Accelerate ROI, digital transformation, and sustainability with a digital textile color program. Hiccups in getting to market can be devasting for any type of business. For fashion, soft goods, apparel, and footwear brands, a major concern is missing out on the opportunity to increase sales and establish or reinforce brand credibility. Brands simply can’t afford any unnecessary slowdowns during the execution of a design due to delays in preliminary steps such as the color approval process....

Posted June 11, 2024 by X-Rite Color

Starbucks ha ancora una volta dato il via alle festività natalizie con quattro nuovi design di tazze natalizie. Quest' anno ci hanno sorpreso con un accento magenta, che "solleva i tradizionali colori delle feste e rende il rosso ancora più luminoso", ha dichiarato Kristy Cameron, direttore creativo di Starbucks. Nella frenesia dello shopping natalizio, il packaging gioca un ruolo cruciale nel catturare l'attenzione dei potenziali acquirenti. Tuttavia, stare al passo con i tempi...

Posted November 01, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

When all of final production packaging comes together on the store shelf, it’s a brand’s moment of truth. Do the stand-up pouches, overwraps, and corrugated POP displays match? How close is the color to its standard? We know you spend so much time and money designing, proofing, sampling, printing, and shipping… so where does the color go wrong? Is it an issue with accuracy, consistency, or both? Package designs come together on the shelf. Here you see pouches, labels, cartons, and corrugated wit...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Ci vogliono solo da 2 a 7 secondi. Proprio così, è solo questo il tempo che un consumatore dedica alla riflessione quando prende la maggior parte delle decisioni d'acquisto di un prodotto. Questo “momento della verità” è oggetto di studio e di molti dibattiti. Le soluzioni di gestione del colore di X-Rite per stampa e packaging garantiscono livelli eccellenti di controllo qualità, formulazione e automazione.     Il colore è un fatt...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Se una persona dice “mela”, ti viene da pensare rossa, verde o gialla? Cosa faresti se un cliente ti chiede di produrre un colore ricorrendo a descrizioni non sufficientemente specifiche? Guarda in che modo un qualcosa di apparentemente semplice come la comunicazione del colore può determinare il successo o il fallimento del tuo programma del colore. Un’immagine può raffigurare mille parole, ma le parole da sole non possono raffigurare mille colori. Ogni giorno s...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? If not, it should. Using the SpectraLight QC as part of a color evaluation workflow. No matter your industry, judging color is more than just measuring samples with a color measurement device. Just because a spectrophotometer says your color is within tolerance, doesn’t necessarily mean it will look right to the human eye. To minimize customer rejects, your color control process needs to include visual evaluation in a light boo...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Chiunque si occupi di stampare prodotti o imballaggi sa che alcuni colori, come l’arancione, sono troppo difficili da riprodurre con i soli inchiostri CMY. Un quarto colore, il nero (K, che sta per “Key”, ossia il nero nel mondo della stampa) è spesso aggiunto per le applicazioni di stampa a colori sottrattiva. Dato che C+M+Y in effetti crea un colore marrone fangoso a causa delle impurità presenti negli inchiostri C, M e Y, l’aggiunta di un autentico inchi...

Posted February 10, 2023 by Scott Harig

In questo periodo dell’anno, Internet riporta in abbondanza elenchi di top 10. Una tradizione accolta sin dal 1940, quando Billboard pubblicò la prima classifica dei dischi più venduti. Da allora, in molti hanno iniziato a pubblicare classifiche analoghe, per evidenziare le tendenze più popolari dell’anno precedente.   Dal 2016 pubblichiamo la classifica dei post più letti nel nostro blog, e siamo lieti di vedere che ogni anno, nelle prime posizioni...

Posted December 28, 2022 by X-Rite Color

It’s important to ensure design intent is realized each time and everywhere a product appears. But with so many variables to impact print quality, how can brands utilize suppliers around the world and still achieve consistent color? Our X-Rite Pantone Packaging Color Experts have designed a series of consulting services and workshops to help you get the most from your print, packaging, plastic or textile value chain.   Offered both online and onsite, these interactive sessions i...

Posted December 06, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

Che si stia scegliendo il colore per un brand, creando palette per una nuova linea di prodotti o progettando gli imballaggi per la nuova stagione, l'ispirazione è fondamentale nella scelta dei colori. L’ispirazione può venire dalle situazioni e luoghi più comuni, per esempio: Una festa. Il negozio di alimentari. Un evento sportivo. E naturalmente, gli splendidi ambienti esterni. Madre Natura ha un talento speciale per creare bellissime palette colori. “I colori p...

Posted November 04, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Perché è necessario calibrare lo spettrofotometro? Gli odierni strumenti per la misurazione del colore sono quasi tutti digitali al 100%. In effetti, al loro interno, fatta eccezione per le lampade vi sono pochissimi componenti analogici. Anche se vantano una stabilità maggiore rispetto ai precedenti modelli analogici, hanno tolleranze molto più ridotte e, di conseguenza, per restare entro questi limiti rigorosi necessitano di una regolare calibrazione. Stabilit&agra...

Posted November 03, 2022 by Mike Huda

Sostieni che il colore è importante, ma ne conosci a fondo importanza? In realtà, il colore è un elemento fondamentale nel processo di produzione. Oggi, molti produttori si rendono conto che ottenere il colore esatto è molto più complicato di quanto fosse in passato, e ricevono richieste di tolleranze più rigorose dai brand owner che supportano. Ecco perché. Se i progressi nella tecnologia del colore – p.e., packaging metallici, finiture pe...

Posted November 01, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

I clienti alle prime armi in materia di gestione del colore spesso ci domandano: "Qual è la differenza tra uno spettrometro e uno spettrofotometro?". Dal punto di vista ortografico, la differenza è minima ed è, quindi, facile confondersi e ottenere la risposta sbagliata a questa domanda. E allora, qual è la differenza? Spettrometri e spettrofotometri a confronto     Cos'è uno spettrofotometro? Uno spettrofotometro è un dispositivo di misurazion...

Posted September 13, 2022 by X-Rite Color

In this series we’ve been discussing the many factors that impact how we see color, and what we can do to ensure the color we see is accurate. Light, retinal fatigue and background effects can influence our perception of color. Today we’ll look at the limitations of the human eye and brain, and talk about how to detect these characteristics, especially for individuals responsible for evaluating and judging color. Are YOU color deficient? Read on to find out. (Spoiler alert: There’s a test at the...

Posted September 01, 2022 by X-Rite Color

There are many things that affect our ability to see color. In some cases, it doesn’t matter if the red you see is the same shade I see. A barn is a barn, right? But for those who work in an industry where color evaluation is part of the job, it IS important… VERY important. In our color perception series, we’re discussing the many factors that affect how we see color and what colorists can do to ensure that the color they see is the color they are supposed to see. Today we’ll take a closer look...

Posted August 31, 2022 by X-Rite Color

There are many things that affect what we see. Optical illusions aren’t just fascinating; they teach us about how we visually perceive our surroundings. In our Color Perception Series, we shared some of the factors that affect how we see color and the impact it has on manufacturing. In honor of April Fools' Day, we’re taking a closer look at some of the ways our brain, eyes, and the environment can influence what we see. April Fool #1: Your Brain Let’s start with the power of t...

Posted March 25, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Last week Pantone announced the Pantone Color of the Year 2020 - Very Peri (PANTONE 17-3938). The Pantone Color of the Year announcement isn’t just important for designers. Since this color will set the stage for upcoming trends, brand owners should also take notice to capitalize on this trending color. Bring Very Peri to Market, Fast. Is Virtual Design the Answer? The fashion and apparel industry began embracing virtual design years ago. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Burberry, ...

