NetProfiler 3 v3.5.9

名前: NetProfiler

バージョン: v3.5.9

旧バージョン: v3.5.8

リリース日: 0001年1月1日

ファイルタイプ: PC - Self-extracting Installer

ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン

注記: v3.5.9 Improvements:

  • Resolved a bug causing some text to display in English regardless of language settings.
  • Fixed an issue preventing NP3 from connecting to Ci52SWS devices.
  • Fixed a bug causing NP3 to fail in locating valid records for some CiF3100SWS devices.
  • Added Ci62S device support to the device dropdown list.
  • Included Ci6x driver version 3.0 in the installer for automatic installation during NP3 setup.
  • Added support for Ci64L devices.