The Need for Industry Standards for Visual Color Evaluation in Retail LED Lighting In the retail industry, lighting is a critical factor that influences how products are perceived by customers. However, the lack of standardized LED lighting poses significant challenges that can impact both retailers and consumers. Inconsistent Color Reproduction One of the primary issues with the absence of standardized LED lighting is inconsistent color reproduction. Different LED lights can produce varying co...
The Future of Color Consistency: LED Lighting Solutions for Industry Standards For years, fluorescent bulbs have been a mainstay in industries requiring accurate color assessment, but their downsides are becoming increasingly hard to ignore. These lights require warm-up time and may distort color accuracy, both of which lead to production delays and translate into higher sample costs. More importantly, fluorescent bulbs contain hazardous materials like mercury, complicating their disposal...
Why Backward Compatibility in Spectrophotometers Is Key to Consistent Color If you’re here, chances are you rely on a benchtop spectrophotometer to keep your color quality on point. From textiles and plastics to paint, coatings, and more, these high-precision instruments are critical to maintain consistency in your processes. At X-Rite, we engineer our spectrophotometers to perform reliably for years, even in the toughest environments. But no instrument lasts forever, and eventually, an ...
Accelerate ROI, digital transformation, and sustainability with a digital textile color program. Hiccups in getting to market can be devasting for any type of business. For fashion, soft goods, apparel, and footwear brands, a major concern is missing out on the opportunity to increase sales and establish or reinforce brand credibility. Brands simply can’t afford any unnecessary slowdowns during the execution of a design due to delays in preliminary steps such as the color approval process....
Looking for a centralized location to manage your X-Rite products and services? Check out My X-Rite. Whether you need product information or support, service details, or access to learning resources, our free online portal is just a few clicks away. 24/7 Access: Easily access your personal dashboard from your computer or mobile device around the clock. Personalized Dashboard: See what matters most to you in one convenient location. Effortless Service & Support: Submit and track...
電機・電子機器に含まれる特定有害物質の使用制限に関するEU指令の最近の改定により、2025年2月24日までに、特殊用途向けの多くの蛍光灯に適用されている水銀に関する、現行の適用除外が撤廃されます。これらは、EU REACH規則の条項 2(b)(4)-Iで定義されています。適用除外撤廃後、欧州では、この適用除外に基づく蛍光灯のテクノロジーを含む新しい機器の販売は出来なくなります。 現在、エックスライト製の標準光源装置 SpectraLight QCに搭載されている蛍光灯は、このカテゴリの適用除外に該当します。 この規制に対応するため、当社は欧州におけるSpectraLight QCの販売を2025年2月24日以降停止しますが、適用除外撤廃後もサービスと交換部品でのサポートは規制の対象とならないため、販売を継続いたします。 この決定を受けて他の地域の国々も、欧州の規制に合わせると予想されます。近い将来、市場ではあらゆる種類の蛍光灯の販売が禁止されるでしょう。 こうした規制強化と、それに伴う蛍光灯製造の縮小により、蛍光灯の供給と調達はより厳しくなり、サプライヤーは蛍光灯の生産を集約しています...
The environmental footprint of fashion is out of control. According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), “Textile mills generate one-fifth of the world's industrial water pollution and use 20,000 chemicals, many of them carcinogenic, to make clothes.” Fabric being dyed in factory. Image from A Problem That Impacts Everyone Did you know it takes about 200 tons of water (enough to fill several swimming pools) to produce one ton of cott...
皆様の色の品質管理の工程には、目視評価が含まれていますか? もしそうでないなら、含めた方が良いでしょう。 標準光源装置SpectraLight QCを目視評価ワークフローの一部として使用 どの業種でも、色の評価は、測色計でサンプルを測色するだけではありません。測色計は色を許容範囲内だと表示していても、その結果は必ず人間の目に正しく見えるとは限りません。 顧客からの拒否を最小限に抑えるには、色管理プロセスに照明ブースでの視覚評価を含める必要があります。特に、同じ製品の異なるパーツを生産する場合です。なぜなら、工場内だけでなく、屋外や蛍光灯のある店舗など、世の中にどこで見られても、色の統一感が必要だからです。 本日は、皆様の品質管理の工程を、可能な限りレベルアップするために、目視評価するための10のヒントを紹介します。 目視評価に欠かせない標準光源装置を使用 エックスライト社製の標準光源装置SpectraLight QCは、さまざまな光源の下で色を評価・比較するための制御された環境を提供します。ここでは、標準光源装置の導入によって、色評価の工程を最大限に活用するための 10 のヒント...
This time of year, the internet is full of Top 10 Countdowns. It’s a tradition we’ve embraced since 1940 when the Billboard published its first chart ranking the top selling recorded songs. Since then, others have jumped on the bandwagon to highlight the most popular trends of the previous year. We’ve been publishing our top-read blogs since 2016, and we’re happy to see some educational topics like color perception, tolerancing, and spectrophotometers continue to r...
It’s important to ensure design intent is realized each time and everywhere a product appears. But with so many variables to impact print quality, how can brands utilize suppliers around the world and still achieve consistent color? Our X-Rite Pantone Packaging Color Experts have designed a series of consulting services and workshops to help you get the most from your print, packaging, plastic or textile value chain. Offered both online and onsite, these interactive sessions i...