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디지털 텍스타일 컬러 프로그램을 통해 ROI, 디지털 변혁, 지속 가능성 향상 시장 진출에 차질이 발생하면 모든 종류의 사업에 치명적일 수 있습니다. 패션, 직물 제품, 의류, 신발 브랜드의 경우, 매출 제고 및 브랜드 신뢰도를 구축 / 강화할 기회를 놓치는 것이 가장 큰 우려 사항입니다. 브랜드사는 컬러 승인 프로세스와 같은 사전 단계의 지연으로 인해 디자인 실행 중에 불필요하게 업무가 지연되는 상황을 허용할 수 없습니다. "스타일 트렌드가 계절보다 빠르게 변하는 업계에서는 고객 기대치의 추이를 파악하고 끊임없이 변화하는 시장 요구를 충족하기 위해 신속한 TTM(출시 시간)이 필수적입니다"라고 Printful은 보고합니다. 물론 이러한 필요성은 브랜드사로 하여금 많은 이익을 얻고 입지 확보를 위해 "경쟁사보다 더 빠르고 저렴하게 최신 유행 의류"를 생산하도록 요구하는 시장 세력과 겹치는 측면이 있다고 Fast Company 관계자는 말합니다. 신발과 직물 의류 브랜드사에도 동일한...

Posted June 11, 2024 by X-Rite Color

X-Rite 제품과 서비스를 관리하는 중앙 위치를 찾고 계세요? My X-Rite에서 확인하세요. 제품 정보나 지원, 서비스 세부 정보 또는 학습 리소스에 대한 액세스가 필요한 경우 몇 번의 클릭만으로 무료 온라인 포털을 이용할 수 있습니다. 연중무휴 24시간 액세스 가능: 컴퓨터나 모바일 장치에서 24시간 내내 개인 대시보드에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있습니다. 맞춤형 대시보드: 편리한 단일 위치에서 가장 중요한 정보들을 확인할 수 있습니다. 간편한 서비스 및 지원: 서비스 및 지원 티켓을 제출하고 추적할 수 있습니다. My X-Rite란 무엇인가? My X-Rite는 한 곳에서 장치를 관리하고, 주문 추적, 송장 확인, 서비스 및 지원 티켓을 모니터링할 수 있는 온라인 포털입니다. 맞춤형 대시보드를 사용하면 이메일이나 전화를 보내지 않고도 하루 24시간, 일주일 내내 컴퓨터나 모바일 장치에서 가장 중요한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다. My X-Rit...

Posted April 25, 2024 by X-Rite Color

스타벅스가 4가지 새로운 축제용 컵 디자인으로 다시 한번 연말연시 시즌을 시작했습니다. 올해 스타벅스의 크리에이티브 디렉터인 크리스티 카메론은 “전통적인 할러데이 컬러를 향상하고 빨간색을 더욱 밝게 보이도록 만드는” 마젠타색 액센트로 우리를 놀라게 했습니다. 할러데이 시즌의 쇼핑의 열기 속에서 패키징은 잠재 구매자의 시선을 사로잡는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 그러나 경쟁 우위를 유지하고 브랜드 품격을 유지하면서 끊임없이 변화하는 소비자 선호도에 맞춰 패키징 디자인을 조정하는 일은 어려운 작업이 될 수 있습니다.  이미지 제공: Starbucks Stories & News   오늘은 브랜드 업체가 품질과 매력을 저하시키지 않고 할러데이 패키징디자인을 신속히 제작할 수 있도록 도와주는 몇 가지 주요 전략을 공유하겠습니다.   패키징 디자인을 신속히 전환하기 위한 5가지 전략 민첩성과 유연성 유지. 변화하는 시장 요구를 충족하...

Posted November 01, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

The environmental footprint of fashion is out of control. According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), “Textile mills generate one-fifth of the world's industrial water pollution and use 20,000 chemicals, many of them carcinogenic, to make clothes.” Fabric being dyed in factory. Image from  A Problem That Impacts Everyone Did you know it takes about 200 tons of water (enough to fill several swimming pools) to produce one ton of cott...

Posted April 12, 2023 by X-Rite Color

If ensuring color consistency is part of your job description, you’ll want to learn more about PantoneLIVE. Our customers report that it helps them get products to market an average of four times faster! PantoneLIVE is an end-to-end, digital color communication ecosystem that helps everyone involved in a packaging workflow visualize and communicate color. It shows which colors are achievable, and which are not, across everything from flexible packaging to corrugated board. And, since the digital...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

When someone says “apple,” do you think red, green, or yellow? What do you do if a customer asks you to produce a color using descriptions that are not specific enough? Check out how something as seemingly simple as color communication can determine whether your color program succeeds or fails. A picture may paint a thousand words, but words alone do not paint a thousand colors. Circular conversations about color happen everyday. They generally start with someone asking for a sligh...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

This time of year, the internet is full of Top 10 Countdowns. It’s a tradition we’ve embraced since 1940 when the Billboard published its first chart ranking the top selling recorded songs. Since then, others have jumped on the bandwagon to highlight the most popular trends of the previous year.   We’ve been publishing our top-read blogs since 2016, and we’re happy to see some educational topics like color perception, tolerancing, and spectrophotometers continue to r...

