InkFormulation v6.41
名前: InkFormulation
バージョン: v6.41
旧バージョン: v6.40
リリース日: 2019年9月18日
ファイルタイプ: PC - Self-extracting Executable
ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン
Version 6.41 is a maintenance release that corrects issues when using Total basic ink quantity which were identified since the initial release of 6.4Important to know:
Important to know:
- Recipe sets and improved access rights introduced in version 6.4 are not saved in a database backup (workaround: use recommended command line backup).
- A new folder created in batch processing is not immediately visible in the database folder list (it appears in all folders view). After reopening the recipe database, the new folder is visible.