should be applied.
  • Due to instrument drivers and licensing, thin client and virtual machine installations are not supported.
  • TeamViewerQS is included within the ColorCert application folder to facilitate remote support.  Note that this version does not require installation or perpetual connection, however, be aware that some IT resources may block its use.
  • For QA Tools an MSSQL or MSSQL Express database version of 2016 or above is recommended.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is available at the following link: