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Posted April 25, 2024 by X-Rite Color

Dans le secteur de la signalétique et de l’affichage, comme dans de nombreux autres secteurs de l’imprimerie, les tirages plus courts et les temps de cycle réduits peuvent mettre à l’épreuve même les opérations d’impression grand format les plus efficaces. En mettant en œuvre un flux de production des fichiers RIP à l’impression sur bobine (ou sur support rigide) avec gestion des couleurs, ces opérations p...

Posted April 23, 2024 by X-Rite Color

La précision des couleurs dans l’univers de l’impression et de l’emballage exige de disposer des bons outils. Nous savons combien il peut être difficile de faire son choix parmi la multitude d’options disponibles. Rassurez-vous, nous avons simplifié votre processus de décision. Voici notre liste des meilleurs instruments de correspondance des couleurs, chacun répondant à des besoins différents :   eXact™ 2 S...

Posted December 08, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Starbucks a une fois de plus donné le coup d'envoi de la saison des fêtes avec quatre nouveaux modèles de gobelets festifs. Cette année, ils nous ont surpris avec un accent magenta, qui « rehausse les couleurs traditionnelles des fêtes et rend le rouge encore plus lumineux », a déclaré Kristy Cameron, directrice de la création de Starbucks. Dans la frénésie des achats des fêtes, l'emballage joue un rôl...

Posted November 01, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Working in prepress holds a unique challenge. Even if your color workflow is tight, everything can fall apart if the customer’s file isn’t color managed. We’ve all seen it. You receive a file that the customer claims is ready to print, yet when you open it on your computer, the colors don’t look right at all. You can’t send it to print without knowing for sure, because you’re the one who will take the hit for wasted time and materials if it’s wrong....

Posted August 23, 2023 by Mark Gundlach

If ensuring color consistency is part of your job description, you’ll want to learn more about PantoneLIVE. Our customers report that it helps them get products to market an average of four times faster! PantoneLIVE is an end-to-end, digital color communication ecosystem that helps everyone involved in a packaging workflow visualize and communicate color. It shows which colors are achievable, and which are not, across everything from flexible packaging to corrugated board. And, since the digital...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

When all of final production packaging comes together on the store shelf, it’s a brand’s moment of truth. Do the stand-up pouches, overwraps, and corrugated POP displays match? How close is the color to its standard? We know you spend so much time and money designing, proofing, sampling, printing, and shipping… so where does the color go wrong? Is it an issue with accuracy, consistency, or both? Package designs come together on the shelf. Here you see pouches, labels, cartons, and corrugated wit...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Comment gérer plus de 2 000 couleurs de marque dans une chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale complexe ? Les choses se compliquent ! Bien qu’il puisse sembler plus facile de créer une nouvelle couleur plutôt que de fouiller dans des bases de données ou des classeurs de drawdowns pour trouver la correspondance la plus proche, le problème survient plus tard, lorsque vous êtes confronté à une immense bibliothèque, impossi...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Il suffit de 2 à 7 secondes. Tout à fait, ce minuscule laps de temps représente ce qu’un consommateur consacre à la prise de nombreuses décisions d’achat. Voilà le « premier moment de vérité » dont on parle tant et qui fait même l’objet de recherches. Les solutions de gestion des couleurs d’X-Rite pour l’impression et l’emballage assurent l’excellence en matière de contr&oci...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Quand quelqu’un dit « pomme », voyez-vous du rouge, du vert ou du jaune ? Que faites-vous si un client vous demande de produire une couleur à partir de descriptions qui ne sont pas assez précises ? Découvrez comment quelque chose d’aussi simple, en apparence, que la communication des couleurs peut déterminer la réussite ou l’échec de votre programme couleur. Une image peut exprimer un millier de mots, mais les mots seuls n&...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? If not, it should. Using the SpectraLight QC as part of a color evaluation workflow. No matter your industry, judging color is more than just measuring samples with a color measurement device. Just because a spectrophotometer says your color is within tolerance, doesn’t necessarily mean it will look right to the human eye. To minimize customer rejects, your color control process needs to include visual evaluation in a light boo...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Tout responsable d’impression de produits ou d’emballages sait que certaines couleurs, comme la teinte orange, sont tout simplement trop difficiles à reproduire en utilisant uniquement des encres CMJ. Une quatrième couleur, le noir (désigné par la lettre N), est souvent ajoutée aux applications d’impression de couleurs soustractives. Puisque la combinaison C+M+J donne en fait une couleur marron terne en raison des impuretés des encres,...

Posted February 10, 2023 by Scott Harig

À cette époque de l’année, Internet regorge de listes. C’est une tradition depuis 1940, quand le magazine Billboard a publié son premier classement des titres musicaux les plus vendus. Depuis, d’autres ont pris le train en marche pour relever les tendances les plus populaires de l’année écoulée.   Nous publions nos articles les plus lus depuis 2016, et nous sommes heureux de constater que certains thèmes p&eacut...

Posted December 28, 2022 by X-Rite Color

It’s important to ensure design intent is realized each time and everywhere a product appears. But with so many variables to impact print quality, how can brands utilize suppliers around the world and still achieve consistent color? Our X-Rite Pantone Packaging Color Experts have designed a series of consulting services and workshops to help you get the most from your print, packaging, plastic or textile value chain.   Offered both online and onsite, these interactive sessions i...

Posted December 06, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

La technologie numérique révolutionne les opérations d’impression. Néanmoins, alors que les imprimeurs offset cherchent des moyens d’améliorer la qualité, de réduire les coûts et d’augmenter la productivité, le laboratoire d’encres est souvent négligé. À tort. Car si les encres offset ne répondent pas aux spécifications, tous les efforts de standardisation dans la salle d&rsqu...

Posted November 07, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Pourquoi étalonner votre spectrophotomètre ? Pour la plupart, les instruments de mesure de la couleur d’aujourd’hui sont 100 % numériques. En fait, ils ne comprennent que très peu de composants analogiques, à l’exception des ampoules. Bien qu’ils soient plus stables que leurs prédécesseurs analogiques, les spectrophotomètres actuels présentent des tolérances beaucoup plus étroites et ils ont beso...

Posted November 03, 2022 by Mike Huda

Vous affirmez que la couleur est importante, mais savez-vous pourquoi ? En réalité, la couleur est un élément essentiel du processus de fabrication. Malheureusement, de nombreux fabricants réalisent qu’il est aujourd’hui beaucoup plus compliqué d’obtenir une couleur correcte, alors que les marques qu’ils accompagnent leur exigent de respecter des tolérances toujours plus strictes. En voici les raisons. Si les progrè...

Posted November 01, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

Les supports métallisés, comme les emballages métalliques en deux pièces, sont coûteux à produire et rendent difficile le contrôle des couleurs lors de l’impression. Alors que de nombreux acteurs du secteur de la décoration des métaux sont réticents à l’idée d’adopter la mesure de la couleur, il s’agit bien là du moyen le plus rapide, le plus précis et le plus rentable de produ...

Posted October 06, 2022 by X-Rite Color

La gestion des couleurs est un processus qui identifie et caractérise chaque instrument d’un flux d’imagerie afin de s’assurer que tous partagent le même langage. Comme le définit l’ICC (International Color Consortium), un flux de production intégrant la gestion des couleurs est prévisible, régulier et reproductible, de la capture à la sortie finale, en passant par l’épreuvage.   Grâce à la ges...

Posted September 29, 2022 by X-Rite Color

La gestion des couleurs a provoqué une explosion des possibilités en matière de création d’encres novatrices et attrayantes sur une variété de supports tels que le papier, le tissu, la céramique, les surfaces transparentes, etc. Pour garantir la précision des couleurs lors de l’exécution de travaux avec ces nouvelles applications, un profil d’imprimante doit être créé pour chaque combinaison d’imprimante, d’encre et de support. X-Rite offre les outils parfaits pour accélérer et faciliter la créa...

Posted September 16, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Les clients qui font leurs premiers pas dans la gestion des couleurs nous demandent souvent quelle est la différence entre un spectromètre et un spectrophotomètre. La distinction orthographique est si minime qu’une coquille est vite arrivée, avec à la clé une mauvaise réponse à cette question. Alors... Quelle est donc cette différence? Spectromètre ou spectrophotomètre     Qu’est-ce qu’un spe...

Posted September 13, 2022 by X-Rite Color

In this series we’ve been discussing the many factors that impact how we see color, and what we can do to ensure the color we see is accurate. Light, retinal fatigue and background effects can influence our perception of color. Today we’ll look at the limitations of the human eye and brain, and talk about how to detect these characteristics, especially for individuals responsible for evaluating and judging color. Are YOU color deficient? Read on to find out. (Spoiler alert: There’s a test at the...

Posted September 01, 2022 by X-Rite Color

There are many things that affect our ability to see color. In some cases, it doesn’t matter if the red you see is the same shade I see. A barn is a barn, right? But for those who work in an industry where color evaluation is part of the job, it IS important… VERY important. In our color perception series, we’re discussing the many factors that affect how we see color and what colorists can do to ensure that the color they see is the color they are supposed to see. Today we’ll take a closer look...

Posted August 31, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Combien d'essais et d'erreurs vous faut-il pour formuler une couleur ? Si vous avez répondu plus de trois, il est peut-être temps d’envisager l'aide d'une solution informatisée. La formulation des couleurs assistée par ordinateur peut apporter d'énormes avantages à votre entreprise. Même les novices peuvent atteindre des objectifs de couleurs plus rapidement, ce qui leur permet d'économiser du temps, de l'argent et des colorants. Une fo...

Posted July 07, 2022 by Mike Huda

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer le lancement du spectrophotomètre eXact 2. Grâce à ses fonctionnalités innovantes comme la caméra haute résolution embarquée, les roues de scanning intégrées et la connectivité logicielle (pour n’en citer que quelques-unes), cet instrument va changer la donne pour les imprimeurs, les transformateurs et les fournisseurs d’encres. Disponible en trois modèles, vous vous dem...

Posted June 14, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Vous vous demandez si le nouvel eXact™ 2 convient à votre atelier ? Aujourd'hui, nous allons vous présenter les principales caractéristiques des instruments, des logiciels et de l'assistance destinées aux imprimeurs et transformateurs. Ceci afin de vous aider à prendre votre décision. Améliorations des instruments eXact 2 destinées aux imprimeurs et transformateurs Tout d'abord, examinons les principales différences mat&eacu...

Posted June 13, 2022 by X-Rite Color

L&E International, Ltd est un fournisseur international de solutions d’emballages durables et innovantes. En tant que fournisseur d’emballages certifié pour Adidas, Verizon, Amazon (fournisseur APASS en Asie), Target et de nombreuses autres marques et enseignes, L&E applique et respecte les standards stricts des couleurs de marque dans plusieurs pays et sites de fabrication. L’année dernière, L&E a choisi les solutions de flux de production c...

Posted June 06, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Vous vous demandez si le nouvel eXactTM 2 convient à votre laboratoire d’encres ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous présenter les principales fonctionnalités des instruments, des logiciels et les fonctionnalités destinées aux fournisseurs d’encre. Ceci afin de vous aider à prendre votre décision. Améliorations des instruments eXact 2 pour les fournisseurs d’encre Tout d’abord, examinons les principales d...

Posted June 02, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Asda brand packaging is printed globally across a variety of suppliers, print processes, and substrates. With a small team of print specialists, it was impossible and impractical for Asda to attend even a small percentage of press passes across all suppliers to validate print quality. Seven years ago, Asda adopted the X-Rite Pantone ColorCert Suite, a digital color program to help them streamline approvals and deliver brand presence and quality assurance on the shelf across their primary and se...

Posted May 02, 2022 by X-Rite Color

As the range of substrates, inks, and printing technologies has expanded, so has the challenge of maintaining color quality for brands and printers. A workflow based on digital standards is the easiest way to achieve accuracy and consistency across shifts and sites, regardless of production requirements. Adding a quality control solution like ColorCert® to your workflow can boost your bottom line even more. What is ColorCert? ColorCert is a modular, job-based solution that streamlines color ...

Posted April 26, 2022 by X-Rite Color

De plus en plus de marques de biens de consommation (CPG) mettent en place des programmes de contrôle qualité des emballages pour surveiller les tolérances de couleurs. Les transformateurs et les imprimeurs d'emballages ont besoin de solutions de mesure de la couleur qui s'intègrent directement aux systèmes de reporting. Nos solutions de numérisation IntelliTrax2 Pro et eXact Auto-Scan Pro combinent la puissance de nos appareils à lecture automatique, leaders du marché, avec la puissance de nos ...

Posted April 06, 2022 by Christian Benz

There are many things that affect what we see. Optical illusions aren’t just fascinating; they teach us about how we visually perceive our surroundings. In our Color Perception Series, we shared some of the factors that affect how we see color and the impact it has on manufacturing. In honor of April Fools' Day, we’re taking a closer look at some of the ways our brain, eyes, and the environment can influence what we see. April Fool #1: Your Brain Let’s start with the power of t...

Posted March 25, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Quality control is an important aspect of any color workflow. While many of our customers use a handheld spectrophotometer for QC, there are times a benchtop spectrophotometer is a more appropriate choice. Today we’ll explore some of the reasons you might want to choose a benchtop for quality control and offer tips to ensure your QC workflow is the best it can be. Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Benchtop Spectrophotometer for Quality Control 1 - Your Color Tolerances are Tight While our handhel...

Posted March 25, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Are your customers rejecting shipments due to incorrect color? Are you identifying color issues during quality control? If your bottom line depends on color accuracy, you need to ensure your spectrophotometer is not the cause. Color drift is a big issue for a lot of companies. Even worse, many don’t even know it’s happening. Here are some ways to make sure your spectrophotometer is operating within specification to always capture accurate and consistent measurement data. Causes of Sp...

Posted February 24, 2022 by Tim Mouw

Light booths provide a controlled environment for judging color under different lighting conditions. They can help visually evaluate how different types of light will affect the perception of color, evaluate the color of raw materials before and after production, and ensure different components will remain uniform once they’re assembled.   But not all light booths are the same. With NIST traceability and ISO 17025 accreditation, X-Rite offers worldwide competence in calibration, cert...

Posted December 13, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Une cabine de lumière de qualité est la meilleure façon de visualiser la réponse des couleurs dans des conditions d’éclairage réelles. Les cabines de lumière traditionnelles proposent des illuminants courants tels que la lumière du jour, la lumière incandescente et la lumière fluorescente afin de reproduire l’aspect des couleurs dans les magasins et après achat, sous les éclairages d’exté...

Posted November 03, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Color Matching Software for Retail Paint In the retail paint environment, customer service is key. When a customer brings a paint sample to the counter for a custom match, formulas must be accurate and formulation time must be fast. The faster and more accurately you can match customer paint samples, the more likely they will return with future business. With the right equipment, you can empower your paint counter associates to be true color matching experts and convert your paint department in...

Posted November 03, 2021 by X-Rite Color

The flexography method of printing uses rotary flexible plates to print directly on the substrate in a single pass. These inked plates are wrapped around cylinders on a web press and rotate at a fast speed to transfer ink. This type of printing is ideal for large quantities and long print runs with a continuous print, such as wallpaper and gift wrap. A flexographic printing press can use a variety of solvent-based, water-based, or UV curable inks. It also adapts well to different materials and ...

Posted October 20, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Dans un monde idéal, vous devriez pouvoir charger l’encre dans votre presse et imprimer votre travail en toute simplicité. Malheureusement, chaque année, les imprimeries flexo et hélio gaspillent de l’encre, des supports et du temps de production en essayant d’obtenir des couleurs correctes. Même si les progrès technologiques ont facilité la précision des couleurs, les variables qui affectent la couleur subsistent.

Dans cette série en trois parties, nous vous présentons plus de vingt raisons susceptibles d’expliquer pourquoi votre couleur n’est pas la bonne sur presse. Si vous avez manqué le premier article, intitulé Instruments, commencez par le consulter.

Aujourd’hui, nous nous intéressons à la façon dont l’encre et les standards affectent la couleur finale.

1 - Standard de couleur erroné.

Il est facile de sélectionner accidentellement le mauvais standard de couleur dans votre logiciel. Certains systèmes comptent des centaines voire des milliers de standards de couleur. Voici quelques conseils :

  • Vérifiez que le standard sélectionné présente les mêmes caractéristiques que le travail à imprimer.
  • Classez vos standards par client et incluez des détails tels que le support, l’anilox, le système d’encre, etc.
  • Choisissez le standard avec les réglages de l’instrument et le matériau de support adaptés.
  • Assurez-vous que le standard de couleur correspond au même support que l’échantillon d’impression. Par exemple, vous ne pouvez pas comparer une couleur Pantone non couchée sur un papier blanchi à un papier ondulé KLA blanc cassé marbré.

2 - Excès de colorants.

Un lot d’encre formulé avec trop de colorants risque de ne pas atteindre la couleur ou l’intensité souhaitée. Cette situation conduit généralement à un cercle vicieux, car les proportions de colorants diffèrent les unes des autres. Formulez toujours vos encres avec le minimum d’ingrédients possible.

3 - Changement de support.

Le support sur presse est-il exactement le même que celui utilisé pour créer le standard ? Le fournisseur du support a-t-il du mal à fournir un matériau homogène ? Le matériau est-il laminé avec un matériau de fond différent d’auparavant ? Comparez-vous une structure laminée à base de polyester mat avec une surface transparente ?

Les changements de support peuvent faire une énorme différence dans le rendu de la couleur sur presse. Envisagez de faire de vos supports des standards réels dans votre flux de production, tout comme vous le feriez pour vos drawdowns d’encre. Et avant de vérifier les couleurs, contrôlez votre support pour vous assurer qu’il est conforme aux tolérances avant de régler la tonalité des encres ou d’exécuter le travail.


4 - Vernis de surimpression négligé.

Le vernis de surimpression est souvent négligé parce qu’il est transparent, mais ne vous laissez pas tromper. Il peut avoir une incidence considérable sur les variations de couleur. Généralement, un vernis de surimpression peut entraîner un décalage de la couleur vers le bleu. Il peut également conférer aux couleurs un aspect plus sombre et intense.

Vous constaterez une baisse de la valeur L lors de l’application du vernis sur la plupart des couleurs. Dans le doute, prenez quelques mesures avec et sans vernis de surimpression pour observer la différence. Si votre travail d’impression nécessite un vernis de surimpression, il est préférable de l’inclure à votre standard de couleur pour correspondre au produit fini que le client verra. Un vernis de surimpression ponctuel peut également poser problème lorsqu’il passe au centre d’une gamme de contrôle. Puisque certaines mesures comporteront un vernis et d’autres non, les valeurs relevées seront incohérentes.

5 - Lot d’encre défectueux.

Même les meilleurs techniciens en encre peuvent se heurter à un lot d’encre défectueux. Mais si le problème n’est pas détecté tout de suite, il peut entraîner des heures de recherche des teintes d’encre, ainsi que des déchets d’impression. Une façon d’y remédier est d’établir un programme d’assurance qualité avec votre laboratoire d’encres pour vous assurer que les encres qui arrivent à la presse sont conformes. Une pratique courante consiste à joindre un certificat d’analyse aux lots mis sous presse afin d’en garantir l’exactitude. Vous devez également mesurer et valider les encres avant de les mettre sous presse.

La fonction BestMatch d’eXact est un outil de prédiction des couleurs qui tient compte de la concentration et de l’épaisseur de l’encre pour déterminer si vous pouvez obtenir la bonne couleur. Elle évalue aussi si vous pouvez obtenir une correspondance plus proche d’une couleur spécifique en ajustant l’encre sur presse. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre article de blog Ramener la couleur dans les tolérances.

6 - Contamination.

Image of eXact 2 Plus 02

Ce phénomène est courant dans les salles d’impression. Les conducteurs de presse, en particulier lorsqu’ils utilisent des encres à base de solvant ou d’eau, doivent ajouter des additifs tels que des stabilisants, du glycol, de l’alcool, de l’eau, etc. pour maintenir les performances de l’encre. Mais un excès d’additifs peut en fait détériorer l’encre. Un autre problème fréquent lorsque tout le monde est pressé et que la production doit être bouclée est de sauter l’étape du nettoyage minutieux des cuves et des fontaines de la presse lors du changement de couleur.

Une fois qu’une couleur est contaminée, la seule façon de la corriger est souvent de recommencer. L’outil Basic Compare d’eXact 2 permet de comparer l’encre de la presse à celle d’un nouveau récipient pour vérifier l’absence de contamination. Une méthode moins scientifique consiste à verser de l’encre issue de la presse sur le couvercle du récipient d’encre d’origine. Si vous constatez une différence significative entre les deux, il y a de fortes chances que votre encre soit contaminée.

7 - Séchage inadapté.

Les encres qui n’ont pas séché correctement peuvent provoquer un remouillage. Cela peut ne pas affecter votre couleur, mais il est important d’en avoir conscience. Dans un scénario radical, une cuve de jaune quadri peut devenir complètement orange ou même marron si les autres encres ne sèchent pas correctement.

8 - Opacités différentes.

Les différentes couleurs d’encre ont des opacités différentes. Pour compliquer encore les choses, les fabricants d’encres ont recours à plusieurs systèmes d’encres et à des dizaines de fournisseurs, ce qui multiplie les possibilités de variation de l’opacité. La solution eXact 2 Plus d’X-Rite prend en charge les mesures d’opacité.

Vous pouvez éviter de perdre du temps et de l’argent en mesurant l’opacité. Connaître vos capacités d’opacité peut vous aider à définir clairement les attentes de vos clients.

À suivre...

Comme je l’ai mentionné dans la première partie de cette série, vous n’obtiendrez des couleurs régulières que si tous les conducteurs suivent ces étapes. Vous devez tout documenter et communiquer à l’ensemble des personnes impliquées dans le flux de production.

Découvrez le dernier volet de notre série « Pourquoi votre couleur sur presse n’est pas la bonne » – Facteurs environnementaux et presse.

Solutions de gestion des couleurs présentées

Apprenez-en davantage sur ces produits recommandés :

X-Rite eXact 2: avec des fonctionnalités innovantes telles que la technologie de cible de visée par caméra brevetée Mantis et la technologie de zoom Digital Loupe, inédite sur le marché, eXact 2 constitue le choix idéal pour les imprimeurs, les transformateurs et les fournisseurs d’encre.

eXact Auto-Scan Pro: une solution intégrée de scanning au pupitre pour les petits et moyens imprimeurs offrant un retour d’informations instantané sur les performances des travaux, avec des rapports de contrôle qualité améliorés et conformément à la norme G7.

IntelliTrax2 Pro: An integrated press-side scanning solution for mid- to large-size commercial and folding carton printers that offers instant feedback on job performance and improved quality control reporting with G7 compliance.

Ci64: spectrophotomètre à sphère portable le plus précis d’X-Rite, le Ci64 se décline en trois modèles, génère simultanément des mesures SPIN, SPEX et de brillance corrélée, et peut être équipé d’une option UV.

Logiciel InkFormulation: solution de formulation rapide, précise et homogène, dédiée à la création, au stockage, à la validation et à la récupération d’encres offset, flexo, hélio et de sérigraphie.


Posted October 19, 2021 by Scott Harig

Dans un monde parfait, vous devriez pouvoir mettre de l'encre dans la presse, exécuter un travail et obtenir une couleur uniforme. Malheureusement, chaque année, les opérations d'impression en flexographie et en héliogravure gaspillent de l'encre, des substrats et du temps à essayer d'obtenir la bonne couleur. Bien que les progrès de la technologie aient facilité l'obtention des bonnes couleurs, les variables qui affectent la couleur existent tou...

Posted October 18, 2021 by Scott Harig

Dans un monde idéal, vous devriez pouvoir charger l’encre dans votre presse et imprimer votre travail en toute simplicité. Malheureusement, chaque année, les imprimeries flexo et hélio gaspillent de l’encre, des supports et du temps de production en essayant d’obtenir des couleurs correctes. Même si les progrès technologiques ont facilité la précision des couleurs, les variables qui affectent la couleur subsistent. Dans cette série en trois parties, nous vous présentons plus de vingt raisons su...

Posted October 18, 2021 by Scott Harig

The International Standards Organization has defined ISO 12647 as a set of Graphic Arts standards for printing. Included are eight parts: Part 1:  Print parameters and measurement methods Part 2:  Offset lithographic processes Part 3:  Coldset offset lithography on newsprint Part 4:  Gravure printing Part 5:  Screen printing Part 6:  Flexographic printing Part 7:  Proofing processes working directly from digital data Part 8:  Validation print processes wo...

Posted October 18, 2021 by Scott Harig

Impression à gamut élargi Une variation accrue des produits et les exigences de la fabrication « lean » contraignent les transformateurs à travailler plus rapidement et de façon plus économique. La mise en œuvre de l’impression à gamut élargi, également baptisée impression à palette de couleur fixe, constitue une excellente façon pour les designers et donneurs d’ordre de ré...

Posted October 16, 2021 by Mark Gundlach

Pour mesurer la couleur, un dispositif de colorimétrie éclaire un échantillon, capture la quantité de lumière transmise ou reflétée dans la plage de longueurs d’onde de 380 à 780 nm et la quantifie en mesure spectrale. La colorimétrie est nécessaire pour spécifier, quantifier, communiquer, formuler et vérifier la qualité des couleurs pour des travaux dans lesquels celles-ci constituent un critè...

Posted August 24, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Learn about light, reflection curves, optical brighteners, and more.     Illuminants Electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 380 nm to 730 nm is seen as light by our eyes. Low wavelengths show as blue light, then the spectrum continues from green to yellow, orange, and red. UV radiation is located in the range below 380 nm; the range above 730 nm is called infrared radiation. The visual impression of a colored body changes by the composition of the incoming light. ...

Posted July 22, 2021 by X-Rite Color

La gestion des couleurs ICC permet de disposer d’un flux de production prévisible, régulier et reproductible, de la capture à la sortie finale, en passant par l’épreuvage. Pour parvenir à un flux de production intégrant la gestion des couleurs, il est nécessaire d’étalonner vos instruments et de créer un profil ICC pour chacun d’entre eux, y compris l’appareil photo, l’écran, le projecteur, le scanner et l’imprimante.   Pourquoi étalonner et créer des profils ? Afin d’obtenir les meilleu...

Posted January 27, 2021 by Ray Cheydleur

X-Rite Pantone has been working with Asda for several years, supporting the implementation of ColorCert, a digital color program to achieve time and cost savings and deliver brand presence and quality assurance on shelf. We recently published a case study that explains how digital color has helped Asda improve color and consistency scores by 200%. We encourage you to download the case study to learn more. With a tried and proven color management model in its Food and Non-Edible categories, Asda ...

Posted January 22, 2021 by X-Rite Color

La pandémie de COVID-19 a obligé de nombreuses entreprises à repenser leur façon de communiquer, d’approuver et de produire la couleur. Pour certaines, cela implique d’essayer de poursuivre leurs activités habituelles à distance. Pour d’autres, il s’agit de trouver des moyens de gérer la couleur sans se déplacer. Quoi qu’il en soit, nous savons que nos clients font tout leur possible pour maintenir leur activi...

Posted December 15, 2020 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating as the Pantone Color of the Year 2021. According to the Pantone Color Institute, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating, a marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting. Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray is emblematic of...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Black Friday. Not only is it the much anticipated start to holiday shopping, it’s also a day manufacturers have been preparing for all year long. Whether mass-producing holiday cards, candy canes, plastic toys, or festive clothing, accurate color is a must. Manufacturers can’t ship two of the same toy if they won’t match on the showroom floor, and holiday sweaters that are a shade off will end up at a discount store instead of a fashion boutique. Perfection is especially import...

Posted November 25, 2020 by X-Rite Color

La durabilité est une priorité absolue pour les grandes entreprises d’emballages de produits de consommation. Elle implique de prendre en compte les besoins de notre environnement et des générations futures en recherchant des moyens de réduire les déchets tout au long de la production. Cette démarche est non seulement socialement responsable, mais les consommateurs tiennent souvent compte des pratiques durables d’une marque pour prendr...

Posted October 15, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Combien de temps, de papier et d’encre perdez-vous à réimprimer des images parce que la couleur n’est pas correcte ? Avant d’accuser votre imprimante, intéressez-vous à votre écran. Lorsque vous travaillez sur un écran non calibré et sans profil, vous ne pouvez pas vous fier aux couleurs que vous voyez à l'écran, ce qui rend difficile la prise de bonnes décisions. Heureusement, la calibration et la cré...

Posted August 20, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

Softproofing – the ability to simulate how an image will appear in print right from your monitor – can save a lot of time and effort in your printing workflow. Although many photographers already rely on it, anyone who designs, approves, prepares or prints brand and color-critical images can also benefit. With softproofing, designers can create with actual specified colors (no more trial and error!), project owners can approve layouts without physical proofs (predictable color!), and...

Posted August 20, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

As brand owners compete to make packaging stand out, commercial and flexible packaging converters and label printers are charged with achieving accurate color – on unique substrates – with shorter print runs. Many spend a lot of time mixing ink, then end up throwing it away when the color isn’t right. Others mix ink, store it, and spend way too much time trying to reuse it for future print runs.  If you’re stuck in this cycle, you’re essentially paying for ink...

Posted August 13, 2020 by Rich Knapp

Pour mettre en œuvre un programme de contrôle qualité efficace, vous avez besoin d’une bonne instrumentation, d’un logiciel robuste et d’utilisateurs formés. Mais même si tout est en place, attention à certains pièges courants lorsque vous utilisez un spectrophotomètre pour analyser la qualité des couleurs. Measuring plastic parts with the X-Rite Ci7800 benchtop spectrophotometer. Les cinq principaux pièg...

Posted August 11, 2020 by Tim Mouw

A calibrated display is not just for photographers. If you browse inspiration photos online, send color samples back and forth via e-mail, or transfer color files between suppliers and customers, you need to calibrate and profile your display to trust the colors you see on-screen.     When talking about monitor calibration, many people interchange illuminance, luminance and brightness, but they are not the same. Here are the differences you need to understand to properly calibrate and...

Posted August 07, 2020 by Kevin Aamodt

Whether you’re producing textiles, automotive parts, or plastic pieces, color needs to remain consistent or the final product will be rejected. Unfortunately, there are many ways for color errors to creep in during manufacturing. Creating and using accurate digital color standards is one way to combat these errors. Digital color standards can be used in software to specify and communicate color, formulate colorants and raw materials, and control color quality. They give brand owners peac...

Posted August 03, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Dans un marché très concurrentiel, les marques et les concepteurs d’emballages cherchent le moyen de différencier leurs produits dans les rayons. Cela dépasse de plus en plus souvent la couleur pour inclure des options d’ennoblissement telles que les films, les vernis spéciaux, les finitions douces, etc. Les concepteurs utilisent également des couleurs unies plus intenses, ainsi que des teintes fluorescentes et irisées, et pas seulement avec une impression classique. Les solutions numériques per...

Posted June 04, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

As digital printing continues to grow, many printmakers are moving beyond traditional media to create artwork on substrates like wood, acrylic, textiles, and backlit materials. While the results can be beautiful, achieving exceptional print quality on these materials can be challenging.   Enter the i1Pro 3 Plus. With its large aperture, polarization and transmissive capabilities, this new member of X-Rite’s i1Pro Family can create color profiles for substrates that are otherwise ...

Posted May 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Reflective surfaces and metallic inks are very popular for printing and packaging applications. Consumers love the look; but for printers, these substrates and inks are expensive and make color control a challenge. Today we’re taking a look at the measurement options available for controlling these very marketable print and packaging applications to help printers and converters meet brand owner expectations and maintain the highest possible quality output. Sphere vs. 45°:0° - ...

Posted May 07, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

Il existe différentes façons de contrôler les processus d’impression. Si les comparaisons visuelles peuvent permettre d’apprécier une correspondance de façon rudimentaire, elles sont également très subjectives, et donc peu précises ou répétables. L’utilisation d’un densitomètre fournit au contraire des informations quantitatives exploitables au conducteur de presse. Celles-ci peuvent inclure la m...

Posted May 06, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

No matter the industry, our customers are all working toward the same goal: Achieve accurate color and keep production moving. Even in the best conditions, color data can be a challenge to capture and share. COVID-19-related travel bans and social distancing guidelines are making it harder than ever.    Today we’ll share three easy ways to remotely share color data so you can achieve your color goals without shipping physical samples or making onsite visits. The Benefits of Digit...

Posted April 30, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Flexible film does a lot more than protect goods on the store shelf. When done right, film packaging design can capture attention and increase product sales. But measuring color on film substrates can be challenging, even for the most sophisticated converter. Here's what you need to know to successfully control print color on flexible film. Does your film exhibit interference? When you measure flexible film with a traditional 45°:0° spectrophotometer, the way you position the instr...

Posted April 29, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Nos clients qui travaillent désormais à distance doivent savoir que la modification d’une petite variable, par exemple l’approbation des couleurs depuis chez eux, sous une lumière différente, ou l’envoi de spécifications par e-mail au lieu d’un échantillon physique, peut créer des problèmes chromatiques qui risquent de prendre des proportions importantes. La première étape, et la plus critique, du contrôle des couleurs reste la communication. Ces ressources vous aideront à vous lancer. L’import...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Les spectrophotomètres (dits « spectros ») sont des instruments de colorimétrie utilisés pour capturer et évaluer la couleur. Dans le cadre d’un programme de contrôle des couleurs, les donneurs d’ordres et designers les utilisent pour spécifier et communiquer la couleur, tandis que les fabricants y ont recours pour surveiller la précision des couleurs tout au long de la production. Les spectrophotomètres sont capables de mesurer quasiment n’importe quel échantillon liquide, plastique, papier, mé...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Les écrans de smartphones et d’ordinateurs sont autant de fenêtres sur l’univers numérique de la couleur, mais si vous approuvez des couleurs par e-mail ou SMS, vous devez en connaître les limites.  Tout d’abord, chacun de vos appareils se base sur un modèle chromatique différent. Les périphériques d’entrée, comme votre appareil photo et votre écran, utilisent un modèle chromatique additif pour l’affichage des couleurs. Partant de l’obscurité, ils y ajoutent de la lumière rouge, v...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Votre programme de contrôle qualité inclut-il l’évaluation visuelle ? L’éclairage joue un rôle fondamental dans la façon dont nous percevons la couleur. Il peut vous aider à vérifier si la couleur de votre produit est acceptable, et à vous assurer qu’elle reste précise dans toutes les conditions d’éclairage possibles après l’achat.     Beaucoup de nos clients estiment que l’évaluation visuelle est encore plus importante maintenant qu’ils examinent et approuvent les couleurs depuis ...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

De très nombreux facteurs entrent dans la perception de la couleur, y compris la lumière, la génétique, l’environnement, les caractéristiques humaines et même la fatigue. Vous présentez peut-être aussi une forme ou l’autre de déficience en matière de vision des couleurs, comme une femme sur 255 et un homme sur 12. Notre test de la vision des couleurs en ligne offre une façon amusante de mieux comprendre l’acuité de votre vision des couleurs.     Quelle que soit l’acuité de v...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

La couleur a toujours été un facteur clé pour nos clients. En ce contexte de pandémie de COVID-19, nombre d’entre eux tentent désormais de concevoir, spécifier, communiquer et enfin atteindre des couleurs précises à distance, ou avec des équipes réduites et des ressources limitées. Vous avez du mal à maintenir votre programme couleur en cette période inédite ?  Nous avons rassemblé nos ressources les plus populaires – blogs, vidéos, livres blancs, webinaires et études de cas – pour vo...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

G7® is a proof-to-print process control method that allows you to reliably and efficiently match the visual appearance of the output from multiple printing devices. It works by defining the gray balance and NPDC curves in conjunction with the traditional method of measuring tonal value increase (TVI/dot gain) for each color. G7 can be applied to any type of printing, regardless of the type of ink or printing method, including all types of digital, offset, flexo, gravure printing.   It&r...

Posted February 27, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

In my recent blog I explained why the demand for printed fabrics is increasing and the challenge this poses for the digital print industry. Today, with help from Digital Imaging Expert Scott Martin of Onsight, I will share tips and tools to help printers profile textiles for a consistent digital workflow. While smooth textures can often be measured using traditional digital tools, fabrics with texture or specular reflections (like coated canvases) can cause issues. It's a lot harder to achieve ...

Posted January 28, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

L’impression numérique est présente depuis de nombreuses années, mais le secteur traverse actuellement des mutations spectaculaires. Côté avantages, les technologies d’impression numérique utilisent des encres plus durables et offrent une plus grande fiabilité, une plus longue durée de vie de l’impression, ainsi que des économies globales et une meilleure efficacité. Mais ces changements signifient égal...

Posted January 23, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Nos yeux peuvent nous tromper dans notre perception des couleurs. C’est en partie dû à notre modeste cerveau, qui gère de vastes quantités d’informations et les traite de son mieux, mais c’est également imputable à la génétique et à l’environnement : nous voyons tous la couleur un peu différemment. C’est cependant la LUMIÈRE qui a le principal impact sur les couleurs que nous voyons.  S...

Posted January 06, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Over the last few years, we have heard a lot about the circular economy and omnichannel marketing. While each is a trend in their own right, they are quickly converging on the print industry. To be successful in 2020, commercial printers will need to offer a wide range of print capabilities while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and reducing waste.   The Importance of Circular Economy and Omnichannel In a circular economy, the goal is to eliminate waste and maximize the con...

Posted December 19, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Durable goods and consumer electronics are no longer destined to be white, gray, and black. In fact, consumers are moving towards more classic colors and special effect finishes like metallics. To capitalize on this trend, brands need to bring innovative designs in new colors faster to market than ever before.   One trending color, the PANTONE Color of the Year 2020, is sure to capture the attention of durable good and consumer electronic brands. It is a simple, timeless, elegant, and endur...

Posted December 09, 2019 by X-Rite Color

The eXact is a handheld spectrophotometer with an intuitive touchscreen interface. Printers and packaging converters use it to control, manage, and communicate color from anywhere on the pressroom floor. It comes in a variety of models to fit every customer need, and can be upgraded as those needs change. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to know which eXact model is right for you. Today’s blog can help you decide. Explore by eXact Model eXact Basic Densitometer: If...

Posted November 07, 2019 by Keal Harter

Les instruments de colorimétrie sont utilisés pour capturer, communiquer et évaluer les couleurs. De l’emballage en carton à l’agroalimentaire, en passant par la lessive, la moquette et les petites pièces en plastique, ils permettent de garantir que la couleur produite correspond systématiquement à celle initialement spécifiée. Ils sont utilisés en coulisses dans pratiquement toutes les industries attachant une grande importance à la couleur, notamment la plasturgie, les textiles, les peintures ...

Posted October 07, 2019 by Tim Mouw

L'accord inter-instrument est un élément très important à prendre en compte lors du choix des appareils de mesure de la couleur pour votre flux de travail. Malheureusement, c'est un sujet tellement technique qu'il entraîne beaucoup de confusion sur sa signification et son importance. Le spectrophotomètre à sphère de paillasse Ci7860 est doté d’un accord inter-instruments de 0,06 Delta E* en moyenne, ce qui permet aux marques de...

Posted October 03, 2019 by Mike Huda

If you work in the print and packaging industry, standards can help you set clear expectations for clients, solve problems in your workflow, and improve productivity. They can also bring an independent perspective to production. Printers aren’t the only ones who should keep up with standards. Brands who are concerned with quality, price, and speed to market can also benefit because it allows them to compare print providers and choose the best candidate. The ISO and other standards organiz...

Posted October 01, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Controlling color on cylindrical-shaped items like cups, cans, and tubes is a challenge because it’s hard to properly align the measurement device with the sample. Many printers and manufacturers cut a piece from the finished product and lay it flat to take a measurement. While this method works, each sample takes time to cut, wastes product, and risks the safety of the employees who are cutting the samples.  A Faster, Safer Solution X-Rite’s Cup and Cylinder Fixture works ...

Posted July 17, 2019 by Bob Binder

Are you wasting too much time and money on incorrect color? Even if you use the best color measurement tools available, your color will still fail without quality control. Quality control (QC) means verifying the color you specify is the same color you manufacture, throughout production. Setting up a QC program can help you accurately communicate color with clients and suppliers, inspect raw materials before you begin working, and verify your color is correct before you ship.   Five Impor...

Posted June 27, 2019 by Tim Mouw

Hitting offset lithographic color targets isn’t always fast or easy. The manual process of measuring color bars and making ink key adjustments takes time and opens the door to operator error. Meanwhile, the press is running (and wasting) paper and ink. To achieve accurate and repeatable color, printers need to convert their printing operation to an efficient manufacturing process and drive efficiencies in all phases of their operation. For many, a closed-loop automated solution is the...

Posted April 03, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Votre client a rejeté votre dernière expédition en raison de sa couleur. Vous aviez vérifié la couleur avant de l’envoyer et elle était conforme à la tolérance... Vous avez tout fait comme la dernière fois et la tolérance était respectée... Alors pourquoi est-elle aujourd’hui rejetée ? Cette question nous est régulièrement posée par nos clients. Le redoutable « ri...

Posted March 07, 2019 by Tim Mouw

For the last few Decembers, we’ve provided you with a list of “top color measurement blogs” for that respective year. As we reviewed this year’s list, we noticed that your favorite/ the most-read blogs could be categorized into a few buckets. So, without further ado, here’s 2018’s top blog topics!  2018’s Most Popular Color Measurement Topic: Tolerancing Not to our team’s surprise, Tolerancing – what it is/what it means for your busines...

Posted December 20, 2018 by X-Rite Color

Each year, Pantone announces its highly anticipated “Color of the Year”. The selection is intended to serve as a strategic direction for design and color-conscious industries as well as a conversation piece around our culture, where it is going and what we collectively need…and it certainly gets everyone talking about color!  Color is no longer just something we see and appreciate - it enhances and influences the way we experience life. Color, as a strategic element of d...

Posted December 06, 2018 by Tim Mouw

Like geographic coordinates – longitude, latitude, and altitude – L*a*b* color values give us a way to locate and communicate colors. What’s the history of L*a*b*? In the 1940’s, Richard Hunter introduced a tri-stimulus model, Lab, which is scaled to achieve near uniform spacing of perceived color differences. While Hunter’s Lab was adopted as the de facto model for plotting absolute color coordinates and differences between colors, it was never formally accepted as...

Posted October 08, 2018 by Tim Mouw

Closed-loop color can mean something different to different audiences. When I first think about closed-loop color control, I may think about the pressroom, where it is really just a question of integrating measurements directly from the press, adjusting them, measuring and reporting, offering a nice closed-loop system that adjusts, controls, and allows me to report the results. But that’s really only one small aspect. You can incorporate a loop from the ink room, for instance, and bring t...

Posted April 02, 2018 by Ray Cheydleur

Warm weather is just around the corner and spring is in the air!   Fluffy yellow chicks…   Delicate pink tulips…   Soft green sprouts poking through the ground…   And, of course, spring M&M'S®! Advertisers target our springtime emotions through pastel colors. Pastels have a calming effect, and everywhere you look companies are using them to feed our desire to feel a bit of spring. Today we’ll take a look at the psychology of color, how marke...

Posted March 19, 2018 by Shoshana Burgett

The two most common spectrophotometers are the 0:45 and the sphere (aka diffuse/8°). We get a lot of questions about which is the best choice. Here’s the difference in how these two devices measure color, and guidelines for when to use each. 0:45 In a “fixed geometry” or “single angle” device, the first number is the starting point of the light, and the second number is where the light ends up after the reflection off the surface of the sample. In a 0:45 ...

Posted January 18, 2018 by Mike Huda

For over a decade omni-channel has been a term used to describe digital and physical marketing. While many have strived to achieve an omni-channel strategy, unifying the digital and physical customer experiences have been an ongoing challenge for marketers. However, that may be changing. Advances in augmented reality (AR) can help to bring these two worlds together. Over the next few years, I believe we will see significant adoption of AR technology by brands and retailers as a way to engage con...

Posted December 19, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

Using a light booth to visually judge color is a great start to a successful color evaluation program. It allows you predict how color will look under multiple light sources so there won’t be any color surprises when the light changes over the life of the product. Introducing a color measurement device to capture spectral data is the next logical step. For a really great color program, you need to use both a light booth AND a spectrophotometer. This dynamic duo offers benefits you can&rsqu...

Posted December 18, 2017 by Mike Huda

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE® 18-3838 Ultra Violet as the Pantone Color of the Year 2018! This news is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends for everything from housewares to fashion to packaging design. In fact, we have already seen shades of Color of the Year used in packaging and graphic design by forward-looking brands in the CPG, luxury, and beauty worlds as well as by personalities and artists seeking to stand out. Part of butt...

Posted December 11, 2017 by Mark Gundlach

You think you’re doing everything right, but your color isn’t consistent. Why? Through the years, designers have used many tools to help them specify color. Color swatches, style guides and product prototypes have been effective, but with the advent of the digital world, these physical tools are no longer enough. To be efficient, designers need to be SPECIFIC. X-Rite Pantone President Ron Voigt recently published an article in MediaPost that explains why. To be effective, designers n...

Posted November 17, 2017 by Cindy Cooperman

Color is our perception of reflected light across the visible spectrum. When light hits an object, it absorbs some rays and reflect others. The color of light that reflects back into our eyes is the color we perceive. The more light an object absorbs, the darker it appears. With black, very little light is reflected. Pure black in the presence of light wasn’t achieved until 2014 when Surrey NanoSystems announced the invention of Vantablack. This high-tech artificial substance absorbs 99....

Posted October 13, 2017 by Mike Huda

We frequently get calls from customers who can’t figure out why their measurements vary, even when they’re using maintained devices. Why would a sample read one way one day, then slightly different another? Many times the culprit is thermochromaticity, and it becomes an even bigger problem as the seasons change. Every kind of material changes color with temperature. These changes cause the material to exhibit a shift in reflected wavelengths of light, which can alter our perception....

Posted September 19, 2017 by Mike Huda

Have you ever sent out a job that passed your inspection, only to have the customer reject it for out-of-tolerance color? You recheck the data and the instrument says the color passed the agreed tolerance… why is the customer saying it doesn’t? We get a LOT of these conflicting measurement calls in technical support. The solution is simple – document a color control program that clearly defines how to assess color, then make sure everyone (including your customer) follow...

Posted September 08, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you recently invested in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter, you know there’s a lot more to learn about color measurement than just how to use your new device. To help you begin exploring the exciting world of color, we’ve compiled seven blogs that explain how to set up your color measurement device, care for it, and use it to its maximum potential. 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Spectrophotometer Using a spectrophotometer (“spectro” for short) to measure color doesn...

Posted July 25, 2017 by Mike Huda

Did you read our blog: Are You Using The Right Tolerancing Method? If not, check it out. Today we’re taking the topic one step further to investigate how tolerances are chosen in different industries. A pass-fail tolerance is the amount of color variation that is considered commercially acceptable. In part, tolerances are driven by customer expectations. While color tolerances are very tight in the automotive, plastics, and paint & coatings worlds, they can be much less strict in other...

Posted May 02, 2017 by Mike Huda

With today’s complex cross-media campaigns, accurate profiling is even more important for managing customer expectations across the color supply chain. Our i1Pro 2 solutions help photographers, videographers, prepress and digital printers create profiles for the best color on monitors, scanners, projectors, printers, and online web-to-print submission tools. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which is the right tool for your color workflow? Whether you’re looking to add a new comp...

Posted April 11, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

It’s been said that everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten. Does this phrase ring true for print and packaging designers? In the spirit of spring, we attempted to use a simple childhood activity—dyeing eggs—to solve some of the most perplexing color issues facing the packaging designer/printer relationship.                 Here are three lessons to learn about color in print and packaging from our annual egg dyeing ...

Posted April 06, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

Consistent color is a journey. A few weeks ago I blogged about the most common pitfalls people run into when starting a color program… Wrong lighting Less-than-perfect color vision Inaccurate physical standards Inconsistent device color measurement …And introduced some inexpensive color tools to help overcome them.   But the journey doesn’t stop there. Even if you’ve been successfully managing color for years, advances in inks, dyes, and substrates are introducing new challen...

Posted March 13, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

At X-Rite Pantone, we pride ourselves on our ability to help customers specify, communicate, formulate, and produce consistent color. You’re probably familiar with our major markets, like plastics, industrial coatings, and print & packaging. You may also be aware of the more “common” things we measure, like paint, printed surfaces, and textiles. But, as you look for the emergency exit on a plane, watch a butterfly float by, or choose the freshest package of cheese from the ...

Posted February 23, 2017 by Mike Huda

At X-Rite Pantone, we love color, and we’re passionate about helping you get yours right. That’s why we offer a full-service training program, staffed with Color Experts from many of the industries we serve. From beginner to advanced, lowest investment to highest return, we offer a variety of options to teach you everything you need to know to be successful. Are you new to color, wondering where it fits in your business objectives? Do you already have a color workflow, but ...

Posted February 09, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you didn’t catch my Industry 4.0: What Commercial Printers Need to Know article, you’ll want to check it out now. Today’s blog is a continuation, touching on the most interesting print color management tie-ins: PQX, iccMAX, mobile control and new materials. Here’s what on the horizon for color-managed workflows. Image courtesy of Esko.com. Print Quality eXchange PQX was a global effort developed by Idealliance, and is now moving to ISO to be issued as a standard. It ...

Posted January 25, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

If you’re a commercial printer who wants to improve color quality and consistency and stay current on industry trends, you need to be aware of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can mean different things to different people, but it generally refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which incorporates trends in automation, data exchange, smart systems, and the Internet of Things. Image courtesy of Christoph Roser at AllAboutLean.com. Today I’ll explain what Industry 4.0 means for co...

Posted January 24, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

Earlier this week my colleague, Shoshana Burgett wrote about six manufacturing trends to watch for in 2017. It’s now time to look into my crystal ball and see what trends converters, commercial printers and graphic designers should be following in the next 12 – 18 months. Extended/Expanded Gamut 2017 could be the year where extended gamut printing really breaks out. This year both industry professionals and standards organizations have been taking a look at printing beyond traditional 126...

Posted January 10, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

Our color measurement devices are used by designers, brand owners, formulators, printers, and manufacturers around the world. Ranging from portable handheld devices, to large benchtop instruments, to spectrophotometers mounted inline, they can measure just about anything to help formulate and maintain a perfect color match. Many of our customers, especially those in the paint industry, are asked to color match some pretty interesting things, and we love to hear about them. We recently asked 40 p...

Posted December 28, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Our society loves customizing its surroundings. Personalized merchandise preserves memories, and when given as a gift, shows the recipient that you put a lot of thought into the choice. It also creates an emotional bond, and (if done right) encourages brand loyalty.  Image courtesy zazzle.com While the personalized merchandise market used to be dominated by photo books and calendars, advances in technology have opened the door to personalizing a wide range of materials like wood, ceramics,...

Posted December 19, 2016 by Shoshana Burgett

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time to reminisce… to celebrate our successes, and to explore areas that may need a little more attention in 2017. If color accuracy is on your list of things to improve, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of the blogs our readers found most helpful and interesting in 2016, so you can start working toward your goal of more accurate color in the New Year. Did your favorite blog make the list? Top 10 X-Rite Blogs of 2016 ...

Posted December 13, 2016 by Tim Mouw

When you walk into a salon for a manicure or visit your favorite beauty products store, are you overwhelmed by the number of nail polish colors to choose from, but can’t actually find the color you want? This is a problem Ashley Morgan set out to solve. Morgan, who has a fine arts degree, has spent the last 15 years designing video games. She’s both creative and tech savvy. “I’m a nail polish advocate, and I don’t mind spending the time choosing a nail polish color,” she says. “But the availabl...

Posted December 06, 2016 by Tim O'Rourke

When judging color, background can be a major distraction for the human eye. In fact, surrounding colors and patterns can actually change the perception of the color you’re trying to focus on. One of the wonderful things about color measurement instruments like colorimeters and spectrophotometers is that they can’t be distracted. They aren’t susceptible to variables such as fatigue, age or color vision deficiency. They aren’t even aware that a surround exists – they...

Posted December 01, 2016 by Mike Huda

Vos mesures de couleurs diffèrent-elles de celles de vos fournisseurs ? Si c’est le cas, vous n’êtes pas le seul. Il s’agit d’un problème important que vous devez corriger. Si vos mesures ne correspondent pas à celles de vos fournisseurs, vous risquez de rejeter des matériaux à tort, de ne PAS rejeter des matériaux non conformes et de perdre beaucoup de temps, d’efforts et d’argent à produire la mauvaise ...

Posted November 17, 2016 by Mike Huda

If you’re a commercial printer who wants to improve color quality and consistency, this blog is for you. X-Rite color management solutions for print and packaging deliver excellence in quality control, formulation and automation. Ray Cheydleur is a printing industry veteran of more than 20 years, a standards guru, and our Portfolio Manager for Printing and Imaging Products. Passionate and very knowledgeable about color, he has a talent for helping printers improve their color quality and c...

Posted November 10, 2016 by X-Rite Color

In color production, mistakes can happen anytime, anywhere… during specification, formulation, manufacturing, assembly, quality control, or (unfortunately) all of the above. Every mistake adds up to wasted time and materials, and stacking errors across a production workflow can get expensive very quickly. How can you stop this error stack from happening? If your job requires you to get color right, spectral data should be your best friend. One of our favorite eLearning courses to help customers...

Posted October 06, 2016 by Mark Gundlach

Passionate about color? We are too. As a company that prides itself on its color knowledge and enthusiasm, X-Rite Pantone is excited about the various ways ArtPrize showcases the power of color. Each fall, ArtPrize installs over 1000 works of art in downtown Grand Rapids, attracting thousands of visitors. By using consistent colors in its guides, signs, banners, flags, and merchandise, ArtPrize creates a colorful map that helps both visitors and locals see the city through a different perspectiv...

Posted October 03, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Each year Printing News asks their readers which new products made the most difference in their productivity. We’re excited to announce that our very own i1iSis 2 and i1iSis 2 XL are among the winners! These two automated chart readers are the latest members of the popular i1iSis solutions family for pre-press, pre-media, photo, and pressroom color management and profiling. In high production environments such as photo processing, large format, fine art and high-speed digital printing, frequen...

Posted September 16, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Spectrophotometers are instruments that measure color. Manufacturers use them in every industry where accurate color is important, from paint and plastics to textiles, packaging, and even food. The data captured by spectros allow designers, brand owners, manufacturers, and quality control professionals to precisely communicate color and ensure it stays accurate throughout production. Sometimes I’m asked which color is the hardest to measure and control. Can you guess what it is? Overly s...

Posted August 16, 2016 by Mike Huda

Whether it’s using Munsell Color Standards or one of our many color measurement devices, X-Rite helps manufacturers around the world achieve accurate color. We talked to our support team to learn about some of the most interesting ways people have used our equipment to measure and control color. From archeologists to fur traders and gastroenterologists, here are a few of our favorites. In 2014, the city of Los Angeles used one of our handheld spectrophotometers to help remove more than 37 millio...

Posted July 05, 2016 by X-Rite Color

For many of us, fun in the sun can lead to a summertime tan. The science behind this sun + skin interaction is melanin, a skin pigment our body releases to block the UV rays found in sunlight. The more time we spend in the sun, the more melanin is released, and the darker (or more freckled) our skin becomes. This shift in skin tone doesn’t matter for most people, but for prosthetic wearers even a slight change can be a big deal. Here’s how Royal Preston hospital in the United Kingdom is using co...

Posted June 24, 2016 by Matthew Adby

If so, we’d like you to know there’s an easier way. An upgrade from the original IntelliTrax, IntelliTrax2 is an automated, non-contact scanning system that makes it easy for busy pressrooms to measure color bars and press sheets without the risk of human error. Adding press-side quality control into your color workflow can shorten your makeready, reduce waste, and help you get to optimum color quality fast. IntelliTrax2 is an ideal color management solution for high-end, high-speed commercial ...

Posted June 21, 2016 by Scott Harig

drupa 2016 was such a success! It’s not often we get to spend so much time talking one-on-one with our customers from around the world, and we enjoyed every minute! We met so many wonderful people and learned so many things. Although it’s hard to pick, here are a few of our favorite experiences from drupa 2016. 1 – THE SYNERGY! This time at drupa, we decided to join forces with Esko, Enfocus and Pantone to showcase our end-to–end color management solutions. Although the drupa orga...

Posted June 17, 2016 by X-Rite Color

When visually evaluating color, everyone accepts or rejects color matches based on their color perception skills. In manufacturing, this subjectivity can lead to confusion and frustration between customers, suppliers, vendors, production, and management. Are these acceptable color differences? This is why color measurement devices are important in so many industries. By measuring colors using a spectrophotometer, you can communicate and compare spectral data for exact results. To aid in color...

Posted June 15, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Beginning around the 1930’s, the rules of fashion dictated no white before Memorial Day. It was a status symbol, when the wealthy left their winter garments behind and headed to the beach for the summer with their lightweight, carefree clothes. Although the rule still loosely applies, modern day fashion is more concerned with the brightness of your whites than when you start wearing them. So how do manufacturers ensure their products are as white as they can be? Optical brightening agents ...

Posted May 31, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Drupa starts tomorrow, and we couldn’t be more excited! This year X-Rite Pantone is teaming up with our partners Esko, Enfocus, and MediaBeacon to showcase a number of innovations around digital color communication. The move to digital can make a big impact on a company’s bottom line… read our recent blog to learn how. Covering 900-square meters in Hall 8b, stand A23, our booth includes six print and packaging inspiration zones that walk visitors through an ideal color workflow, from color inspi...

Posted May 30, 2016 by X-Rite Color

X-Rite Pantone® brings together the art and science of color to empower brands and packaging converters to deliver on design and color intent for their packaging. Last week we were in Atlanta at HOW Design LIVE 2016, introducing a few new tools that can help designers achieve color fidelity. HOW is a more than just a conference for designers and brands – it’s an inspiration-packed, global creative gathering of the industry’s best. This made it the best place for us to showcase Panton...

Posted May 25, 2016 by Cindy Cooperman

We’ve all done it. Snapped a picture on a digital camera or smart phone, sent it to the computer, made a few adjustments, then sent it off to print…. only to be disappointed. The sky looks green. Grandma’s hair is purple. The contrast is so far off you can’t even see that cute little puppy. Stupid camera. The struggle is real for so many people, from hobbyist to professional photographers, graphic designers, and professional printers. Let’s look into this all-too-common mystery of the off-color ...

Posted May 18, 2016 by Bruce Wright

From May 31 to June 10, nineteen exhibition halls in Düsseldorf, Germany will come to life for the print industry’s leading global trade fair – drupa. Those who are lucky enough to attend will get to see and experience new color technologies and innovative concepts. X-Rite Pantone will be among the exhibitors, showcasing our latest print and packaging solutions. Since we know not everyone will be able to attend this event, we’ll keep you updated on what’s happening here, on the blog. Digital mod...

Posted May 16, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Real or fake? When it comes to medicating children, consumers need to know the products they choose are genuine. When you hear the word counterfeiting, do you automatically think of counterfeit money? Unfortunately counterfeiting goes much farther than that. It’s impacting just about every industry worldwide. It is a huge problem for product integrity and results in financial loss. Estimates put counterfeited and pirated goods at some 2 to 2.5% of world trade, with a value of $600 billion or mor...

Posted May 11, 2016 by X-Rite Color

You’re at the grocery store, trying to choose a new snack. With so many brands on the shelf, how will you decide? If you’re like most consumers, you’ll probably reach for the most attractive package. Color and packaging play a leading role in brand success, and metallized substrates are more popular than ever. Consumers love them because they convey quality and offer additional strength and protection, but for printers, metallized substrates are expensive and make print color ...

Posted May 05, 2016 by Mark Gundlach

Vous est-il déjà arrivé de sortir de chez vous en pensant porter deux chaussettes noires et vous rendre compte que l’une d’elles est bleu marine ? Alors, vous avez été victime de métamérisme. Le métamérisme est un phénomène qui se produit lorsque deux couleurs semblent correspondre sous un éclairage donné, mais pas si la lumière change. Les correspondances métamériques sont...

Posted May 02, 2016 by Bruce Wright

No matter what you’re manufacturing, taking spectral measurements will help ensure your color remains accurate and consistent throughout your production run. When choosing the best spectro for your needs, your first consideration should be the type of surface you’ll be measuring. Measuring reflective surfaces poses a challenge because the effect of gloss can actually change the color appearance of a sample. The surface reflection of light is what causes the gloss effec...

Posted April 27, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Today is Earth Day. You know the buzz phrase – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – but do you know what it means for your manufacturing process? Designed by Freepik Here are the top three places in a color workflow that can sabotage a company’s sustainability efforts. Not monitoring color throughout production, which leads to expensive rework and wasted raw materials. Incorrect colorant formulation. Are you using too much? Are you wasting the leftovers? Sending color samples back and forth and long approv...

Posted April 22, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Physical standards are one of the most precise ways to communicate color in many industries, including textiles, print, automotive, paints, food, chemicals, packaging, and plastics. Many brand owners and designers communicate color expectations using physical standards, and suppliers and manufacturers rely on them to capture spectral data for formulation. While physical standards can be a great help, they can also hurt business if they’re not cared for properly. Today we’ll look at five tips to...

Posted April 20, 2016 by Mike Huda

Did you know that many of the products you use every day contain optical brighteners? Optical brightening agents are chemicals that manufacturers add to products like paper, plastics, and textiles to make them appear whiter and brighter, and to lessen the natural yellowing process that happens over time. They also add these chemicals to cleaning agents to enhance the appearance of materials – primarily textiles – after cleaning. Often unacknowledged by the typical consumer, OBAs trick our eyes i...

Posted April 01, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Sharing a strong passion for how color can transform a face, mood or even an attitude, Pantone® has once again partnered with Sephora, the leading beauty specialty retailer, to create another extraordinary PANTONE Color of the Year cosmetic collection. Launched on December 26th, the SEPHORA + PANTONE UNIVERSE collection includes a 24-color eyes palette, a matte lipstick in each color, and a 5-piece lip gloss set. The first SEPHORA + PANTONE UNIVERSE collection was released in 2011 with Tangerine...

Posted March 28, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Which of these swatches would you call bright red? PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS Color Specifier pages Speaking the language of color isn’t like giving someone your phone number and expecting they’ll remember it. Our minds just don’t process color like that. While vague color descriptions are sufficient for many people – “Turn left at the blue house” or “choose the reddest strawberries” – if you work in an industry where color is important, you need to know how to speak a much more spe...

Posted March 24, 2016 by Mike Huda

Green is green, right? Maybe if you’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, but not when your bottom line is impacted by color accuracy. In the color industry, a tolerance is the acceptable amount of difference between a standard (the color you’re trying to match) and a sample (the color you are producing). To determine whether a color is within tolerance, many manufacturers use a color measurement device called a spectrophotometer to measure both colors and compare the difference be...

Posted March 16, 2016 by Mike Huda

If you work in an industry where color accuracy is important, you know that lighting plays a huge role in how you perceive color. A light booth is a crucial part of any visual evaluation program. It can help you verify whether the color of your product is acceptable, plus ensure it will remain accurate in every lighting condition after purchase. When parts are manufactured at different factories, a light booth should also be used to make sure they continue to match under any lighting condition o...

Posted March 11, 2016 by Tim Mouw

It’s no secret that if you can hit your color the first time, you’re going to save a lot of time and money. But with printing becoming an increasingly global function, achieving accurate color is more difficult than ever. Many companies have distributed printing plants or operate in partnership with other printers around the world. A job might start with a brand manager in Los Angeles, move to a designer in Paris, and be sent to three different states to be printed on different substrates. Ever...

Posted March 08, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Julie Shaffer is Vice President of Education and Marketing Strategies at Printing Industries of America. Each year the PIA organizes a color management conference to bring industry professionals together to learn the latest trends and technologies, network with fellow attendees, and discover how to communicate color effectively. We were lucky enough to sit down with Julie at Color ’15 to learn more about the conference and some of the color challenges printers face today. Listen in as she shares...

Posted March 01, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Extended gamut printing is becoming more and more popular in the printing industry. With Pantone’s new EXTENDED GAMUT Guide, printers and designers have a visual guide to help predict how close of a match is possible when they use 7-color process in place of spot inks.   Ron Voigt, President of X-Rite Pantone, was recently interviewed on the topic by Cary Sherburne, senior editor at WhatTheyThink.  According to Voigt, the EXTENDED GAMUT Guide helps printers visualize how well Pantone...

Posted February 15, 2016 by X-Rite Color

The Color Management Group is a blend of certified consultants and resellers who provide products and services to many industries around the world, including graphic arts, photography, textile, and printing and packaging. CMG members have years of experience and a long list of industry certifications. They also have a reputation for providing fast and effective solutions to help businesses of any size implement color management, process control, and standardization. The Color Management Group wa...

Posted February 03, 2016 by X-Rite Color

In a perfect world, you should be able to put ink in the press and run a job.  Unfortunately, there are so many variables that affect color that printing operations often waste thousands of pounds of substrate, and thousands of dollars in press time, making adjustments. Advancements in technology have made it easier to measure color, but the variables still exist. To help you over come them, we’ll be featuring a series that points out many of the reasons your color could go wrong at press side....

Posted February 01, 2016 by Scott Harig

No matter the industry, consistency and exacting data are essential to every color quality control program. Whether you’re communicating color, making color decisions, or conducting diagnostics testing based on color, you can rely on Munsell Color standards. These honey, syrup, and molasses standards help the USDA determine which products pass inspection. Along with its huge library of color standards, Munsell Color can also produce custom physical standards to help you validate you...

Posted January 25, 2016 by Art Schmehling

The Fundamentals of Color and Appearance – FOCA for short – is a very popular one-day seminar for anyone who deals with color. From the best way to communicate color so everyone is speaking the same language, to tips for judging the smallest color differences, you’ll learn everything you need to know to measure, view, and understand color data in any industry. Whether you’re dealing with plastics, textiles or paints, or using dyes, inks or other colorants, the basics of color are very similar. B...

Posted January 17, 2016 by Tim Mouw

January is a popular time for “Top” lists. The Top 100 Songs. The Top 20 News Stories. The Top 50 Travel Destinations. We’re looking back too, and blog readership is one area we find very interesting. Today we’ll share the Top 5 Posts of 2015, what we think they say about you – our blog readers – and how we plan to continue these popular conversations in 2016. New in 2015: The X-Rite Pantone Customer Center at our corporate headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan is a great place to see our produ...

Posted January 11, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Mark Gundlach is a Solutions Architect with X-Rite Pantone. He visits facilities to assess their current workflow and help them come up with solutions – whether it be training, software or hardware – to improve their productivity and lower their costs. He is also an expert in the Pantone Certified Printer Program. Recently we sat down with him to learn more about the program, and what it takes to become Pantone Certified. Mark, can you tell us about the Pantone Certified Printer Program and wh...

Posted December 30, 2015 by X-Rite Color

Many print shops use more than one color measurement instrument, especially for cross-media color reproduction. But if you’ve ever measured the same color with different instruments, you’ve probably noticed that the numbers don’t always match. Why is that? Spectrophotometers measure color by capturing the ratio of reflected or transmitted light from the surface of the sample and comparing it to a known reference standard. The result is a spectral fingerprint for that color. But since calibration...

Posted December 24, 2015 by Scott Harig

Pantone®, an X-Rite company, recently announced a pair of complementary shades as its 2016 Color of the Year:  PANTONE 15-3919 Serenity and PANTONE 13-1520 Rose Quartz. The PANTONE Color of the Year announcement is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends. The Color of the Year selection process is very thoughtful and a lot of consideration is given to the color choices. To arrive at the selection each year, Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institut...

Posted December 11, 2015 by X-Rite Color
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