PANTORA Distribution Server 2024.2
名前: PANTORA Distribution Server
バージョン: 2024.2
旧バージョン: 2024.1
リリース日: 0001年1月1日
ファイルタイプ: Self-Extracting EXE
ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン
We recommend having the latest TAC7 Firmware version installed before using PANTORA. Firmware upgrades are done with the TAC7 Diagnostics tool. Both firmware and diagnostics tool can be downloaded here here.
To use PANTORA’s connectivity feature, it is recommended to update the respective device driver and Firmware to the latest version. Please find the corresponding downloads at Ci7XX0, MetaVue, and MA-T12.
Pantora 2024.2 contains the following new features and improvements:
- Ci7x BRDF measurement program allows to specify a custom roughness valueUse r45as45 geometry image as preview for MA-T12 measurements
- Fitting of Ci7x R/T measurements can now be aborted
- Two new options for MA-T12 SVBRDF fitting: “Enforce white highlights” & “Clear Coat”
- Multi-selection when importing from device
- 2D preview supports volumetric materials
- Enabling empty texture parameter in the Representation Editor opens a file dialog
- Measurement Tab shows additional image measurement metadata like Texture Scales
Browser: Export improvements
- glTF: Improved export of specular color (avoid out-of-bounds values)
- glTF: Improved consistency and documentation of glTF extension settings
Viewer: Saved Cameras
- Added ability to save the current camera to a list of saved cameras
- Added “Saved Cameras Bar” at the bottom of the Viewer’s viewport
- Added “Cameras” side tab to control the current or any saved camera
New Compare tab [preview]
- Allow to synchronize view and light direction in 3D view to the selected measurement geometry
- Computation of X-Rite Texture Scale metrics for texture images
- Table columns can be customized
- Splitter can be reset (double-click) and standard-trial view can be switched (alt + double-click)
- TAC7 measurements can be compared
- Enabled symmetric tolerancing for signed difference metrics
- Added support for limiting the number of CPU cores used in post-processing by setting registry value
Other Downloads here: