InkFormulation v6.6

名前: InkFormulation

バージョン: v6.6

旧バージョン: v6.52

リリース日: 0001年1月1日

ファイルタイプ: PC - Self-extracting Executable

ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン



  • During the upgrade installation, a database conversion to 6.6 is required to take advantage of a new feature. We recommend our users back up their database before this procedure.
  • From Version 6.5, Windows 8.1 or higher is the minimum Operating System requirement.
  • A new dongle driver will be installed to support the latest Windows 10 updates. Please unplug the dongle before installation and reinsert once the process is completed.

Fixes in 6.6:

  • Support of the Media Ring accessory for the eXact 2. This is only applicable to customers who require inter-model agreement between the eXact and eXact 2 when working with translucent substrates like film.

Known issues:

  • Recipe sets and improved access rights are not saved in a database backup (workaround: copy sqlite database file for backup or use recommended command line backup for MySQL databases).
  • Technical varnish is not calculated correctly in Total Mode when leftovers with viscosity curves are used in the recipe.