InkFormulation v6.52

名前: InkFormulation

バージョン: v6.52

旧バージョン: v6.51

リリース日: 0001年1月1日

ファイルタイプ: PC - Self-extracting Executable

ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン


Important: Windows 7 is no longer supported since Version 6.5. This Version requires Windows 8.1 or higher.


Version 6.5.2 is a maintenance release that corrects issues that were identified since the initial release of 6.5.

With this version a newer Dongle driver will be installed, that supports the latest Windows 10 updates. Please unplug the dongle prior to installation and plug it back in afterwards.

During start up you will be asked for a database conversion (from version 6.3.2 and older). We recommend making a backup of your database prior to that.

Fixes in 6.5.2:

  • Thickness optimization for offset assortments corrected for batch processing and cxf formulation.
  • Further improvements to the technical varnish functionality.
  • The pallet recipe selection now considers correctly the restrictions based on Total Basic Ink
  • Display of PantoneLIVE targets in search when sorting is based on measurement.
  • Improved precision when exporting assortments
  • Included latest HASP Dongle driver 8.31

Version 6.5.1 is a maintenance release that corrects issues which were identified since the initial release of 6.5.

Bug Fixes in 6.5.1:

  • The calibrated thickness objects have now also correct values if existing recipes have been used for calibration.
  • The same number of recipes as in InkFormulation 6.4.1 is generated in a formulation if a component is marked as “Use in every recipe”.

Known issue:

  • Batch processing with Offset assortments using thickness optimization gives always recipes with a film thickness closest to 100% within the min/max range. As workaround either use InkFormulation 6.4.1 or calculate the recipes individually.

Version 6.5 

Windows 7 is no longer supported with this version. This Version requires Windows 8.1 or higher.

With this version a newer Dongle driver will be installed, that supports the latest Windows 10 2004 update. Please unplug the dongle prior to installation and plug it back in afterwards.

During startup you will be asked for a database conversion (from version 6.32 and older). We recommend making a backup of your database prior to that.

Version 6.5 is a maintenance release that includes the new functionality of adding a technical varnish to the recipe and corrects several issues and improvements identified since the initial release of 6.41.

  • Additional colorant type Technical varnish.
  • Improvements in Recipe Formulation.
  • Further Improvements with PantoneLIVE references.
  • Additional objects for the Print Layout.
  • Additional options for Recipe export as csv file.
  • Fixed issues with Thickness objects.
  • Changes in the recipe editor are saved correctly.
  • Improved handling of cxf files with multiple measurement.
  • Closed a gap in User Administrator regarding Delta E setting.
  • Fixed an issue with external command interface.
  • Fixed an issue with the search options in Define target color -> get.
  • Improved Chinese and Italian translations.

For more information please refer to the document Version 6.5 Enhancements.

Known bugs:
Recipe sets and improved access rights are not saved in a database backup (workaround: copy sqlite database file for backup or use recommended command line backup for MySQL databases).