Posted December 14, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Per misurare il colore, lo strumento invia luce su un campione, cattura la quantità di luce che viene trasmessa o riflessa nell’intervallo di lunghezza d'onda da 380 a 780 nm e la quantifica come misurazione spettrale. La misurazione del colore è necessaria per specificare, quantificare, comunicare, formulare e verificare la qualità del colore nei lavori in cui il colore è importantissimo. Dato che ogni persona percepisce il colore in un modo diverso, la misuraz...

Posted August 24, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Learn about light, reflection curves, optical brighteners, and more.     Illuminants Electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 380 nm to 730 nm is seen as light by our eyes. Low wavelengths show as blue light, then the spectrum continues from green to yellow, orange, and red. UV radiation is located in the range below 380 nm; the range above 730 nm is called infrared radiation. The visual impression of a colored body changes by the composition of the incoming light. ...

Posted July 22, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Il 2020 ha obbligato i produttori a ripensare il proprio modus operandi. In tutto il mondo, il COVID ha interrotto drasticamente i viaggi necessari per le approvazioni dei prototipi e ha ritardato la consegna dei campioni fisici. Molti brand owner hanno quindi iniziato a cercare il modo di utilizzare campioni di colori digitali per garantire la produzione ma incontravano difficoltà per l’incapacità di riprodurre l’aspetto che avrebbe avuto il campione di colore sul prot...

Posted March 16, 2021 by Matthew Adby

Il color management ICC consente di avere un workflow prevedibile, uniforme e ripetibile in ogni fase, dall'acquisizione alla produzione finale. Per ottenere un workflow con gestione del colore è necessario calibrare i dispositivi e creare un profilo ICC per ogni componente: fotocamera, monitor, proiettore, scanner e stampante.   Importanza della calibrazione e della profilazione Per ottenere i migliori risultati cromatici è necessario calibrare ogni dispositivo rientrante nel workflow, ...

Posted January 27, 2021 by Ray Cheydleur

COVID-19 ha obbligato molte aziende a ripensare le modalità di comunicazione, approvazione e produzione del colore. Per alcune ha significato provare a continuare il “business come sempre”, ma da postazioni remote. Per altre, trovare il modo di gestire il colore senza effettuare spostamenti. Sappiamo però che i nostri clienti fanno sempre tutto quello che è in loro potere per sostenere l’attività e, allo stesso tempo, garantire la salute e la sicure...

Posted December 15, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Black Friday. Not only is it the much anticipated start to holiday shopping, it’s also a day manufacturers have been preparing for all year long. Whether mass-producing holiday cards, candy canes, plastic toys, or festive clothing, accurate color is a must. Manufacturers can’t ship two of the same toy if they won’t match on the showroom floor, and holiday sweaters that are a shade off will end up at a discount store instead of a fashion boutique. Perfection is especially import...

Posted November 25, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Recently we had the opportunity to sit down with Laura Guido-Clark, a consumer products designer of color, material, and texture. She has been dubbed an “Experience Consultant,” which reflects her interest and study of human reactions to the look and feel of new products.   Photo by Laura Flippen. We asked Guido-Clark to speak with us because we also appreciate the importance of color in our lives.   Q. What inspired you to pursue a career in color? A. When I wa...

Posted September 01, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Quanto tempo, carta e inchiostro sprechi per ristampare immagini perché il colore non è esatto? Prima di dare la colpa alla stampante, prendi in considerazione il monitor. Quando si lavora con un monitor non calibrato e non profilato, non si può fare affidamento sui colori che si vedono sullo schermo, il che rende difficile prendere buone decisioni di editing. Fortunatamente, calibrare e profilare i monitor è un gioco da ragazzi con il software i1Profiler. i1Profiler ...

Posted August 20, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

Softproofing – the ability to simulate how an image will appear in print right from your monitor – can save a lot of time and effort in your printing workflow. Although many photographers already rely on it, anyone who designs, approves, prepares or prints brand and color-critical images can also benefit. With softproofing, designers can create with actual specified colors (no more trial and error!), project owners can approve layouts without physical proofs (predictable color!), and...

Posted August 20, 2020 by Mark Gundlach

A calibrated display is not just for photographers. If you browse inspiration photos online, send color samples back and forth via e-mail, or transfer color files between suppliers and customers, you need to calibrate and profile your display to trust the colors you see on-screen.     When talking about monitor calibration, many people interchange illuminance, luminance and brightness, but they are not the same. Here are the differences you need to understand to properly calibrate and...

Posted August 07, 2020 by Kevin Aamodt

Whether you’re producing textiles, automotive parts, or plastic pieces, color needs to remain consistent or the final product will be rejected. Unfortunately, there are many ways for color errors to creep in during manufacturing. Creating and using accurate digital color standards is one way to combat these errors. Digital color standards can be used in software to specify and communicate color, formulate colorants and raw materials, and control color quality. They give brand owners peac...

Posted August 03, 2020 by Tim Mouw

In un mercato altamente concorrenziale, brand owner e designer di imballaggi cercano modalità per differenziare i propri prodotti sullo scaffale. E sempre più queste modalità tendono ad andare oltre il colore per includere opzioni di abbellimento come lamine, vernici speciali, finiture tattili e molto altro ancora. I designer ricorrono inoltre a colori solidi, fluorescenti e iridescenti più intensi, e non solo nella stampa convenzionale. Le soluzioni digitali permettono una maggiore varietà nel ...

Posted June 04, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

I nostri clienti che ora sono in smart working devo essere consapevoli del fatto che cambiando anche una minima variabile – per esempio approvare i colori da casa con una diversa sorgente luminosa oppure inviare per e-mail le specifiche invece di spedire un campione fisico – possono introdurre problematiche che rischiano di determinare un problema di colore più importante. La prima, fondamentale fase del controllo del colore è una comunicazione accurata del colore. Queste risorse ti aiuteranno ...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Gli spettrofotometri sono dispositivi di misurazione del colore utilizzati per acquisire e valutare il colore. Nell'ambito di un programma di controllo del colore, i designer e i brand owner li utilizzano per specificare e comunicare il colore, mentre i produttori se ne servono per controllare la precisione del colore in tutte le fasi della produzione. Gli spettrofotometri sono in grado di misurare praticamente tutto – liquidi, materie plastiche, carta, metalli e tessuti – e contribuiscono a man...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Gli schermi di telefoni e computer rappresentano l'accesso al mondo digitale del colore, ma se approvi i colori via e-mail o sms devi essere consapevole dei loro limiti.  Per cominciare, ogni dispositivo visualizza il colore basandosi su un diverso modello cromatico. I dispositivi di input – videocamera e monitor – ricorrono al modello additivo per visualizzare il colore. Iniziano con l’oscurità e aggiungono luce rossa, verde e blu per creare uno spettro di colori. Le stampanti, p...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Il tuo programma di controllo qualità comprende la valutazione visiva? L’illuminazione ha una funzione fondamentale nel modo in cui percepiamo i colori. Può aiutarti a verificare l’accettabilità del colore dei tuoi prodotti e a fare in modo che rimanga accurato in ogni possibile condizione d'illuminazione a cui sarà sottoposto dopo l’acquisto.     Per molti dei nostri clienti ora la valutazione visiva è ancor più importante, considerato che le analisi e le approvazioni dei colori v...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Nella percezione del colore entrano in gioco tantissimi elementi, come la luce, la genetica, l’ambiente, le caratteristiche psicologiche e persino la stanchezza. Potresti rientrare nel numero di persone (1 donna su 255 e 1 uomo su 12) che hanno un difetto di visione del colore. Il nostro online color challenge è un modo divertente per capire meglio il tuo livello di attitudine visiva ai colori.     A prescindere dal tuo livello specifico, se comunichi, valuti o approvi il co...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Il colore è sempre stato un elemento fondamentale per i nostri clienti. A causa della pandemia da COVID-19, molte persone stanno ora cercando di progettare, specificare, comunicare e infine realizzare colori accurati da postazioni remote o utilizzando meno personale e minori risorse. Ti è difficile proseguire il programma di qualità del colore in questo momento senza precedenti?  Abbiamo raccolto le nostre risorse più apprezzate – blog, video, white paper, webinar e case study – per a...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Appearance is more than just color. It’s an all-inclusive look at everything inherent to an object, including texture, gloss, transparency, translucency, and special effects like sparkle and shimmer. When viewed from different angles or under different lighting conditions, appearance effects can change our perception of color. That's why it’s important to control both color and appearance throughout design and development.  Durable goods brands use appearance effects to captur...

Posted February 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

In my recent blog I explained why the demand for printed fabrics is increasing and the challenge this poses for the digital print industry. Today, with help from Digital Imaging Expert Scott Martin of Onsight, I will share tips and tools to help printers profile textiles for a consistent digital workflow. While smooth textures can often be measured using traditional digital tools, fabrics with texture or specular reflections (like coated canvases) can cause issues. It's a lot harder to achieve ...

Posted January 28, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Quando vediamo il colore, i nostri occhi possono essere ingannati. In parte, ciò dipende dalla limitatezza del nostro cervello, che è chiamato a gestire una vasta quantità di informazioni elaborandole meglio che può. Può dipendere anche da questioni genetiche e dall’ambiente; ognuno di noi vede il colore in modo leggermente diverso. Ma soprattutto, è la LUCE ad avere il maggiore impatto sui colori che vediamo.  Senza entrare troppo nel tecnico...

Posted January 06, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Over the last few years, we have heard a lot about the circular economy and omnichannel marketing. While each is a trend in their own right, they are quickly converging on the print industry. To be successful in 2020, commercial printers will need to offer a wide range of print capabilities while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and reducing waste.   The Importance of Circular Economy and Omnichannel In a circular economy, the goal is to eliminate waste and maximize the con...

Posted December 19, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

Durable goods and consumer electronics are no longer destined to be white, gray, and black. In fact, consumers are moving towards more classic colors and special effect finishes like metallics. To capitalize on this trend, brands need to bring innovative designs in new colors faster to market than ever before.   One trending color, the PANTONE Color of the Year 2020, is sure to capture the attention of durable good and consumer electronic brands. It is a simple, timeless, elegant, and endur...

Posted December 09, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Provi sensazioni diverse in una stanza piena di colori caldi e naturali... ...rispetto a un ufficio completamente bianco e sterile? Un edificio ti ha mai "comunicato" qualcosa? Il colore è parte integrante del nostro mondo È un linguaggio visivo che tutti capiscono, una percezione sensoriale che influisce sulle nostre emozioni in molti modi. L’impatto del colore, anche se spesso è a livello del subconscio, svolge un ruolo fondamentale negli elementi di rivestimenti...

Posted November 19, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Virtual reality has re-imagined the art of apparel and footwear design. 3D design programs like MODO, KeyShot, CLO, Browzwear, Optitex, and Lectra augment the creativity of color and material designers to virtually construct patterns and render realistic 3D garments.  This is exciting technology for brands that want to reduce waste for a greener footprint and accelerate design to keep up with fast fashion. However, designers are notoriously tactile. They need to touch, feel, and gain a...

Posted October 24, 2019 by Bruce Wright

I dispositivi di misurazione del colore servono per acquisire, comunicare e valutare il colore. Imballaggi in cartone, alimenti, detersivo, tappeti, piccoli componenti in plastica... questi dispositivi aiutano a garantire che il colore realizzato concordi con quello originariamente specificato. Sono utilizzati, dietro le quinte, praticamente in ogni settore in cui è importante il colore, per esempio materie plastiche, prodotti tessili, vernici, rivestimenti, stampa e imballaggi Gli strum...

Posted October 07, 2019 by Tim Mouw

As we move through spring and into summer, we’re revisiting Pantone Color Institute’s Spring/Summer 2019 Fashion Color Trend Report. This season’s report features the top 12 stand out colors as well as current takes on four classic neutrals.    Images extracted with permission from PANTONEVIEW Colour Planner Spring/Summer 2019.    According to Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, “This new mindset underscores a...

Posted June 10, 2019 by X-Rite Color

For the last few Decembers, we’ve provided you with a list of “top color measurement blogs” for that respective year. As we reviewed this year’s list, we noticed that your favorite/ the most-read blogs could be categorized into a few buckets. So, without further ado, here’s 2018’s top blog topics!  2018’s Most Popular Color Measurement Topic: Tolerancing Not to our team’s surprise, Tolerancing – what it is/what it means for your busines...

Posted December 20, 2018 by X-Rite Color

Each year, Pantone announces its highly anticipated “Color of the Year”. The selection is intended to serve as a strategic direction for design and color-conscious industries as well as a conversation piece around our culture, where it is going and what we collectively need…and it certainly gets everyone talking about color!  Color is no longer just something we see and appreciate - it enhances and influences the way we experience life. Color, as a strategic element of d...

Posted December 06, 2018 by Tim Mouw

Like geographic coordinates – longitude, latitude, and altitude – L*a*b* color values give us a way to locate and communicate colors. What’s the history of L*a*b*? In the 1940’s, Richard Hunter introduced a tri-stimulus model, Lab, which is scaled to achieve near uniform spacing of perceived color differences. While Hunter’s Lab was adopted as the de facto model for plotting absolute color coordinates and differences between colors, it was never formally accepted as...

Posted October 08, 2018 by Tim Mouw

Warm weather is just around the corner and spring is in the air!   Fluffy yellow chicks…   Delicate pink tulips…   Soft green sprouts poking through the ground…   And, of course, spring M&M'S®! Advertisers target our springtime emotions through pastel colors. Pastels have a calming effect, and everywhere you look companies are using them to feed our desire to feel a bit of spring. Today we’ll take a look at the psychology of color, how marke...

Posted March 19, 2018 by Shoshana Burgett

A senior design leader at a large beverage company recently shared his thoughts on the definition of Design Thinking on LinkedIn, asking other members of the community to contribute their own thoughts alongside his. Hundreds of comments ensued. The post appears to be part of a multi-week campaign to position Design Thinking as a way to approach business problems and garner attention from business executives. And we know that this attention has been hard to capture. A survey of over 600 designers...

Posted December 21, 2017 by Adrián Fernández

Di recente abbiamo discusso sul blog il modo in cui l’aspetto influisce sul colore. In questo articolo esaminiamo alcune delle caratteristiche che influiscono sull’aspetto di un oggetto, come texture, lucentezza, trasparenza ed effetti speciali, e spieghiamo quanto sia importante descrivere l’aspetto sin dalle prime fasi del workflow di design. E se i programmi 3D hanno cercato per anni di affrontare le caratteristiche di aspetto, qualcosa è però sempre mancato n...

Posted November 29, 2017 by Thomas Meeker

You think you’re doing everything right, but your color isn’t consistent. Why? Through the years, designers have used many tools to help them specify color. Color swatches, style guides and product prototypes have been effective, but with the advent of the digital world, these physical tools are no longer enough. To be efficient, designers need to be SPECIFIC. X-Rite Pantone President Ron Voigt recently published an article in MediaPost that explains why. To be effective, designers n...

Posted November 17, 2017 by Cindy Cooperman

Whether purchasing a new car, consumer electronics, or household appliances, color consistency influences the perception of quality. If the color doesn’t match from front-to-back and side-to-side, customers will likely question the quality and move on. That’s where color measurement can help. In today’s competitive marketplace, manufacturers are going beyond color to utilize extreme effect finishes to differentiate their products. But, as manufacturers are quickly learning, me...

Posted October 25, 2017 by Thomas Meeker

Appearance is more than simply color. It’s a comprehensive look at everything inherent to each unique material we come in contact with, including texture, gloss, transparency, and special effects. Each of these characteristics plays a part and has an effect on overall appearance and understanding in relation to a single material. Objects may have several elements that affect appearance, such as the material’s surface texture, construction, overall geometry and micro-surface. The environ...

Posted October 24, 2017 by Thomas Meeker

Color is our perception of reflected light across the visible spectrum. When light hits an object, it absorbs some rays and reflect others. The color of light that reflects back into our eyes is the color we perceive. The more light an object absorbs, the darker it appears. With black, very little light is reflected. Pure black in the presence of light wasn’t achieved until 2014 when Surrey NanoSystems announced the invention of Vantablack. This high-tech artificial substance absorbs 99....

Posted October 13, 2017 by Mike Huda

If you’re reluctant to buy clothing and home decorating products online or in the store because you’re not sure how the color will look when you get home, you’ll love X-Rite’s newest color-matching solution. Color-Eye® uses a calibration card and smartphone app to help consumers shop for items that match or complement things they already have at home, like a paint color that looks great with the curtains, a handbag and shoes that coordinate with a special occasion dress, or a jacket that will ma...

Posted August 15, 2017 by Matthew Adby

If you recently invested in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter, you know there’s a lot more to learn about color measurement than just how to use your new device. To help you begin exploring the exciting world of color, we’ve compiled seven blogs that explain how to set up your color measurement device, care for it, and use it to its maximum potential. 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Spectrophotometer Using a spectrophotometer (“spectro” for short) to measure color doesn...

Posted July 25, 2017 by Mike Huda

Did you read our blog: Are You Using The Right Tolerancing Method? If not, check it out. Today we’re taking the topic one step further to investigate how tolerances are chosen in different industries. A pass-fail tolerance is the amount of color variation that is considered commercially acceptable. In part, tolerances are driven by customer expectations. While color tolerances are very tight in the automotive, plastics, and paint & coatings worlds, they can be much less strict in other...

Posted May 02, 2017 by Mike Huda

Consistent color is a journey. A few weeks ago I blogged about the most common pitfalls people run into when starting a color program… Wrong lighting Less-than-perfect color vision Inaccurate physical standards Inconsistent device color measurement …And introduced some inexpensive color tools to help overcome them.   But the journey doesn’t stop there. Even if you’ve been successfully managing color for years, advances in inks, dyes, and substrates are introducing new challen...

Posted March 13, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

At X-Rite Pantone, we pride ourselves on our ability to help customers specify, communicate, formulate, and produce consistent color. You’re probably familiar with our major markets, like plastics, industrial coatings, and print & packaging. You may also be aware of the more “common” things we measure, like paint, printed surfaces, and textiles. But, as you look for the emergency exit on a plane, watch a butterfly float by, or choose the freshest package of cheese from the ...

Posted February 23, 2017 by Mike Huda

At X-Rite Pantone, we love color, and we’re passionate about helping you get yours right. That’s why we offer a full-service training program, staffed with Color Experts from many of the industries we serve. From beginner to advanced, lowest investment to highest return, we offer a variety of options to teach you everything you need to know to be successful. Are you new to color, wondering where it fits in your business objectives? Do you already have a color workflow, but ...

Posted February 09, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you didn’t catch my Industry 4.0: What Commercial Printers Need to Know article, you’ll want to check it out now. Today’s blog is a continuation, touching on the most interesting print color management tie-ins: PQX, iccMAX, mobile control and new materials. Here’s what on the horizon for color-managed workflows. Image courtesy of Print Quality eXchange PQX was a global effort developed by Idealliance, and is now moving to ISO to be issued as a standard. It ...

Posted January 25, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

As we close out 2016, it’s time to look ahead to 2017 and the upcoming manufacturing trends that will influence how we do business in the New Year. With rapidly changing technology, it’s difficult to know exactly what’s coming next, but we can definitely make some predictions. Over the past year, I have interviewed many customers across a variety of manufacturing industries to learn more about their industry concerns, the design and manufacturing challenges they face, and the t...

Posted January 09, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

Our color measurement devices are used by designers, brand owners, formulators, printers, and manufacturers around the world. Ranging from portable handheld devices, to large benchtop instruments, to spectrophotometers mounted inline, they can measure just about anything to help formulate and maintain a perfect color match. Many of our customers, especially those in the paint industry, are asked to color match some pretty interesting things, and we love to hear about them. We recently asked 40 p...

Posted December 28, 2016 by Tim Mouw

Our society loves customizing its surroundings. Personalized merchandise preserves memories, and when given as a gift, shows the recipient that you put a lot of thought into the choice. It also creates an emotional bond, and (if done right) encourages brand loyalty.  Image courtesy While the personalized merchandise market used to be dominated by photo books and calendars, advances in technology have opened the door to personalizing a wide range of materials like wood, ceramics,...

Posted December 19, 2016 by Shoshana Burgett

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time to reminisce… to celebrate our successes, and to explore areas that may need a little more attention in 2017. If color accuracy is on your list of things to improve, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of the blogs our readers found most helpful and interesting in 2016, so you can start working toward your goal of more accurate color in the New Year. Did your favorite blog make the list? Top 10 X-Rite Blogs of 2016 ...

Posted December 13, 2016 by Tim Mouw

When judging color, background can be a major distraction for the human eye. In fact, surrounding colors and patterns can actually change the perception of the color you’re trying to focus on. One of the wonderful things about color measurement instruments like colorimeters and spectrophotometers is that they can’t be distracted. They aren’t susceptible to variables such as fatigue, age or color vision deficiency. They aren’t even aware that a surround exists – they...

Posted December 01, 2016 by Mike Huda

Le tue letture della misurazione del colore sono diverse da quelle dei fornitori? Se è così, sei in buona compagnia. È un aspetto importante che devi risolvere. Se le tue misurazioni non corrispondono con quelle dei fornitori, ti potresti trovare nella condizione di rifiutare materiali che invece dovresti accettare, di NON rifiutare materiali che invece DOVRESTI scartare, e naturalmente sprecare molto tempo, energie e denaro per produrre un colore che, in definitiva, &egrav...

Posted November 17, 2016 by Mike Huda

Passionate about color? We are too. As a company that prides itself on its color knowledge and enthusiasm, X-Rite Pantone is excited about the various ways ArtPrize showcases the power of color. Each fall, ArtPrize installs over 1000 works of art in downtown Grand Rapids, attracting thousands of visitors. By using consistent colors in its guides, signs, banners, flags, and merchandise, ArtPrize creates a colorful map that helps both visitors and locals see the city through a different perspectiv...

Posted October 03, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Whether it’s using Munsell Color Standards or one of our many color measurement devices, X-Rite helps manufacturers around the world achieve accurate color. We talked to our support team to learn about some of the most interesting ways people have used our equipment to measure and control color. From archeologists to fur traders and gastroenterologists, here are a few of our favorites. In 2014, the city of Los Angeles used one of our handheld spectrophotometers to help remove more than 37 millio...

Posted July 05, 2016 by X-Rite Color

For many of us, fun in the sun can lead to a summertime tan. The science behind this sun + skin interaction is melanin, a skin pigment our body releases to block the UV rays found in sunlight. The more time we spend in the sun, the more melanin is released, and the darker (or more freckled) our skin becomes. This shift in skin tone doesn’t matter for most people, but for prosthetic wearers even a slight change can be a big deal. Here’s how Royal Preston hospital in the United Kingdom is using co...

Posted June 24, 2016 by Matthew Adby
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