Most experienced color professionals understand the need for color measurement tools, but many do not fully understand how “appearance” attributes can affect final color. Complex materials with sparkle, coarseness, texture, or other appearance characteristics require special tools to achieve predictable results.

Leveraging Color and Appearance for Product Design

During this webinar, we will:

  • Introduce the benefits PANTORA Appearance Software offers designers and color workflow teams.
  • Explain how PANTORA connects with X-Rite portable and benchtop devices to measure, visualize, and communicate complex materials.
  • Offer a live demo of PANTORA and the MA-T12 multi-angle spectrophotometer.

With the right tools in place at each stage of the workflow, you can effectively communicate color and appearance attributes within cross-functional teams, streamline product development, and create a more sustainable workflow.

You Will Learn:

  • What "appearance" attributes are and how they affect overall color.
  • The benefits of "Appearance Exchange Format" (AxF).
  • How incorporating the right color management tools can help you capture both color and appearance.
  • Which color measurement devices connect with PANTORA.
  • Which devices to use for applications like plastics, coatings, and textiles.

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