Posted December 28, 2022 by X-Rite Color

컬러는 식품 선택 시에 중요한 역할을 합니다. 스위스 치즈, 딸기, 브로콜리, 으깬 감자와 같이 다수의 음식들은 항상 똑같아 보입니다. 우리는 처음에 입에 넣을 때 기대하는 것도 알고 있습니다. 하지만 으깬 감자가 녹색이라면 어떨까요? 맛이 다를까요? 시도해 보시겠습니까? 식품 산업에서 색상 분석이 중요한 이유 우리가 음식을 인식하고 맛보는 방식에서 컬러의 역할에 대한 많은 연구가 있었습니다. 이들 연구에서는 음식이나 음료의 색깔이 맛에 대한 우리의 판단에 가장 큰 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여줍니다. 식품 전문가이자 화학자인 Kantha Shelke에 따르면, 우리는 냄새나 맛을 느끼기 전에 먼저 눈으로 먹습니다. 컬러 신호는 매우 중요합니다. 심리적으로 사람들은 붉은색 음식에서 딸기나 체리와 같은 단맛을 기대합니다. 노란색은 신맛이 나고, 녹색은 시큼한 맛이 나며, (할로윈 시즌을 제외하고) 많은 사람들은 검은색, 보라색 같은 어두운 색은 시도조차 하지 않을 것입니다. 상한 음식...

Posted November 18, 2022 by X-Rite Color

색상이 중요하다고 말하지만, 중요한 이유를 아세요? 사실 색상은 제조 공정에서 매우 중요한 요소입니다. 유감스럽게도 많은 제조업체는 올바른 컬러를 얻는 것이 예전보다 훨씬 어렵다는 것을 깨닫고 있으며, 그들이 거래하는 브랜드는 더 엄격한 허용오차를 충족하도록 요구하고 있습니다. 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다. 색상 기술의 발전(예: 메탈릭 포장, 펄 광택 피니시, 맞춤형 직물 및 생동감 있는 새로운 컬러)이 고객을 유혹하지만 일관성 유지 작업은 훨씬 어렵게 만듭니다. 예를 들어 복합 데크를 생각해보세요. 예전에는 회색 또는 갈색의 두 가지 선택이 있었습니다. 그리고 데크 전체에 조화가 있는 한 고객은 만족했습니다. 그러나 이제는 짙은 나뭇결 패턴과 이국적인 컬러 등 다양한 옵션이 있으므로 제조업체는 두세 가지가 아닌 수십 가지 색상을 관리해야 하며, 일관성을 유지하는 것은 훨씬 어렵습니다. 포장도 또 하나의 좋은 예입니다. 예전에는 인쇄된 상자를 배치했던 매장 진열대에 이제는 호일...

Posted November 01, 2022 by Cindy Cooperman

X-Rite는 2006년에 Munsell Color Company를 인수했습니다. 그 인수와 함께 색채 과학, 색 표준 및 색각 분석 도구의 중요한 유산도 함께 왔습니다. 오늘 우리는 앨버트 먼셀(Albert Munsell)이 컬러 세계에 기여한 바를 되돌아보고, 그의 노력과 영감을 통해 다양한 산업 분야(포장, 의류, 신발, 전자 제품, 화장품, 가정용 가구, 페인트, 식음료, 건설 등)에서 색상 관리에 도움을 주는 제품들을 공유하고자 합니다. 색채 분석의 역사에서 앨버트 먼셀의 역할 앨버트 먼셀은 사람의 시각 체계에 대한 큰 이해를 제공한 우리 세기의 대표적 인물 중 한 사람입니다. 색 구성에 대한 그의 경험적 분석은 현대의 모든 색 좌표계의 기반이 되었습니다. Munsell Color Order System 앨버트 먼셀(Albert Munsell)은 보스턴 지역의 대학 교수였고, 숙련된 예술가였으며 파리의 ‘줄리안느 아카데미’를 졸업했습니다. 그는 낮에는 ...

Posted October 17, 2022 by X-Rite Color

When customers are just getting started with color management, they often ask, "What is the difference between a spectrometer and a spectrophotometer?". With such a minute spelling difference, it's easy to make a quick typo and get the wrong answer for this color question. So...what's the difference? Spectrometers vs. Spectrophotometers    What is a Spectrophotometer? A spectrophotometer is a color measurement device that is used to capture and evaluate color on just about anything, in...

Posted September 13, 2022 by X-Rite Color

According to, over 80% of cars produced today are white, black, or some shade of gray. It’s not necessarily because bright and bold colors are more difficult to produce and match than their grayscale counterparts, they just take longer to get through the inspiration and car design process.  Believe it or not, producing a new auto color can take up to five years before it makes it to the showroom floor. It’s a long, tedious process for designers, paint...

Posted June 27, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Asda brand packaging is printed globally across a variety of suppliers, print processes, and substrates. With a small team of print specialists, it was impossible and impractical for Asda to attend even a small percentage of press passes across all suppliers to validate print quality. Seven years ago, Asda adopted the X-Rite Pantone ColorCert Suite, a digital color program to help them streamline approvals and deliver brand presence and quality assurance on the shelf across their primary and se...

Posted May 02, 2022 by X-Rite Color

대형마트 매장 선반에서 음료 제품을 고를 때 소비자들은 뛰어난 맛 뿐만 아니라 제품이 보이는 형태에도 일관성을 요구합니다. 색상과 투명도는 품질에 필수 지표입니다 – 어떠한 형태의 결함이나 오염은 원료 내 불순물 또는 가열 및 산화에 의한 공정 변화를 의미할 수 있습니다. . 하지만, 과일/야채 주스, 맥주, 혼합 칵테일 등과 같은 음료는 생산 가동 중에 통제하기 어렵습니다. 과일과 같은 천연 재료는 색이 제각각 일 수 있습니다. 혼합음료의 원재료에는 액체, 고체, 가루 등의 어떤 조합도 포함될 수 있으며, 색상이 조금만 바뀌어도 최종 혼합물의 색상에 큰 차이가 생길 수 있습니다.  일관성 있는 색상을 위해 액체의 색상을 제어하기 위해서는 색상 데이터를 수집하는 올바른 도구와 색상 변형을 식별하고 수정할 수 있는 적절한 프로세스가 필요합니다.   액체의 색상 측정을 위한 도구  1 - 분광측색계 액체 색상 측정 시, 육안 검사만으로는 ...

Posted January 21, 2022 by X-Rite Color

.upcoming-webinar-block { width: 100%; display: table; margin-bottom: 20px; } .upcoming-webinar-left { width: 120px; padding-right: 20px; display: table-cell; } .upcoming-webinar-left img { margin-top: 10px; } .upcoming-webinar-right { vertical-align: top; display: table-cell; } Color measurement devices have been around since the 1940s, but they’ve come a long way since then. Built by Jules Duboscq in France in 1870, t...

Posted January 19, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Last week Pantone announced the Pantone Color of the Year 2020 - Very Peri (PANTONE 17-3938). The Pantone Color of the Year announcement isn’t just important for designers. Since this color will set the stage for upcoming trends, brand owners should also take notice to capitalize on this trending color. Bring Very Peri to Market, Fast. Is Virtual Design the Answer? The fashion and apparel industry began embracing virtual design years ago. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Burberry, ...

Posted December 14, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Light booths provide a controlled environment for judging color under different lighting conditions. They can help visually evaluate how different types of light will affect the perception of color, evaluate the color of raw materials before and after production, and ensure different components will remain uniform once they’re assembled.   But not all light booths are the same. With NIST traceability and ISO 17025 accreditation, X-Rite offers worldwide competence in calibration, cert...

Posted December 13, 2021 by X-Rite Color

The best way to visualize how color will react in real world lighting conditions is to use a quality light booth. Traditional light booths contain common illuminants like daylight, incandescent, and fluorescent to replicate how color will look in the retail store and post-purchase in outdoor and home lighting. Today, the increased use of LED lamps in home, commercial, and retail environments is impacting decades of standardized lighting procedures.   How LED is Changing the Game LED li...

Posted November 03, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Color measurement is used to specify, quantify, communicate, formulate, and verify color quality for color critical work. Because everyone perceives color differently, color measurement is more precise than visual evaluation.  How to Measure Color Wavelength To measure color, a color measurement device called a spectrophotometer shines light onto a sample and captures the amount of light that is transmitted or reflected in the 380 nm to 780 nm wavelength range, which is the wavelength rang...

Posted August 24, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Learn about light, reflection curves, optical brighteners, and more.     Illuminants Electro magnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 380 nm to 730 nm is seen as light by our eyes. Low wavelengths show as blue light, then the spectrum continues from green to yellow, orange, and red. UV radiation is located in the range below 380 nm; the range above 730 nm is called infrared radiation. The visual impression of a colored body changes by the composition of the incoming light. ...

Posted July 22, 2021 by X-Rite Color

People often ask how X-Rite got its name and how we came to be a leader in the art and science of color. It’s really a great story – one that focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship and determination. What’s in a name? X-Rite was founded in 1957 by a group of engineers and business entrepreneurs who had a desire to start a business based on innovation. The members brainstormed new product ideas ranging from can openers to sheet metal tools to collapsible car cots. After buildin...

Posted May 11, 2021 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

팬톤 컬러 연구소(Pantone Color Institute)에서 올해의 컬러로 PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating 을 선정하여 발표하였습니다. Pantone Color of the Year 2021.   팬톤 컬러 연구소에 따르면 , PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating 이 두 컬러는 강인함과 희망을 결합하는 지속적이고도 고무적인 메시지라고 설명하였습니다. 일루미네이팅(Illuminating)은 밝고 명랑한 노란색 스파클링으로 생동감이 넘치고, 빛 에너지가 깃든 따뜻한 노란빛 쉐이드입니다. Ultimate Gray는 견고하고 신뢰할 수 있는 요소를 상징하며, 이는 지속적이며 견고한 기초를 제공합니다. 이 두 가지 독립적인 색채는 희망찬 컬러 페어링을 이루어 더욱 사려 깊은 느낌과 햇빛 가득한 날의 긍정적인 약속을 나타냅니...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

액체 색상은 생산 과정 중에 조절하기 어려운 요소 중 하나이지만, 그만큼 중요한 요소 이기도 합니다. 가령, 매장에 진열되어 있는 주스 병들 중 한 개만 옅은 색을 띄고 있다면, 그 제품을 고르시겠습니까?     액체의 투명도는 그 측정 범위가 반투명에서 불투명까지 자리하고 있기 때문에 측정이 쉽지 않고, 또한 액체 특성상 고정이 어려우며 장비와 측정 소재 양측 모두 오염의 소지가 있어 측정 장비와의 접촉이 불가 합니다.  오늘 포스팅에서는 액체의 색상 측정 시 적절한 분광측색계를 선택하는 방법, 액체 측정 샘플 추출 방법, 그리고 측정 완료 후 결과 데이터를 가지고 무엇을 하는지에 대해 다루어 볼 예정입니다.     액체 색상측정을 위한 장비 고르기  분광측색계를 선택할 시, 액체의 화학적 구성은 투명도 만큼 중요하지는 않습니다. 사과 제품을 예시로 들어보겠습니다.   애플 주스는 색이 연하지만 대부분 반투명...

Posted October 27, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Sustainability is a top priority for large consumer packaging organizations. To be sustainable means considering the needs of our environment and future generations by looking for ways to reduce waste throughout production. Not only is it socially responsible, but consumers often consider a brand’s sustainability practices when making more conscious purchasing decisions.   Of course, working toward sustainability doesn’t change the importance of establishing brand identity on th...

Posted October 15, 2020 by X-Rite Color

전세계가 팬데믹 현상에서 점차 회복하려는 노력을 기울임에 따라, 리테일 상점들이 고객과 임직원의 안전과 건강을 지키기 위한 기능적인 변화를 만들고 있습니다. 그 시작으로, 악명높은 사회적 활동의 일환인 쇼핑은 이제 직원들과 고객들이 거리를 유지하고 마스크의 착용을 의무화하고 있습니다.      코스메틱 카운터에 앉아 있을 때, 고객들로 하여금 편안하게 느껴질 수 있어야 합니다. 기존 뷰티 컨설턴트의 역할은 그대로 이지만, 데모 메이크업 어플리케이션과 화장품 테스터의 역할은 사라지고 있습니다. 이러한 현상으로, 리테일러는 위생적인 방법으로 고객이 본인 피부톤에 맞는 화장품 색상을 선택할 수 있도록 돕습니다.  인공지능(AI) 및 가상현실 (AR) 도구 등이 뷰티 컨설턴트로 하여금 가상으로 소비자들과 소통을 할 수 있게하여 사회적 거리에서 오는 어려움을 완화시킵니다.   코스메틱 매장에서의 Virtual Try-On (버...

Posted July 15, 2020 by Matthew Adby

As digital printing continues to grow, many printmakers are moving beyond traditional media to create artwork on substrates like wood, acrylic, textiles, and backlit materials. While the results can be beautiful, achieving exceptional print quality on these materials can be challenging.   Enter the i1Pro 3 Plus. With its large aperture, polarization and transmissive capabilities, this new member of X-Rite’s i1Pro Family can create color profiles for substrates that are otherwise ...

Posted May 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Our customers who are now working remotely need to be aware that changing a small variable – such as approving color from home under a different light source, or emailing specifications instead of sending a physical sample – can introduce color issues that risk creating a larger color problem. The first and most critical stage to color control is accurate color communication. These resources will help you get started. The Importance of Color Communication Blog | Many color...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Spectrophotometers (“spectros” for short) are color measurement devices used to capture and evaluate color. As part of a color control program, brand owners and designers use them to specify and communicate color, and manufacturers use them to monitor color accuracy throughout production. Spectrophotometers can measure just about anything, including liquids, plastics, paper, metal and fabrics, and help ensure that color remains consistent from conception to delivery.   &nb...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Phone and computer screens are the window into the digital world of color, but if you are approving colors via email or text you need to be aware of the limitations.  For starters, each of your devices relies on a different color model to display color. Input devices – your camera and monitor – use the additive color model to display color. They start with darkness and add red, green, and blue light to create a spectrum of colors. Printers, on the other hand, use the s...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? Lighting plays a huge role in how we perceive color. It can help you verify whether the color of your product is acceptable and ensure it remains accurate in every possible lighting condition after purchase.     Many of our customers are finding visual evaluation to be even more important as they transition color reviews and approvals to a different location, such as in the home office or to another remote environmen...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

So much goes into the way you perceive color, including light, genetics, the environment, human traits, and even fatigue. You may also be among the 1 in 255 women and 1 in 12 men who have some form of color vision deficiency. Our online color challenge is a fun way to better understand your color vision acuity.     Regardless of your color vision acuity, if you are communicating, evaluating, or approving color from a new location your eyes may trick you into making diff...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Color has always been a critical factor for our customers. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many are now trying to design, specify, communicate and ultimately achieve accurate color from remote locations or with less staff and fewer resources. Are you having trouble maintaining your color program in this unprecedented time?  We've compiled our most popular resources – blogs, videos, whitepapers, webinars, and case studies – to help you connect with your supply chain and ...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Appearance is more than just color. It’s an all-inclusive look at everything inherent to an object, including texture, gloss, transparency, translucency, and special effects like sparkle and shimmer. When viewed from different angles or under different lighting conditions, appearance effects can change our perception of color. That's why it’s important to control both color and appearance throughout design and development.  Durable goods brands use appearance effects to captur...

Posted February 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

잉크젯 프린팅 기술을 기반으로 한 디지털 프린팅 산업은 지금까지 오랜시간 동안 존재해왔지만, 현재 극적인 변화를 맞이하고 있습니다. 보다 높은 미디어 수용성 및 보존성을 가진 잉크의 등장과 정착방식의 개발이 이루어짐에 따라, 전통적인 미디어인 종이를 벗어나 이제는 텍스타일 프린팅에 점차 확대 적용 되어가고 있습니다. 이러한 텍스타일 프린팅 산업은 전통적인 생산 방식 대비 운용 효율 및 비용 절감 효과가 뛰어날 뿐만 아니라 다품종 소량생산에도 매우 유리한 장점을 가지고 있습니다. 그러나 이러한 급작스러운 산업 영역 및 패러다임의 변화는 디지털 프린팅 업체들이 그 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 운영 방식을 변경 해야 한다는 것을 의미하기도 합니다.   Allied Market Research에 따르면 디지털 텍스타일 인쇄 시장은 2022년까지 전세계적으로 거의 400만 달러에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 하지만 본인은 10억 달러 이상이 될지 않을까 추측하고 있습니다. 하...

Posted January 23, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Managing color throughout production is always a challenge, but advances in color technology, like the metallic, shimmer, and pearlescence effects designed to capture consumer attention, are taking the frustration to a whole new level for quality control managers. This is especially true when producing parts that must match at assembly, such as the metal panels for a home appliance or the painted side mirrors for a vehicle.  Special effects are tricky to control because our perception can c...

Posted January 14, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Durable goods and consumer electronics are no longer destined to be white, gray, and black. In fact, consumers are moving towards more classic colors and special effect finishes like metallics. To capitalize on this trend, brands need to bring innovative designs in new colors faster to market than ever before.   One trending color, the PANTONE Color of the Year 2020, is sure to capture the attention of durable good and consumer electronic brands. It is a simple, timeless, elegant, and endur...

Posted December 09, 2019 by X-Rite Color

제지, 섬유, 플라스틱, 코일 코팅 및 유리 산업을 위한 인라인 색상 측정 X-Rite의 인라인 측색 솔루션을 사용하면 다양한 산업의 제조업체가 생산 전반에 걸쳐 컬러 정확도와 일관성을 평가하고 ISO 준수 상태를 추적할 수 있습니다. 인라인 시스템은 제품이 만들어지는 동안 컬러를 모니터링하고 사양을 벗어나기 시작하면 작업자에게 경고하여 제품 낭비가 발생하기 전에 수정할 수 있게 합니다. 횡단 빔에 장착된 ERX145 분광측색계는 생산 중에 이 시트의 왼쪽, 중간 및 오른쪽을 자동으로 측정합니다. 각 X-Rite 인라인 측색 시스템은 비접촉 분광측색계와 ESWin 소프트웨어를 사용합니다. 다수의 장비가 독립형 실험실 장치로도 작동하지만, 시스템에 이동 프레임이나 로봇 팔을 포함시켜 분광측색계를 라인 위에 배치할 수 있습니다. 응용 상황 및 요구사항에 따라 X-Rite의 인라인 솔루션은 공정 제어 시스템과 통신하여 실시간 클로즈 루프 컬러 보정을 위해 컬러 측정 데이터 및 염료...

Posted December 02, 2019 by X-Rite Color

따스하고 자연의 색상으로 가득한 이 방 사진과…  ... 밝고 딱딱한 사무실의 사진과 다른 느낌을 받으시나요? 건축물이 당신에게 "말"을 건넨 적이 있었나요?  색상은 세상의 중요한 구성요소 중 하나 입니다.  색상은 모두가 이해하는 시각적 언어입니다. 색상의 감각적 인식은 우리의 감정에 다양한 방법으로 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 종종 잠재 의식적이기는 하지만, 색상은 건축의 인테리어와 익스테리어 구성에 있어서 근본적이고 매우 중요한 영향을 끼칩니다. 새로운 건축물을 디자인하거나 기존 건축물을 리모델링 할 때, 인테리어와 익스테리어의 색상 조합을 선택하는 것은 단순히 데코레이션을 위한 것이 아닙니다.   돌과 나무 그리고 벽돌과 같은 자연 재료의 색상 및 세라믹 타일과 접착용 시멘트의 새로운 색상, 또한 창문과 문 및 인테리어 마감재의 전통적인 색상까지, 디자이너가 의도한 대로의 분위기를 연출하고 기능적인 면을 ...

Posted November 19, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Virtual reality has re-imagined the art of apparel and footwear design. 3D design programs like MODO, KeyShot, CLO, Browzwear, Optitex, and Lectra augment the creativity of color and material designers to virtually construct patterns and render realistic 3D garments.  This is exciting technology for brands that want to reduce waste for a greener footprint and accelerate design to keep up with fast fashion. However, designers are notoriously tactile. They need to touch, feel, and gain a...

Posted October 24, 2019 by Bruce Wright

식료품을 고를 때 소비자들은 맛과 외관이 일치되기를 원합니다. 더 밝은 색의 오렌지로도 맛있는 오렌지 주스를 생산할 수 있지만, 보다 옅은 색은 USDA 승인을 위태롭게 하고 소비자들은 품질에 대해 의문을 품을 수 있습니다.  식품 및 음료 제조업체 입장에서도, 특히 과일 주스와 혼합 칵테일과 같은 음료의 경우 생산 중에 통제하는 것은 가장 어려운 작업입니다. 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다.  1. 액체는 측정하기 어렵다. 불투명한 물체의 색상을 측정하는 경우, Spectrophotometer는 물체의 표면에 빛을 비추고 반사되는 빛을 통해 색상을 측정하게 됩니다. 하지만 반투명한 액체에 빛을 비출 경우 빛은 표면에서 반사되지 않고 물체를 통과해 버립니다.  2. T측정장치는 시료와 접촉 할 수 없다.  Spectrophotometer가 음료와 접촉할 경우 샘플을 오염시키고 광학부에 잔류하여 측정값을 왜곡하고 계측기를 손상시킬 수 있습니다....

Posted August 15, 2019 by X-Rite Color

There’s been a lot of research around the role color plays in how we expect food to taste. The fact is, we judge flavor by the color of the food or drink, even before the first taste. We expect red foods to taste sweet like strawberries or cherries. White should taste like vanilla, and green is probably limey and tart or minty. Color cues can even determine whether we take that first bite. Most of us won’t even consider trying a food like mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie if it is ...

Posted August 12, 2019 by Tim Mouw

Controlling color on cylindrical-shaped items like cups, cans, and tubes is a challenge because it’s hard to properly align the measurement device with the sample. Many printers and manufacturers cut a piece from the finished product and lay it flat to take a measurement. While this method works, each sample takes time to cut, wastes product, and risks the safety of the employees who are cutting the samples.  A Faster, Safer Solution X-Rite’s Cup and Cylinder Fixture works ...

Posted July 17, 2019 by Bob Binder

With so many requests for innovative bases, transparency, and special effects, formulating color for paint, coating, and plastic applications can be a challenge. To keep up, formulation software needs to be innovative, too. We recently launched version 10 of our Color iMatch formulation software, and it is our smartest version yet. It allows you to select cost-reducing parameters, such as lowest cost or fewest colorants, and will determine the best formula for your application. It work...

Posted July 10, 2019 by Rich Knapp

As we move through spring and into summer, we’re revisiting Pantone Color Institute’s Spring/Summer 2019 Fashion Color Trend Report. This season’s report features the top 12 stand out colors as well as current takes on four classic neutrals.    Images extracted with permission from PANTONEVIEW Colour Planner Spring/Summer 2019.    According to Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, “This new mindset underscores a...

Posted June 10, 2019 by X-Rite Color

Hitting offset lithographic color targets isn’t always fast or easy. The manual process of measuring color bars and making ink key adjustments takes time and opens the door to operator error. Meanwhile, the press is running (and wasting) paper and ink. To achieve accurate and repeatable color, printers need to convert their printing operation to an efficient manufacturing process and drive efficiencies in all phases of their operation. For many, a closed-loop automated solution is the...

Posted April 03, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

For the last few Decembers, we’ve provided you with a list of “top color measurement blogs” for that respective year. As we reviewed this year’s list, we noticed that your favorite/ the most-read blogs could be categorized into a few buckets. So, without further ado, here’s 2018’s top blog topics!  2018’s Most Popular Color Measurement Topic: Tolerancing Not to our team’s surprise, Tolerancing – what it is/what it means for your busines...

Posted December 20, 2018 by X-Rite Color

Each year, Pantone announces its highly anticipated “Color of the Year”. The selection is intended to serve as a strategic direction for design and color-conscious industries as well as a conversation piece around our culture, where it is going and what we collectively need…and it certainly gets everyone talking about color!  Color is no longer just something we see and appreciate - it enhances and influences the way we experience life. Color, as a strategic element of d...

Posted December 06, 2018 by Tim Mouw

위도, 경도, 고도 등의 지리적 좌표와 같이 컬러 또한  L*a*b* 값을 사용하여, 정확한 색상 값을 지정하고 그것을 기반으로 커뮤니케이션을 할 수 있습니다. What’s the history of L*a*b*? 1940년대에, Richard Hunter박사는 3차원 공간 모델인 Lab을 개발하였습니다. 이 LAB 모델은 인식된 색상 차이를 동일한 공간영역으로 나타내기 위해 구성되었습니다. 31년후, CIE는 Hunter’s Lab의 업데이트 버전인 CIELab을 발표했습니다. CIELab을 올바르게 읽는 방법은 “see-lab” 또는 “L-star, a-star, b-star,” 이지만, 일부의 색상측정 장비나 어플리케이션은 간략화 하여 L,A,B 또는 Lab이라고 표기하기도 합니다. What does L*a*b* stand for?  어떠한 식으로 CIElab을 부르던, 더 중요한 것은 L*a...

Posted October 08, 2018 by Tim Mouw

If you’re measuring wet and dry paints, plastics, cosmetics, or small and odd-shaped samples, you’ll want to take a look at our new MetaVue VS3200 non-contact imaging spectrophotometer. It’s the perfect choice for industrial applications in coatings, plastics, food, cosmetics and more. Today we’ll demonstrate the power of its smart spot and on-screen targeting features and explain how it can integrate seamlessly with your formulation, quality control, and performance opt...

Posted March 21, 2018 by Tim Mouw

A senior design leader at a large beverage company recently shared his thoughts on the definition of Design Thinking on LinkedIn, asking other members of the community to contribute their own thoughts alongside his. Hundreds of comments ensued. The post appears to be part of a multi-week campaign to position Design Thinking as a way to approach business problems and garner attention from business executives. And we know that this attention has been hard to capture. A survey of over 600 designers...

Posted December 21, 2017 by Adrián Fernández

For over a decade omni-channel has been a term used to describe digital and physical marketing. While many have strived to achieve an omni-channel strategy, unifying the digital and physical customer experiences have been an ongoing challenge for marketers. However, that may be changing. Advances in augmented reality (AR) can help to bring these two worlds together. Over the next few years, I believe we will see significant adoption of AR technology by brands and retailers as a way to engage con...

Posted December 19, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE® 18-3838 Ultra Violet as the Pantone Color of the Year 2018! This news is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends for everything from housewares to fashion to packaging design. In fact, we have already seen shades of Color of the Year used in packaging and graphic design by forward-looking brands in the CPG, luxury, and beauty worlds as well as by personalities and artists seeking to stand out. Part of butt...

Posted December 11, 2017 by Mark Gundlach

If you work behind a paint counter, you know customers can surprise you with interesting and unique objects to color match. Many samples are relatively easy to measure, but when a customer shows up with a curved baseboard panel, a square of shag carpet, or a plush toy, things can get a little tricky. A few years ago, we learned just how challenging it was for our retail paint customers to color match unique samples. We took in a bag with textured and multi-colored items and asked the person behi...

Posted December 04, 2017 by Tim O'Rourke

Recently we blogged about how appearance affects color. In this article we look at some of the characteristics that impact an object’s appearance, such as texture, gloss, transparency, and special effects, and explain why it’s crucial to describe appearance in the early stages of the design workflow.  While 3D programs have attempted to address appearance aspects for years, there has been a missing link in virtual product design: the ability to integrate characteristically &ldqu...

Posted November 29, 2017 by Thomas Meeker

You think you’re doing everything right, but your color isn’t consistent. Why? Through the years, designers have used many tools to help them specify color. Color swatches, style guides and product prototypes have been effective, but with the advent of the digital world, these physical tools are no longer enough. To be efficient, designers need to be SPECIFIC. X-Rite Pantone President Ron Voigt recently published an article in MediaPost that explains why. To be effective, designers n...

Posted November 17, 2017 by Cindy Cooperman

Appearance is more than simply color. It’s a comprehensive look at everything inherent to each unique material we come in contact with, including texture, gloss, transparency, and special effects. Each of these characteristics plays a part and has an effect on overall appearance and understanding in relation to a single material. Objects may have several elements that affect appearance, such as the material’s surface texture, construction, overall geometry and micro-surface. The environ...

Posted October 24, 2017 by Thomas Meeker

Color is our perception of reflected light across the visible spectrum. When light hits an object, it absorbs some rays and reflect others. The color of light that reflects back into our eyes is the color we perceive. The more light an object absorbs, the darker it appears. With black, very little light is reflected. Pure black in the presence of light wasn’t achieved until 2014 when Surrey NanoSystems announced the invention of Vantablack. This high-tech artificial substance absorbs 99....

Posted October 13, 2017 by Mike Huda

I spent a few years working in Paris, where the Seine River has played a pivotal role in the shaping of the city’s personality. As I stayed longer and got to know the city and its people better, one of the things that became clear to me was that the Seine River physically separated two distinct cultures of the city. Image courtesy of The left bank, including the Latin Quarter, Montparnasse, and Sorbonne, is all about creativity, design and ideation. The right bank is more sop...

Posted August 01, 2017 by X-Rite Color

FUSE 2017 provided a wealth of valuable industry insight by showcasing how today’s brands are not only surviving, but thriving. While each scenario presented unique challenges and obstacles, one constant seemed abundantly clear:  brands must create a human connection between themselves and their consumers. Humanizing brands reinvigorates (or, in some cases, generates) a level of trust from consumers that is currently eroding. Speakers at FUSE highlighted a few specific examples of ways companie...

Posted July 19, 2017 by X-Rite Color

In an effort to better understand YOU, YOUR business, and YOUR color challenges, we’re inviting you to be a part of the new X-RITE LAB. Our research and design teams are asking for YOUR input as we look for new and exciting challenges to solve. The X-RITE LAB is a group of professionals who are interested in voicing their color challenges and emerging as thought leaders. Regardless of industry, role, or years of color knowledge, we’re looking for individuals whose professional goals resonate wit...

Posted June 30, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

Have you seen the Academy Award-Winning La La Land, where the stars dance through the cosmos and experience alternate realities? Or the commercial, where a famous freestyle dancer slides down the street, up the walls, over the marquee and beyond, transported by his next-gen earphones? Maybe you’ve seen this Russian packaging that superimposes conflicting scales. Surrealism is bleeding into our reality, and I kind of think it’s a zeitgeist. Simply defined, surrealism strives to reconcile our dre...

Posted March 22, 2017 by X-Rite Color

At X-Rite Pantone, we pride ourselves on our ability to help customers specify, communicate, formulate, and produce consistent color. You’re probably familiar with our major markets, like plastics, industrial coatings, and print & packaging. You may also be aware of the more “common” things we measure, like paint, printed surfaces, and textiles. But, as you look for the emergency exit on a plane, watch a butterfly float by, or choose the freshest package of cheese from the ...

Posted February 23, 2017 by Mike Huda

At X-Rite Pantone, we love color, and we’re passionate about helping you get yours right. That’s why we offer a full-service training program, staffed with Color Experts from many of the industries we serve. From beginner to advanced, lowest investment to highest return, we offer a variety of options to teach you everything you need to know to be successful. Are you new to color, wondering where it fits in your business objectives? Do you already have a color workflow, but ...

Posted February 09, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you didn’t catch my Industry 4.0: What Commercial Printers Need to Know article, you’ll want to check it out now. Today’s blog is a continuation, touching on the most interesting print color management tie-ins: PQX, iccMAX, mobile control and new materials. Here’s what on the horizon for color-managed workflows. Image courtesy of Print Quality eXchange PQX was a global effort developed by Idealliance, and is now moving to ISO to be issued as a standard. It ...

Posted January 25, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

If you’re a commercial printer who wants to improve color quality and consistency and stay current on industry trends, you need to be aware of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can mean different things to different people, but it generally refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which incorporates trends in automation, data exchange, smart systems, and the Internet of Things. Image courtesy of Christoph Roser at Today I’ll explain what Industry 4.0 means for co...

Posted January 24, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

Looking forward to the X Games? Kicking off next week in Aspen, the annual sporting competition draws thrill seekers from around the world to participate in Xtreme events, such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling. Image courtesy of Of course, this living-on-the-edge lifestyle isn’t for everyone. Luckily, with X-Rite you don’t have to be a daredevil to enjoy Xtreme color! Here’s a list of our most innovative solutions to help you achieve the greatest possible results...

Posted January 17, 2017 by Tim Mouw

Earlier this week my colleague, Shoshana Burgett wrote about six manufacturing trends to watch for in 2017. It’s now time to look into my crystal ball and see what trends converters, commercial printers and graphic designers should be following in the next 12 – 18 months. Extended/Expanded Gamut 2017 could be the year where extended gamut printing really breaks out. This year both industry professionals and standards organizations have been taking a look at printing beyond traditional 126...

Posted January 10, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

As we close out 2016, it’s time to look ahead to 2017 and the upcoming manufacturing trends that will influence how we do business in the New Year. With rapidly changing technology, it’s difficult to know exactly what’s coming next, but we can definitely make some predictions. Over the past year, I have interviewed many customers across a variety of manufacturing industries to learn more about their industry concerns, the design and manufacturing challenges they face, and the t...

Posted January 09, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

Our society loves customizing its surroundings. Personalized merchandise preserves memories, and when given as a gift, shows the recipient that you put a lot of thought into the choice. It also creates an emotional bond, and (if done right) encourages brand loyalty.  Image courtesy While the personalized merchandise market used to be dominated by photo books and calendars, advances in technology have opened the door to personalizing a wide range of materials like wood, ceramics,...

Posted December 19, 2016 by Shoshana Burgett

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time to reminisce… to celebrate our successes, and to explore areas that may need a little more attention in 2017. If color accuracy is on your list of things to improve, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of the blogs our readers found most helpful and interesting in 2016, so you can start working toward your goal of more accurate color in the New Year. Did your favorite blog make the list? Top 10 X-Rite Blogs of 2016 ...

Posted December 13, 2016 by Tim Mouw

K 2016 begins today in Düsseldorf and runs through October 26th. As the #1 trade fair for the plastics and rubber industries, it’s a huge event featuring industry news, product demos, and networking. We’ll be in Hall 8b / Stand H65 showcasing our end-to-end X-Rite Pantone workflow solutions to help rubber manufacturers, compounders, masterbatchers, and converters get consistent color in a plastics workflow. Don’t miss your chance to speak with our color experts! (Here...

Posted October 18, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Tim Mouw is our Manager of Applications Engineering & Technical Support for the Americas. Tim is so knowledgeable about the impact of color in many industries, and his stories always intrigue us. Tim has authored many X-Rite Pantone blogs, including: What is metamerism, and why should you care? Effective ways to measure reflective surfaces What’s sabotaging your sustainability efforts? 5 color evaluation pitfalls to avoid Why is controlling color so hard? We recently sat down with him to...

Posted July 12, 2016 by X-Rite Color

For many of us, fun in the sun can lead to a summertime tan. The science behind this sun + skin interaction is melanin, a skin pigment our body releases to block the UV rays found in sunlight. The more time we spend in the sun, the more melanin is released, and the darker (or more freckled) our skin becomes. This shift in skin tone doesn’t matter for most people, but for prosthetic wearers even a slight change can be a big deal. Here’s how Royal Preston hospital in the United Kingdom is using co...

Posted June 24, 2016 by Matthew Adby

Real or fake? When it comes to medicating children, consumers need to know the products they choose are genuine. When you hear the word counterfeiting, do you automatically think of counterfeit money? Unfortunately counterfeiting goes much farther than that. It’s impacting just about every industry worldwide. It is a huge problem for product integrity and results in financial loss. Estimates put counterfeited and pirated goods at some 2 to 2.5% of world trade, with a value of $600 billion or mor...

Posted May 11, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Extended gamut printing is becoming more and more popular in the printing industry. With Pantone’s new EXTENDED GAMUT Guide, printers and designers have a visual guide to help predict how close of a match is possible when they use 7-color process in place of spot inks.   Ron Voigt, President of X-Rite Pantone, was recently interviewed on the topic by Cary Sherburne, senior editor at WhatTheyThink.  According to Voigt, the EXTENDED GAMUT Guide helps printers visualize how well Pantone...

Posted February 15, 2016 by X-Rite Color

Color is a critical factor when selecting cosmetics and skin tone products. Women everywhere venture into stores, compare sample after sample trying to find the closest match, and hope for the best. With hundreds of different options, product lines and color palettes, buying makeup can be an expensive and frustrating process. Color technology to the rescue. Today we’ll look at how the CAPSURE Cosmetic spectrocolorimeter and the CAPSUREme mobile app are revolutionizing the way women buy makeup. ...

Posted December 15, 2015 by Matthew Adby

Pantone®, an X-Rite company, recently announced a pair of complementary shades as its 2016 Color of the Year:  PANTONE 15-3919 Serenity and PANTONE 13-1520 Rose Quartz. The PANTONE Color of the Year announcement is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends. The Color of the Year selection process is very thoughtful and a lot of consideration is given to the color choices. To arrive at the selection each year, Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institut...

Posted December 11, 2015 by X-Rite Color

If accurate color is a must in your world, then you know the importance of color measurement instrumentation. Spectrophotometers are used in many industries to identify, formulate, measure and communicate color. They can compare samples and standards to identify even the smallest differences. From concept through formulation and production, spectrophotometers are an invaluable part of any color-managed workflow. But have you ever stopped to think how these devices were developed? Today we’ll tak...

Posted November 16, 2015 by X-Rite Color

Would you choose a beverage off the store shelf if the same brand sitting next to it was a different color? The Bacardi Bottling Corporation knows the answer is probably no, which is why the company incorporates strict color standards into its Bacardi Mojito production process. Bacardi Mojito is a mix of premium rum, flavorings and special natural ingredients. Since the color of these ingredients can vary, Bacardi bottlers need to continually adjust their recipe to maintain consistent flavor an...

Posted August 10, 2015 by Mike Huda

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